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Flunkies of Flesh His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
There is one song,
Although it is very rare to get this human body (manava-janma), we have finally got it, but the truth is we cannot worship Radha-Krishna. "Krsna na bhajinu duhkha kahiba kahare." It must come to our mind, we must feel very sad because we cannot serve our Guru properly, we cannot serve to our Lord properly—we cannot practise Krishna consciousness properly.
We are always wasting time on family life. We are born, we play in our childhood, then we go to school, college, university, we get a job, after that we retire, but even then we also serve our grandsons, granddaughters. We always pass time, but you must think that one day you will leave this body. You are doing so many things for your body only—you are working the whole day only for your body, only to maintain your son, daughter, father, mother, etc., but when you leave this body, you will go to the cremation ghat—think what will happen to this body of yours then.
Your sons, daughters and other relatives will not give you any happiness when you leave your body.
You are like a donkey—it is carrying sugar but can never get any taste of that sugar. Who are you doing all this for? You must understand it. You work so much your whole life—you work day and night, who are doing it for? What is your real benefit in doing it? You do not know that it can bring benefit to this body only, but what is your ('your' means your jiva soul's) benefit? Do you think about that? Do you think about yourself properly?
The whole day passes, from sunrise to sunset, you work the whole day and night time you enjoy. Gurudev said that if you are alive for thirty years more, you must count that your lifetime is fifteen years more because you will spend the other fifteen years on sleeping at night. We do not think. We say many things, we do many things, we plan what we will do for ten years ahead, but we do not know that we can at once leave this body at any time. We are eating, sleeping and enjoying, but we do not think that we will not live in this body any more.
When our dead body is taken to the cremation ghat, so many insects will bite it then, so many things will happen—some insects, some ants will go into the ear, some will go into the eyes, they will eat your flesh. You know that sometimes some flood or some earthquake comes and you can see jackals and dogs making a feast of the bodies. This will happen to your body after death. Still, you are not running under the guidance of Guru and Vaishnavs—you are running under the guidance of your body. You must understand this and you must leave your attachment to the family life. You are attached to your family life, but that kind of attachment should come to Lord Krishna, Gauranga Mahaprabhu, and Gurudev. Search for Sri Krishna Reality the Beautiful! Search for Krishna-bhakti—you must search where you can get real devotion!
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