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(9/12) Keep Your Charge Up

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Hooghly District, preaching programme,
23 February 2019, noon, part 9
Translated from Bengali


Sadhus and gurus come to this world to remind people about the Lord.

Suppose you buy a mobile phone. If you do not charge it for one–two days, the phone will not work. It is necessary to charge it. Harinam and kirtan are also like that. This is our charge. We must serve the Lord every single day, then we will get supreme benefit. When Maya Devi sees that a soul that used to be averse to the Lord is now surrendered to the Lord, she understands, 'This jiva soul has surrendered to my Master, so I will slowly remove myself from this soul.' Maya is where there is darkness – there is no Maya where there is light. We must always remember this. We must live remembering this and chanting the Holy Name. Say with me:

হরে কৃষ্ণ হরে কৃষ্ণ কৃষ্ণ কৃষ্ণ হরে হরে ।
হরে রাম হরে রাম রাম রাম হরে হরে ॥

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

মহান্ত-স্বভাব এই তারিতে পামর ।
নিজ-কার্য্য নাহি তবু যান তার ঘর ॥

mahanta-svabhava ei tarite pamara
nija karya nahi tabu yana tara ghara

'The innate nature of great souls is to deliver vile, fallen souls: great souls never come to their homes for any personal purpose.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.8.39)

Sadhus and gurus do not go anywhere for their own interest. They come to other people's houses to rescue the souls who have turned away from the Lord. This Prabhu has invited you today to his house. He called you all, 'Gurudev is coming, please come and listen to what comes out of his holy mouth, it will bring you benefit.' He has made all these arrangements – taking all the trouble to install the pandal, to get the microphones, prepare prasad for everybody – he will certainly get benefit, and those of you who have come here will also be befitted if you sincerely chant the Holy Name. Do not forget about this when you go back to your homes. Reason with your husbands, children.

Reason with yourself. Do not think about your tongue's greed. Leave these small things. If you do not eat meat and fish, nothing will happen to you. I have made a leaflet about eating meat and the consequences. We will distribute them to you, please read them.

If you eat meat, it means that you are eating your own meat.

যো যস্য মাংসমশ্নাতি স তন্মাংসাদ উচ্যতে ।
মৎস্যাদঃ সর্বমাংসাদস্তস্মান্মৎস্যান্ বিবর্জয়েৎ ॥

yo yasya mamsam-asnati sa tan mamsada uchyate
matsyadah sarva-mamsadas-tasman-mat-syan vivarjayet

'Those who eat meat are called meat-eaters, but those who eat fish devour all kinds of meat (cow, pig, etc. even one's own meat). Therefore, one must completely give up eating fish.'

(Manu-samhita, 5.15)

মাংসভক্ষয়িতামুত্র যস্য মাংসমিহাদ্ম্যহম্ ।
এতন্মাংসস্য মাংসত্বং প্রবদন্তি মনীষিণঃ ॥

mam sa bhaksayitamutra yasya mamsam ihadmy aham
etan mamsasya mamsatvam pravadanti manisinah

'That creature whose flesh I am eating here and now will consume me in the next life.' Thus meat is called mamsa [mam—me, sa—he, I am eating him, he will eat me], as described by learned authorities.'

(Manu-samhita, 5.55)

If you cannot live without eating fish, your soul will get a cat's body next time and will be able to eat fish all day long; and when your human body is burnt or buried, it gets mixed with soil, and another body will be created from that soil. Bodies are created from five elements: earth (ksiti, ক্ষিতি), water (apa, অপ), fire (teja, তেজ), air (marut, মরুৎ) and ether (vyoma, ব্যোম). You can see that when the body is burnt, some smoke comes out, it also gets mixed with air and then falls onto the ground in the form of rain. So, while you get a new body of a cat, your old body gets mixed with soil and a body of a fish is created. Then, you, as a cat, will eat that fish. This is how you eat your own flesh. Another thing is that eating fish or chicken is the same as eating cow's meat – it is all the same as eating meat. That is why sadhus reject fish, meat, etc. Sadhus take vegetables, use them in the service of the Lord and then take prasad. Keep this in your heart; remember this.

In these leaflets that we will give you, I have gathered quotations from various sources and religions that talk about the harm of non-vegetarian food... Read them carefully.


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Size: 29.9 Mb
Length: 63 min
Language: Bengali




1) Eternal Servitude
2) Morning Tells the Day
3) Real Milk – Real Benefit
4) Sins and Animals
5) Remember Your Promises
6) Core of Krishna Consciousness
7) Relief from Miseries
8) Toxic Life
9) Keep Your Charge Up
10) Brahmans' Trade
11) Greed Is Sin, Sin Is Death
12) Seeking Happiness and Peace




A Temple Manager's Qualities
'To run a temple, you do not have to be a big guru. If you are gentle, if you have some quality, have sympathy, love and affection, for others, you can be a proper manager of a temple.'

What is coming from Gurudev's lotus mouth, we must believe that.