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(4/7) Chad Kazi Purified

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nabadwip Dham Parikrama, Day Two
18 March 2019, evening class, part 4
Translated from Bengali


We have also been to Chad Kazi's samadhi-mandir today. [His Divine Grace starts reading from a book, summarising Mahaprabhu's pastime related to Chad Kazi.]

One time, a servant came to Chad Kazi and complained, 'I tell Hindu people: among you, somebody is Krishna Das, somebody is Ram Das, somebody is Hari Das, and because you bear these names, you chant, "Hari! Hari!" But when you say, "Hari! Hari!" what you actually say is, "Churi kari (চুরি করি)! Churi kari (চুরি করি)! I steal! I steal!" You chant the Lord's Name and become puffed up. Most of you come to people's houses and, saying "Hari! Hari!", steal their wealth (dhan churi kari). One day, I laughed at them like this, but since that day my tongue has gone out of control – it has only been chanting, "Hari! Hari!"'

Then, some atheist Hindus came to Kazi to complain about Nimai. 'Nimai Pandit is destroying our religion! We keep a night-long vigil to observe the worship of Mangalachandi and Visahari – we play musical instruments, dance and chant – but since Nimai came back from Gaya, He has started spreading a religion that opposes all that! He used to be a good boy before, but after He came back from Gaya, His head has changed – He has gone crazy! Taking drums and cymbals, He dances and loudly chants kirtan at random times! We cannot sleep at night! The peaceful life of the whole town is now disturbed. Nimai has changed His own Name and now preaches calling Himself Gaurahari. He is destroying the Hindu religion. Nabadwip has become deserted because of Him! He welcomes lowly people and encourages them to chant the Holy Names, but in the Hindu religion, the Name of God is the highest, and when all those lowly people now chant those Names, the power of the Name will be destroyed. Starting His loud kirtan in Nabadwip, Nimai has disrupted all peace in Nabadwip. You are the governor of the town, so please do something. Kick Nimai out of here!'

When Nimai heard Chad Kazi's mouth uttering the Lord's Name while describing those complaints, He was very pleased. He touched Chad Kazi and told everybody, 'He has pronounced the Names of Hari, Krishna, Narayan, so all his sins and offences have been removed!'

Hearing this, Chad Kazi touched Mahaprabhu's feet, and Mahaprabhu then asked him for these alms, 'Make so that nobody in the future ever obstructs My kirtan.' Chad Kazi promised, 'Yes, if anybody in my family does not chant kirtan in the future, I will disown them.'

About a hundred years ago [when the book from which His Divine Grace is reading], the twelfth generation of Chad Kazi lived near Chad Kazi's samadhi-mandir in Nabadwip; after that the family left for another place.

This book that I have just read to you from was written by Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. So, you have now also heard a little about Chad Kazi, whose samadhi-mandir we have visited today.


— : • : —





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Size: 28.5 Mb
Length: 56 min
Language: Bengali




1) Future Vision
2) Happiness amidst Sadness
3) Smooth Parikrama Day
4) Chad Kazi Purified
5) Meaning of Vaishnav-Seva
6) Sole Sustenance: Sravanam, Kirtanam and Smaranam
7) Sincerity vs. Excuses




Meeting Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya
'..In the meantime, Mahaprabhu reached the Jagannath temple. Chanting 'Jagannath, Jagannath,' He entered the Garba mandir.'

Sometimes you will not get taste, but you should ask yourself, 'Why am I not getting
taste?', and you must think, 'Something bad has come into my mind, for that I am not
getting taste through chanting.'