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(2/6) Plain and Simple

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Tarakeshwar, 9 February 2019, part 2
Translated from Bengali


When you understand who you are, then you will wonder, 'What must I do?' and sadhus and gurus will come to explain it to you.

আদৌশ্রদ্ধা ততঃ সাধুসঙ্গোঽথ ভজনক্রিয়া ।
ততোঽনর্থনিবৃত্তিঃ স্যাৎ ততো নিষ্ঠা রুচিস্ততঃ ॥
অথাসক্তিস্ততো ভাবস্ততঃ প্রেমাভ্যুদঞ্চতি ।
সাধকানাময়ং প্রেম্ণঃ প্রাদুর্ভাবে ভবেৎ ক্রমঃ ॥

adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sango 'tha bhajana-kriya
tato 'nartha-nivrttih syat tato nistha ruchis tatah
athasaktis tato bhavas tatah premabhyudanchati
sadhakanam ayam premnah pradurbhave bhavet kramah

'First, there is faith; then, saintly association and practising life. After that, unwanted habits gradually go away, spiritual life becomes stable, and spiritual taste comes. Then comes attachment, feeling and finally transcendental love. This is how love for the Lord comes to those who practise Krishna consciousness.'

(Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, 1.4.15-16)

First is faith, then association of saints, then removal of unwanted habits, then continuity, then taste, then attachment, then divine feelings, love, transcendental love – all these things come gradually from faith.

You cannot do two things at a time, it does not work like that. Suppose you are doing a fire sacrifice: you put a spoonful of ghee into the fire, and after that you put a spoonful of water into the fire – is it possible to make a fire sacrifice like that? You cannot do both at the same time.

ভক্তি-অনুকূল মাত্র কার্য্যের স্বীকার ।
ভক্তি-প্রতিকূল ভব—বর্জ্জনাঙ্গীকার ॥

bhakti-anukula matra karyera svikara
bhakti-pratikula bhava—varjanangikara

'Engage yourself only in what is favourable to devotion and reject what is unfavourable to devotion.'

(Saranagati, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

We must do what is favourable to devotion and give up what is unfavourable. If you do both what is favourable and what is unfavourable, it will not take you anywhere. Always remember this, always think about this. We are not asked to do anything grand or anything impossible – we do not need to read great scriptures, we do not need to read millions of books. There is a whole gigantic ocean of scriptures out there, but if you are thirsty and drink just a drop of water, that is sufficient – what do you need a whole ocean for? Many people say that you must read Vedas, Vedanta, this, that, Mahabharata, Bhagavatam, Ramayana, Gita – there are thousands and thousands of scriptures out there, but if you read all that, what will that give you? All we need to know is that we are to know the Lord and we are to serve the Lord. There is no need for a whole ocean of knowledge. You cannot drink a whole ocean – all you need is a glass of water. What will you do with a whole ocean? If you cannot understand it now, you will understand it later. Always remember this, always keep these things in your heart.

You must know the Lord, you must serve and worship the Lord, taking the Lord as your own:

বিষয়ে যে প্রীতি এবে আছয়ে আমার ।
সেই মত প্রীতি হউক চরণে তোমার ॥

visaye ye priti ebe achhaye amara
sei-mata priti hauk charane tomara

'May I have the same love and attraction to Your holy feet that I now have for material things.'

(Sri Gitavali, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

Offering some incense, blowing the conch, etc. – this is not devotion. When we offer worship or do any service, we must do it with heart and soul and with faith. If we can do that, we will get the highest benefit. It does not take much: it is not necessary to go out of your way or do anything grand.


— : • : —





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Size: 17.8 Mb
Length: 36 min
Language: Bengali




1) Primary Realisation
2) Plain and Simple
3) Through Trials and Tribulations
4) Illusion and Delusion
5) Live in Sadhu-Sanga
6) Material Quirks




Setting on the Right Track (Part 1)
'How much can we proceed in our spiritual life and why did we come to Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math? Again and again we do Nabadwip Dham Parikrama, but how much can we use ourselves for the service to the Guru, Vaishnavs, Bhagavan?'

Although we have everything, still we are suffering so much.