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Bhakti Jagat

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Kulgachia Gram, Howrah District
6 May 2018, part 6


Guru Maharaj says that the sound wave, or the sound vibration, moves through the medium of ether. Ether means for example here the TV centre is in Kolkata, and when you turn your TV on, the antenna catches the signal from the TV centre in Kolkata and the sound wave comes here through ether. When we use a mobile phone here, we can hear people from a different place in India and abroad. It is the same principle. The sound wave travels through ether.

Suppose you, or somebody else, say that there is no such thing as world of devotion. What does Guru Maharaj say? Listen to it carefully. If your ears become deaf, will you hear anything that belongs to the world of sound? If your ears are deaf, you cannot hear anything—there is so much noise outside, people are talking, the microphone is working, but you cannot hear anything and you say, "There is no such thing as the sound world!" Is that the truth though? It is not. My ears are not deaf and I can hear everything. There is also the world of eye, a visual world, but for those who are blind there is nothing in this world—no light, no trees, no animals, no insects. So, you cannot see anything and you say there is nothing in this world, but is that the truth? It is not. For those who have ears there is a world of sound; for those who have eyes, there is a visual world. In the same way, those who have devotion know that the Lord exists. Remember this.

The Lord never says that you cannot hear Him—no, the Lord does exist for those who have devotion. Just as when you have ears, you know there is the sound of world, when you have eyes, you know there is a visual world (you can see buildings, you can see trees, pond, other people, and if you have no eyes, if you are blind, then you will not see anything)—in the same way, if you have devotion, you can see the Lord, you can have His darshan. Those who have faith in the Lord, who have devotion, can understand this.

You can get the Lord through the medium of devotion. Remember this. These are the words of Param Guru Maharaj Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj. We must always remember about it.


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Eternal Values
'How many days will you be alive in this world? Even if you are alive for thirty more years, then you will sleep for fifteen years, and the other fifteen you have other things to do, and the time is gone. How many days do we have to do Hari-bhajan? You must count it.'


Namo namah tulasi maharani
'By seeing or touching you, O Tulasi, all sins are destroyed. Your glories are sung in the Vedas and Puranas.'
নমো নমঃ তুলসী মহারাণি

In this Age, marriage, wedding, etc. means people do it for their own benefit—they gratify their their own senses, and get their own happiness.