Our Disciplic Succession:
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
Sri Ramananda Ray's Answers
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Godavari, Kovvur, Andhra Pradesh
5 January 2019, part 5
[His Divine Grace continues and concludes reading from Sri
Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, chapter 8:]
Later, Mahaprabhu again met with Ramananda Ray, and this time Mahaprabhu
asked Ramananda Ray questions and Ramananda Ray gave answers:
prabhu kahe,—"kon vidya vidya-madhye sara?"
raya kahe,—"krsna-bhakti vina vidya nahi ara"
The Lord inquired, "Of all types of education, which is the most important?"
Ramananda Ray replied, "No education is important other than the
transcendental devotional service of Krishna."
Krishna-bhakti is the highest transcendental education
'kirti-gana-madhye jivera kon bada kirti?'
'krsna-bhakta baliya yanhara haya khyati'
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu then asked Ramananda Ray, "Out of all glorious
activities, which is the most glorious?" Ramananda Ray replied, "That person
who is reputed to be a devotee of Lord Krishna enjoys the utmost fame and
Kirti means glory. Mahaprabhu asks, "What is the highest glory? Who is
the most famous?" Ramananda Ray replied, "One who is a devotee of Krishna is
the highest person."
'sampatira madhye jivera kon sampati gani?'
'radha-krsne prema yanra, sei bada dhani'
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Of the many capitalists who possess great
riches, who is the topmost?" Ramananda Ray replied, "He who is richest in
love for Radha and Krishna is the greatest capitalist."
Sampati means property, wealth. What is the proper, the greatest
wealth? Who is rich? One who has love and devotion for Radha-Krishna.
'duhkha-madhye kona duhkha haya gurutara?'
'krsna-bhakta-viraha vina duhkha nahi dekhi para'
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Of all kinds of distress, what is the most
painful?" Sri Ramananda Ray replied, "Apart from separation from the devotee
of Krishna, I know of no unbearable unhappiness."
What is the greatest sadness in life? Sometimes we think, "Oh, my parents
have died," "My wife has died," "My husband has died," "My son has died"—we
think this is very sad, but actually it is not sad. The greatest sadness is
separation from a devotee.
Next question is who is the liberated soul? One who is Krishna-premik—who has
love and devotion—is the greatest liberated soul.
'mukta-madhye kon jiva mukta kari' mani?'
'krsna-prema yanra, sei mukta-siromani'
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu then inquired, "Out of all liberated persons, who
should be accepted as the greatest?" Ramananda Ray replied, "He who has love
for Krishna has attained the topmost liberation."
'gana-madhye kona gana—jivera nija dharma?'
'radha-krsnera prema-keli'—yei gitera marma
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu next asked Ramananda Ray, "Among many songs, which
song is to be considered the actual religion of the living entity?" Ramananda
Ray replied, "That song describing the loving affairs of Sri Radha and
Krishna is superior to all other songs."
Next question is what is 'sreyo'? 'Sreyo' means 'auspicious'.
Auspiciousness is the association of a devotee of Krishna.
'sreyo-madhye kona sreyah jivera haya sara?'
'krsna-bhakta-sanga vina sreyah nahi ara'
Then Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Out of all auspicious and beneficial
activities, which is best for the living entity?" Ramananda Ray replied, "The
only auspicious activity is association with the devotees of Krishna."
Next question. What should we remember every day? Krishna is the only object
of daily, eternal remembrance. Krishna also gives the injunction, "Remember
Me, and do not forget Me."
'kanhara smarana jiva karibe anuksana?'
'krsna'-nama-guna-lila—pradhana smarana'
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "What should all living entities constantly
remember?" Ramananda Ray replied, "The chief objects of remembrance are
always the Lord's Holy Name, qualities and pastimes."
'dhyeya-madhye jivera kartavya kon dhyana?'
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu further inquired, "Out of many types of meditation,
which is required for all living entities?" Srila Ramananda Ray replied, "The
chief duty of every living entity is to meditate upon the lotus feet of Radha
and Krishna."
What is the greatest meditation (dhyan)? Srila Bhakti Siddhanta
Saraswati Thakur told,
মাতল হরিজন কীর্ত্তন-রঙ্গে ।
পূজল রাগপথ গৌরব-ভঙ্গে ॥
matala hari-jana kirtana-range
pujala raga-patha gaurava-bhange
"From afar we shall worship the raga-patha, the path of spontaneous
affectionate service, while we ourselves shall live within the Vedic
Then, next question is what is the greatest place of residence?
'sarva tyaji' jivera kartavya kahan vasa?'
'vraja-bhumi vrndavana yahan lila-rasa'
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Where should the living entity live,
abandoning all other places?" Ramananda Ray replied, "He should live in the
holy place known as Vrndavana or Vrajabhumi, where the Lord performed His
rasa dance."
But do not think that you must now leave Vijayawada and go stay in Vrindavan.
Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur told that Vrindavan is where the
sadhu is.
যে দিন গৃহে ভজন দেখি ।
গৃহেতে গোলোক ভায় ॥
ye dina grhe bhajana dekhi
grhete goloka bhaya
On the days when I see devotional service taking place in my home, I feel
that Goloka has manifested there.
('Suddha-bhakata-charana-renu' by Srila Bhakti Vinod
If you stay in Vrindavan, Mathura, or Govardhan for your own enjoyment, for
own interest, that is not residence in Govardhan, that is not staying in
Mathura. That is why Mahaprabhu said,
vrndavane giya na thakiya chira kala
govardhane uthiya na dekhiya gopala
"When you go to Vrindavan, do not stay there for a long time and do not climb
the Govardhan Hill to see Gopal."
You can only stay in Vrindavan for service; without service, you cannot stay
there because Vrindavan is a place of Radhanuga-bhakti (devotion under
the guidance of Srimati Radharani), and if you try to imitate what all the
Vraja gopis do, you will go to hell.
'sravana-madhye jivera kon srestha sravana?'
'radha-krsna-prema-keli karna-rasayana'
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Out of all topics people listen to, which is
best for all living entities?" Ramananda Ray replied, "Hearing about the
loving affairs between Radha and Krishna is most pleasing to the ear."
Once, a disciple of Gurudev wanted to hear Radha-Krishna's pastimes from
Gurudev, but Gurudev replied, "If you hear it, you will get pregnant."
'upasyera madhye kon upasya pradhana?'
'srestha upasya—yugala 'radha-krsna' nama'
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Among all worshipable objects, which is the
chief?" Ramananda Ray replied, "The chief worshipable object is the Holy Name
of Radha and Krishna, the Hare Krishna mantra."
You must keep this in your heart, do not show it to others.
মাতল হরিজন কীর্ত্তন-রঙ্গে ।
পূজল রাগপথ গৌরব-ভঙ্গে ॥
matala hari-jana kirtana-range
pujala raga-patha gaurava-bhange
"From afar we shall worship the raga-patha, the path of spontaneous
affectionate service, while we ourselves shall live within the Vedic
You must practise sravanam and kirtanam, but as for worshipping
Radha-Krishna's lotus feet, you must keep that in your heart.
'mukti, bhukti vanchhe yei, kahan dunhara gati?'
'sthavara-deha, deva-deha yaichhe avasthiti'
"And what is the destination of those who desire liberation and those who
desire sense gratification?" Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked. Ramananda Ray
replied, "Those who attempt to merge into the existence of the Supreme Lord
will have to accept bodies like those of trees. And those who are overly
inclined toward sense gratification will attain the bodies of demigods."
What is the destination of those who want liberation and enjoyment? They get
another body or a demigod's body.
Then, Ramananda Ray said,
arasa-jna kaka chuse jnana-nimba-phale
rasa-jna kokila khaya premamra-mukule
Ramananda Ray continued, "Those who are devoid of all transcendental mellows
are like the crows that suck the juice from the bitter fruits of the nimba
tree of knowledge, whereas those who enjoy mellows are like the cuckoos who
eat the buds of the mango tree of love of Godhead."
eka samsaya mora achhaye hrdaye
krpa kari' kaha more tahara nischaye
Ramananda Ray then said that he had but one doubt within his heart, and he
petitioned the Lord, "Please be merciful upon me and just remove my
pahile dekhilun tomara sannyasi-svarupa
ebe toma dekhi muni syama-gopa-rupa
Ramananda Ray then told Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, "At first I saw You
appear like a sannyasi, but now I am seeing You as Syamasundara, the cowherd
tomara sammukhe dekhi kanchana-panchalika
tanra gaura-kantye tomara sarva anga dhaka
"I now see You appearing like a golden doll, and Your entire body appears
covered by a golden luster.
tahate prakata dekhon sa-vamsi vadana
nana bhave chanchala tahe kamala-nayana
"I see that You are holding a flute to Your mouth, and Your lotus eyes are
moving very restlessly due to various ecstasies.
ei-mata toma dekhi' haya chamatkara
akapate kaha, prabhu, karana ihara
"I actually see You in this way, and this is very wonderful. My Lord, please
tell me without duplicity what is causing this."
prabhu kahe,—krsne tomara gadha-prema haya
premara svabhava ei janiha nischaya
Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "You have a deep love for Krishna, and
one who has such deep ecstatic love for the Lord naturally sees things in
such a way. Please take this from Me to be certain.
maha-bhagavata dekhe sthavara-jangama
tahan tahan haya tanra sri-krsna-sphurana
"A devotee advanced on the spiritual platform sees everything movable and
inert as the Supreme Lord. For him, everything he sees here and there is but
a manifestation of Lord Krishna.
sthavara-jangama dekhe, na dekhe tara murti
sarvatra haya nija ista-deva-sphurti
"The maha-bhagavata, the advanced devotee, certainly sees everything mobile
and immobile, but he does not exactly see their forms. Rather, everywhere he
immediately sees manifest the form of the Supreme Lord."
radha-krsne tomara maha-prema haya
yahan tahan radha-krsna tomare sphuraya
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "My dear Ray, you are an advanced
devotee and are always filled with ecstatic love for Radha and Krishna.
Therefore whatever you see—anywhere and everywhere—simply awakens your
Krishna consciousness."
raya kahe,—prabhu tumi chhada bhari-bhuri
mora age nija-rupa na kariha churi
Ramananda Ray replied, "My dear Lord, please give up all these serious talks.
Please do not conceal Your real form from me."
Ramananda Ray said, "Prabhu, do not hide from me! Do not try to deceive
radhikara bhava-kanti kari' angikara
nija-rasa asvadite kariyachha avatara
Ramananda Ray continued, "My dear Lord, I can understand that You have
assumed the ecstasy and bodily complexion of Srimati Radharani. By accepting
these, You are tasting Your own personal transcendental humor and have
therefore appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
nija-gudha-karya tomara—prema asvadana
anusange prema-maya kaile tribhuvana
"My dear Lord, You have descended in this incarnation of Lord Chaitanya for
Your own personal reasons. You have come to taste Your own spiritual bliss,
and at the same time You are transforming the whole world by spreading the
ecstasy of love of Godhead.
apane aile more karite uddhara
ebe kapata kara,—tomara kona vyavahara
"My dear Lord, by Your causeless mercy You have appeared before me to grant
me liberation. Now You are playing in a duplicitous way. What is the reason
for this behavior?"
Then Mahaprabhu laughed,
tabe hasi' tanre prabhu dekhaila svarupa
'rasa-raja', 'mahabhava'—dui eka rupa
Lord Sri Krishna is the reservoir of all pleasure, and Srimati Radharani is
the personification of ecstatic love of Godhead. These two forms had combined
as one in Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Smiling, Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
revealed His real form to Ramananda Ray.
dekhi' ramananda haila anande murchchhite
dharite na pare deha, padila bhumite
Upon seeing this form, Ramananda Ray lost consciousness in transcendental
bliss. Unable to remain standing, he fell to the ground.
prabhu tanre hasta sparsi' karaila chetana
sannyasira vesa dekhi' vismita haila mana
When Ramananda Ray fell to the ground unconscious, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
touched his hand, and he immediately regained consciousness. But when he saw
Lord Chaitanya in the dress of a sannyasi, he was struck with wonder.
alingana kari' prabhu kaila asvasana
toma vina ei-rupa na dekhe anya-jana
After embracing Ramananda Ray, the Lord pacified him, informing him, "But for
you, no one has ever seen this form."
mora tattva-lila-rasa tomara gochare
ataeva ei-rupa dekhailun tomare
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu confirmed, "All the truths about My pastimes and
mellows are within your knowledge. Therefore I have shown this form to
gaura anga nahe mora—radhanga-sparsana
gopendra-suta vina tenho na sparse anya-jana
"Actually My body does not have a fair complexion. It only appears so because
it has touched the body of Srimati Radharani. However, She does not touch
anyone but the son of Nanda Maharaj..."
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