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(1/6) Primary Realisation His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
ব্রহ্মাণ্ড ভ্রমিতে কোন ভাগ্যবান্ জীব ।
brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva 'Having travelled throughout the universe, some fortunate souls receive the seed of the devotional creeper by the mercy of Sri Guru, who is non-different from Krishna.' (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.19.151) Some rare fortunate souls come in connection with a sadhu, and as the result of their association with the sadhu, they can understand everything. What we must understand first is 'Who am I?' I have been telling about it everywhere. 'Who am I?' Everybody must know the answer to this question. I am not my body: my body and I are not one and the same thing. When I was giving a lecture in Nepal, somebody asked me, 'How can I know that I am not this body? I think that I and my body are the same thing.' The person who asked me that question was a doctor, so I told him, 'Sir, your science says that when you eat some food, that food enters the body – something is absorbed by the body, and the rest comes out with stool. So, if you say that you are your body, it means that when you eat potato, you become a potato!' The man was perplexed and had to agree that he was wrong. This body and that which I am are not one and the same thing. This is what you must realise first of all. In this world, people only think about their bodies' wellness: 'What will I eat?', 'What will I wear?', 'Where will I work?' Everyone, 100% people, think about these things – they think about their bodies, but they do not think about their souls. They do not worry about their souls' wellness. Many people say, 'Eat whatever your soul pleases.' But the function of the soul is service to Paramatma. You must understand that your body has no connection with the Lord. Many of you here have children. If you compare your blood with the blood of your children, you will see that it is the same blood. So, our parents give us these bodies, but they do not give us our souls (they do not produce that which we are). Try to understand what I am saying. We come from the Lord: the Lord has created our souls. But the problem is that we forget the Lord. We forget the most important thing. Goats get their goat bodies from their goat parents, cows get their cow bodies from their cow parents, but there are souls inside all living entities. When the soul is present within a body, it enables the body to do everything (to speak, to move arms, legs, etc.), but once that soul leaves the body, the body becomes useless. This soul is a particle of the Lord. How is it possible to know Him? By contacting Him. We have a relationship with the Lord. The soul knows what Paramatma (the Lord) needs, and Paramatma knows what our soul needs. We have a relationship, and the soul knows this relationship. Therefore, what we must do is establish a relationship with our souls: we must realise that we are souls. The souls that are attacked by illusory environment do not understand this, but when they get the association of sadhus, they can gradually understand this. Once they understand it, they get supreme benefit.
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Primary Realisation
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