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Inconceivable Nitai

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Kolkata, speaking online to
devotees in São Paulo (Brazil),
26 May 2019, part 3


Who can understand Nityananda Prabhu?

One day, I remember I read in Sri Chaitanya-bhagavat, Sriman Nityananda Prabhu came to Srivas Pandit's house. There, Srivas Pandit's wife Malini always worshipped the Deities, did puja, and that day she was doing archan with milk, yoghurt, etc. when suddenly a crow came and took her archan pot away. Afraid, she began to cry, "What will happen today? If Srivas Pandit hears it, he will chastise me." Suddenly, Nityananda Prabhu came to her and said, "Do not cry. Do not worry, I will tell the bird to give you back the pot." Then Nityananda Prabhu told the bird, "Hey, give the pot back!" and the crow actually came and returned the pot. Malini thought, "He is not an ordinary person! He ordered the crow and the crow gave her pot back. He is like my son..." Thinking like this, suddenly milk started coming from her breasts—there was no milk, but suddenly milk came, and Nityananda Prabhu drank it.

There is another thing I want to tell you. One day, Mahaprabhu was at home taking prasadam with devotees, when suddenly Nityananda Prabhu ran in stark naked. Seeing him, Mahaprabhu asked Him, "What has happened to You? Where are Your clothes? Why are You naked?!" Nityananda Prabhu answered something like a madman, and Mahaprabhu quickly took a piece of cloth and Himself put it on Nityananda Prabhu. Nityananda Prabhu was not conscious of anything. Seeing this, Sachi Mata laughed—she thought to herself, "Nityananda is My son, He and Nimai and my two sons, like Vishvarup and Vishvambhar."

This is what happened at Sachi Mata's house. There are so many pastimes of Nityananda Prabhu and Mahaprabhu...


— : • : —





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Sanatan-siksa: Delusion of Liberation
His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj is reading from Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, chapter 22: 'There are jnanis who think they have already achieved the stage of liberation in their life, but actually without devotion to Krishna their intelligence can never be pure.'


Thakura vaisnava-gana
'Lust, anger, greed, illusion, pride, and ego all pull me in their own directions. Thus my mind wanders like a blind man who does not know the right way from the wrong way.'
ঠাকুর বৈষ্ণবগণ

I always swim in the samsara-samudra, the ocean of material environment...
Prabhu, please rescue me from that kind of environment.