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(3) We Cannot Ignore Nityananda Prabhu

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham, evening class,
16 February 2019, part 3
Translated from Bengali


We will visit many places tomorrow to offer our obeisances. Actually, we do not have the eyes to see these places – we only have these illusory eyes.

অন্ধীভূত চক্ষু যার বিষয ধূলিতে ।
কিরূপে সে পরতত্ত্ব পাইবে দেখিতে ॥

andhibhuta chaksu yara visaya dhulite
ki rupe se para-tattva paibe dekhite

'My eyes are blind with the dust of visaya, the material world – how can I see the transcendental world?'

Our eyes have become blind under the influence of illusory environment, then how will we see the Deities? It is not possible to see Deities with material eyes. When Maya Devi gives her mercy and makes our eyes pure, we will be able to see the effulgent transcendental world; otherwise, we will always see only Maya, only material things. We cannot see the transcendental world now because our eyes are full of dust. We live in the illusory world and cannot see the proper things, that is why we have no capacity to behold Deities. All we can do is come in front of Deities and offer our obeisances, praying, 'O Lord, please forgive my offences. I have committed many offences at Your holy feet and at the holy feet of Your devotees.' This is all we can cry for, this is all we can say. If you can say this, it can give you great benefit, but it is necessary to say it sincerely, it must come from your heart. This is not something that can be said hypocritically or to show off in front of others. You must say with your heart, 'My Lord, I find no qualities, no qualification within me – your mercy is everything. I do not know anything, I do not understand anything. I am nothing. I do not have any attachment to serving Nityananda Prabhu's devotees, to serving Gaura-Nityananda.' You must always remember this. Such humility must come to everybody. We are always making mistakes, we are always doing wrong because we have no attachment to the service of Gaura-Nityananda's devotees. We must lament, 'I have not got any attachment to Nitai!'

We cannot ignore Nityananda Prabhu. Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj says that if we ignore Nityananda Prabhu, all our spiritual life, all our practices and attempts will become as false as a mere dream. Nityananda Prabhu is so very necessary in our lives! If we cannot understand this, then all our attempts, all our spiritual life is a dream-like farce – there is nothing left then. We want Nitai's mercy! Without Nityananda Prabhu's mercy we cannot do anything. Therefore, we must get His mercy.

The Lord is testing you in many ways – you have to put up with many austerities here. Somebody has to lie on the cold veranda, mosquitoes biting. You have taken so much trouble to come here, but we are at Nityananda Prabhu's holy feet here.

I have told you before that when I came here for the first time, I spent the night under a tree (in a place outside where the temple is now). I did not find any place to stay – nobody knew me, so who would take me in for the night here? I bought a sheet of plastic and made a small tent with it. At night, mosquitoes started biting, so I went into the car and tried to sleep there – I closed the windows and doors, tried to sleep but could not, then again went to the tent and tried to sleep there. This is how I spent the whole night. When I first came here, there was only a big field of wheat and mustard. When we made the first festival (in Guru Maharaj's time), we had to hire a tractor to take out the wheat and mustard and to level the ground, then we made a pandal and arranged the festival. After that, construction started and all these buildings appeared. Now I see that there are not enough rooms here, so I am thinking how to make one more floor. I will try to make it so that devotees do not have to struggle when they come here. If Nityananda Prabhu's devotees come and have to struggle, then whatever service I try to do, it is all useless. We must always come forward to serve Nityananda Prabhu's devotees.


First appearance festival of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math in Sri Ekachakra Dham on 19 February 2008



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Matchless Mercy, Matchless Misfortune
'Can you see anybody as kind as Nityananda Prabhu, as kind as Gurudev? If you hear Nityananda Prabhu's glorification, tears will come automatically, stone will be melted, but our heart is so hard, nothing happens, nothing changes in us.'

We should realise it ourselves: how much can we proceed in our spiritual life and why did we come to Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math?