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Rights For a Place His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Yesterday one Maharaj called me and said, "Maharaj, I have heard you are making a very big building in Mayapur now and you are writing some names there..." (There are names of those who were senior devotees or senior sannyasis in Gurudev's time, written there.) I said, "Yes, I am writing the names of those who are doing service for this big project there in Mayapur." Then, that Maharaj said, "I will send you some money, but I do not want a place in Mayapur, this is not a big thing for me—what I want is a place in your heart. Please, give me a place in your heart." I replied, "What are you saying? You are always in my heart..." This is the mood of some devotees. We must give a place for the Lord in our heart, but our hearts are full of other things—we have kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada, matsaryata, ahankar, rupa, rasa, gandha, sabda, sparsa, kanak, kamini, pratistha there [lust, anger, greed, illusion, bewilderment, envy, ego, desire to enjoy eye-pleasure, tongue-pleasure, nose-pleasure, ear-pleasure, touch-pleasure; desire for money, women, name and fame]. With all this in your heart, you will not be able to serve the Lord. Where will you give a place for the Lord? I always tell you: who will have the right, who will be able to chant the Name of the Lord? Tell me. Devotee: Trinad api sunichena... Yes.
তৃণাদপি সুনীচেন তরোরিব সহিষ্ণুনা ।
trnad api sunichena taror api sahisnuna "One who is humbler than a blade of grass, more forbearing than a tree, who gives honour to others without desiring it for himself, is qualified to always chant the Holy Name of Krishna." (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Antya-lila, 6.239) And what did Bhaktivinod Thakur write?
দৈন্য, দয়া, অন্যে মান, প্রতিষ্ঠা বর্জ্জন ।
dainya, daya anye mana, pratistha-varjana Humility, compassion, honouring others, and giving up prestige—become qualified with these four qualities and chant the Name. (Sri Siksastakam Giti) There must be no ego. "I am Math's manager, I am Math's manager"—if you think like this, you will not get the Lord—you will get everything, name, fame, etc., but you will not get the Lord. Guru Maharaj also said, "You will never be respected if you cannot respect others." We must be always humble, tolerant and give honour to others. We must be compassionate, merciful to others. If somebody says something bad about me, this is not a problem—I am actually worse than that...
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