Our Disciplic Succession:
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
Sri Radhastami and Sons of Nectar
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
29 August 2019, part 2, Kolkata
This coming week, on 6 September this year, there is going to be the festival
of Sri Radhastami. I wrote something about it in Guidance 3.
Sri Radhastami
Tomorrow, our holy Math observes the festival of Sri Sri Radhastami. Sri
Radha is the only worshippable Deity of Gaudiya Vaisnavs—we say 'the only'
because if it was not for Gaudiya line, no one would be able to get the
qualification to serve Sri Radha, nor would anyone have any appreciation for
it. The Lord of the Gaudiyas (Gaudiyanath) has revealed to the world the
deepest secret of this service and worship:
prema namadbhutarthah sravana-patha-gatah kasya namnam mahimnah
ko vetta kasya vrndavana-vipina-maha madhurisu pravesah
ko va janati radham parama-rasa-chamatkara-madhurya-simlam
ekas chaitanya-chandrah parama-karunaya sarvam avischakara
(Sri Chaitanya-chandramrta, 10.130)
"Would anyone have heard that 'prema' (divine love of God) is the
highest destination? Would anyone have known the glory of the Holy Name?
Would anyone have had access to the kadamba forests of Vrndavan,
filled with unfathomable sweetness? Would anyone have known Sri Varsabhanavi
(Sri Radha, the highest worshippable Deity), who is the resplendent
embodiment of superb excellence of sweet ecstatic love
(madhurya-mahabhav)? Sri Chaitanya-chandra has revealed all this
manifesting His supreme magnanimous pastimes."
যদি গৌর না হ'ত তবে কি হইত
কেমনে ধরিতাম দে ।
রাধার মহিমা প্রেমরস-সীমা
জগতে জানাত কে ? ॥
yadi gaura na ha'ta tabe ki ha-ita
kemane dharitam de
radhara mahima, prema-rasa-sima
jagate janata ke?
"If Gaura had not come, then what would have happened? How would we have
maintained our lives? Who would have revealed to the world Radha's glory and
the extremes of Her ecstatic divine love?"
(Srila Vasudev Ghosh Thakur)
If Gauranga had not come, who would have distributed Krishna, Radharani's
highest love? Who else could distribute that? Krishna is the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. "Why is Radharani crying chanting His Name? Why is
Radharani chanting His Holy Name?" She always chants, "Krishna, Krishna."
"What taste does Radharani get serving Me?" Krishna wanted to taste that
sweetness, for that He came in this age of Kali as a combined form of Radha
Krishna, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu.
Revealing is not the same as creating. Those who are covered by the shadow
external potency of the Lord (worldly writers, archaeologists, material
academic scholars, et al.) consider that Sri Chaitanyadev, Sri Radhika or
Their predecessors are a creation of song-writers or Puranas!
Actually, if they broaden their narrow fossil conception only a little bit,
they will never think that the transcendental may take some other form being
subject to birth and death.
There are authors who write statements like this about Sri Radhika saying
that many people exaggerate Her greatness. One author wrote, "Sri
Radhika-sundari is created by devotion and love. She is neither anyone's
daughter, nor born from a pond. There is no such image of a woman in the
entire scope of poetry on this planet that could convey a particle of Her
separation or could accommodate even one single wave of Her happiness." Some
other author takes liberty to write, "At first Srimati Radha appeared in
Brahma-vaivarta and several other Sanskrit books, and then She entered
the assembly of gods on an auspicious day in the age of Aryans (Dvapar-yuga).
The eternally worshippable gods and goddesses were shadowed by Her stark
beauty. Poets and devotees were overjoyed to see this Goddess who is like an
untouched malati flower fallen from the tree—they took the flowers
they had collected for Durga Devi and Kali Devi, their permanent worshippable
Deities, and let it swing on the neck of Sri Radhika."
If we were to decry all these modern age defaming produced by the writers in
the veil of ancient wisdom, it would require explaining many things. As this
most secret great ocean is not revealed at the market of common people
attached to lust and anger but is kept carefully amidst the hidden treasure,
these writers, scholars, wisers or commonplace devotional movements with
their gross intellect do not get the qualification to see Srimati Radharani
(to have Her darsan) within Srimad Bhagavatam. How can this
most profound fact be explained at a large scale to those who are engrossed
in the material world? Because Sir Isaac Newton observed the law of gravity
in a garden in a town called Woolsthorpe, it is considered that this is the
'birth' of this law—before that, nobody had known about the existence of this
law, neither had the spoken law actually existed before that. This is when
the domain of guesswork terminates. Perhaps, America was known to people long
before 1492 when Columbus discovered it, but the ancient evidence is now
probably buried within some archaeological site. Before the ancient
archaeological site at Mohenjo-daro was discovered, nobody could even think
about the existence of this civilisation. Therefore, when the scope of human
knowledge is insufficient to know about the material creation, when we try to
judge about the transcendental world using imperfect modern tools, our
imperfect senses and our brain covered by lust, anger, etc.—it is not only
hazardous, but we may consciously or unconsciously take a strong vindictive
stance towards the truth.
Once, a modern traditional guru-cum-writer Ray Gunakar Bharata Chandra, being
unable to understand the true nature of Sri Radhika, wrote about Her as being
under the influence of the Lord's external shadow potency! Although he
actually lived at Satasana Math, Sri Puri Dham (the place where Srila
Raghunath Das Goswami lived and served immersed into the service of Sri
Radha), and pretended to practise with disinterested nature, he had to
eventually give it up—he created a fictional character of Hira Malini, a
beautiful mundane enchanting courtesan, which is an imitation based on the
resemblance with the transcendental and couched this similarity in the a fine
poetic form—as a result, he actually brought about a flood of lust that
filled the moat of Bengali language and literature of the time. We do not
blame Ray Gunakar, for he is an extension of illusory environment,
maya, who is capable of producing even that which is impossible!
Maya (illusory potency of the Lord) has cast a cataract on the eyes of
nearly the entire world—all the ancient or modern writers, archaeologists, et
al.; and to this day Maya, who is the origin of Durga Devi, the mistress of
the entire creation, and the personal potency of the Lord, guards and
protects the unparalleled, highly confidential wealth of Sri Radhika.
Srila Prabhupad laid a special stress on this and expressed it in very
appropriate Gaudiya terms and conclusions. Unless we serve the transcendental
Govardhan, we will not be able to realise the supremacy of Sri Radha Kunda
that lies beside Govardhan and is inundated with the nectar of divine love.
'Go' means senses or knowledge. If you serve the external, physical
Govardhan, i.e. cultivate knowledge merely to increase or indulge your
selfish material senses, then you are actually dunking yourself into the
waters of Niraya Kunda (Hell Pond) that is created by the mahamaya,
the external shadow potency of Sri Radha; those who foster transcendental
senses and cultivate transcendental knowledge consider that service to
Govardhan is to give pleasure to Krishna's senses. When the demon Aristasur
attacks Govardhan with his horns trying to expand his own enjoyment (when
mundane rationalism attacks theism and is about to destroy the truth of five
spiritual relationships with the Lord, namely neutrality, servitude,
friendship, parenthood and consorthood), then Krishna kills this demon and
establishes the truth. When the bull-demon Aristasur was slain, an elderly
gopi named Madanika handed Sri Radhika-sundari over to Krishna as a
reward for that.
Aristasur assumes the form of a bull. 'Go' (a cow) is considered among
religious-minded people to be a symbol of dharma, religion, and it is
also known as the carrier of Lord Rudra, who is in charge of universal
annihilation. So, when the bull-demon of rationalism comes to charge the
banner of religion, Krishna destroys this promoter of rationalism.
Lord Rudra (Siva) rides a bull and carries Ganga—the water that washes the
lotus feet of Lord Vishnu, a personal expansion of Lord Krishna Himself—on
his head. This Lord Rudra, when he was defeated by Cupid, wanted to
understand the transcendental pleasure Madan Mohan (Krishna, the Enchanter of
Cupid) experiences during His rasa-lila and prayed for the mercy of
the gopis. This Lord Krishna, surrounded by dancing sadharani
and samanjasa gopis (gopis with general and appropriate
attraction) during the rasa-lila, left that place of the
rasa-lila. Being attracted only by the love of His dearmost
Ananda-vidhayini Sri Radhika, He left the place of rasa-lila and
followed behind Her. Those common gopis then spoke about Her, the main
heroine of Srimad Bhagavatam, in this way:
anayaradhito nyunam bhagavan harir-isvarah
yan no vihaya govindah prito yam anayad rahah
(Srimad Bhagavatam, 10.30.24)
"My friend! Krishna has abandoned us and took Her to a secluded place. She
must have worshipped the Supreme Lord very much." The hidden meaning of these
words is that because She is the crest jewel among all the beloved of
Krishna, Her name is Radhika.
We hear also that after Aristasur (bull-demon) was killed, two kundas
were created—Sri Syama Kunda and Sri Radha Kunda. At this Radha Kunda Sri
Krishna always enjoys the rasa-lila with Sri Radhika and Her group at
midnight. These nocturnal pastimes are far more captivating than the midday
pastimes, and the general gopis have no entrance there. Those who are
attracted by the flute of Sri Krishna but, not waiting for the guidance of
Sri Radhika, come to play with 'Dhira Samira' Krishna, have no right to enter
the rasa-lila performed at Radha Kunda—Chandravali has no right to
enter there.
The dancing and loving pastimes of Rasaraj Sri Krishna (the King of Love)
have nothing to do with the frenzied dance of Nataraj Rudra or any of the
imitative various modern and traditional indigenous dances. In fact, Gopisvar
Sadasiva learned to dance at the rasa-mandali, and based on that, his
plenary expansion Rudra manifests his Nataraj form (Lord Siva dancing at the
time of universal annihilation). We can see in Sri Brhad-bhagvatamrta
that Rudra is a servant of Sankarsan and, being always absorbed in the
chanting of the name of Rama, he creates his frantic dance that drives the
world mad. Imitating the ever increasing enjoyment of this dancing of Rudra
the world is heading towards the tryst with annihilation.
Pure devotees who are devoid of anarthas, have revealed the service
pastimes of Sri Radhika in the scriptures dealing with the transcendental
mellows of divine love, such Karnamrta, Sri Gita Govinda, books
written by Chandidas, Vidyapati, etc., but the associate followers of Sri
Gaurasundar, the Supreme Lord adorned by the heart and halo of Sri Radhika,
can reveal far greater super excellence of Her service than what is described
in these scriptures. That is why so many transcendental literatures on the
transcendental mellows of divine love were composed—Sri Ray Ramananda
composed his Sri Jagannath-vallabha Nataka Giti, Sri Rupa Goswami
composed Vidagdha Madhava, Dana-keli-kaumudi, Stavamala, Srila
Raghunath Das Goswami, the greatest follower of Sri Rupa Goswami, composed
Mukta-charita, Stava-vali, and Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami
Prabhu, a follower of Srila Raghunath, composed Sri Govinda-lilamrta,
etc. Gaudiya Vaisnavs' reading of Gita Govinda, Karnamrta, Vidyapati,
Chandidas and the reading of non-Gaudiya Vaisnavs are worlds apart. It is
impossible to understand it through mundane examples or analogies—even if you
compare a lecture on Shakespeare and Kalidas by a hardly literate person and
a lecture on their works by an expert professor, this analogy would be still
To the south of Nandisvara Hill there is a beautiful mountain called
Varasanu. A king of cowherds Vrisabhanu with his virtuous spouse Kritika
lived there, on the plateau of this Varasanu Hill, and worshipped the Lord.
On the eighth day of the bright moon in the month of Bhadra, in the
naksatra called Visakha, at midday, a precious jewel daughter appeared
in the house of Raja Vrisabhanu illuminating the house, the town and all the
ten directions. Overwhelmed with joy, Goparaj Vrisabhanu, Ratnabhanu and
Subhanu, three brothers who stayed in Vrisabhanupur, began to dance. Greatly
fortunate Kritika was beside herself with joy when she saw her budding
moon-like daughter. A wave of joy engulfed Surapur and Vrajapur. This
transcendental jewel of a daughter became renowned as Vrisabhanu-nandini Sri
"tata arabhya nandasya vrajah sarva-samrddhiman
harer nivasatma-gunai ramakridam abhun nrpa"
"O Maharaj Pariksit, the home of Nanda Maharaj is eternally the abode of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead and His transcendental qualities and is
therefore always naturally endowed with the opulence of all wealth. Yet
beginning from Lord Krishna's appearance there, it became the place for the
pastimes of the goddess of fortune."
(Srimad Bhagavatam, 10.5.18)
For as long as the son of Nanda Maharaj enjoyed His pastimes confidentially
in the abode of Lord Hari in Nanda-Gokula, all the gopis of Vraja,
headed by Sri Radha, enjoyed with Him confidentially. However, when Sri Nanda
Kumar enjoyed His pastimes openly, the crest jewel of the Vraja-gopis
Sri Radhika expanded Herself into many gopis and enjoyed Sri Krishna's
pastimes openly.
If one thinks "the flowers collected for Durga and Kali garlanded the neck of
Sri Radhika" or that "appearing in Brahma-vaivarta, Sri Radhika
entered the assembly of gods on an auspicious day in the age of Aryans
(Dvapar-yuga)," then it will not only terminate their archaeological
escapades, but will also leave them cheated in their attempts to research the
Durga is described in Brahma-samhita as an internal potency of
Govinda—she enchants, creates, maintains and annihilates the entire world.
She is also described as a shadow potency of Sri Radha, who enchants the mind
of Govinda, the enchanter of the world. Unless one becomes fully initiated
into the service of the transcendental eternal Deity who is the origin of
this internal potency, no one can understand this matter easily with one's
intellect or intelligence. They are not infertile though—if the intelligence
of such writers becomes cleansed, they can understand the reality. The fact
is that if the imperfect jiva souls cannot recognise Vrisabhanu
Nandini considering Her a mere fiction, an idol of literary works, then they
bring about their own destruction submerging themselves in the filth of
amusing literatures. Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Prabhu, a master of
transcendental literature and a follower of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu,
tasya apara-rasa-sara-vilasa-murter
brahmadi-durlabha-gater vrsabhanu-jayah
kainkaryam eva mama janmani janmani syat
"May I attain the service of Vrisabhanu-nandini birth after birth. She is the
personification of the essence of the transcendental mellows of divine love.
With a form of the most wonderful transcendental bliss, She is the supreme
goddess of fortune. Her lotus feet are difficult to attain even for the
demigods headed by Lord Brahma."
ha devi kaku-bharagada-gadayadya vacha
yache nipatya bhuvi dandavadudbhatartih
asya prasada-mavudhasya janasya krtva
gandharvike tava gane gananam vidhehi
"O Devi! In great distress I fall to the ground offering You obeisances and
prayers with a voice choked with emotion. O Gandharvika! Please bestow Your
mercy upon this pauper and count me amongst Your own associates."
From these last two slokas we can see what Srila Rupa Goswami, Srila
Raghunath Das Goswami write about Srimati Radharani's glorification. In this
article, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad explains the
glorification and the highest position of Srimati Radharani.
রাধা-ভজনে যদি মতি নাহি ভেলা ।
কৃষ্ণ-ভজন তব অকারণ গেলা ॥
radha-bhajane yadi mati nahi bhela
krsna-bhajana tava akarana gela
"If you do not worship Srimati Radharani, your worship of Krishna is
As I have just read, some lecturers, big personalities, or big professors,
say things with their intellect, but they actually cannot understand these
kinds of things. It is very difficult to understand it.
বরজ-যুবতী ভাবের ভকতি
শকতি হইত কার ?
varaja-yuvati bhavera bhakati
sakati ha-ita kara?
Who would have the great expertise needed to enter into the sweetness of
sweet Vrindavan? Who would have any qualification for the Vraja-gopis'
ecstatic devotion?
Who can understand Vraja yuvati and sakti (beauty and power of
Vrindavan)? Radharani is the highest servitor of Lord Sri Krishna, She is the
highest gopi. Not everybody can enter the rasa-lila of
Radha-Krishna—only those who have quality and qualification can understand
this kind of transcendental land.
We are in the mundane world and we always are facing so many problems. We
live in a hellish position, we are suffering so much. If we want to see a
beautiful life, a beautiful mood, beautiful character, and a happy life, then
we should serve our Guru properly. It is necessary to have chastity. Without
chastity, how can we assert that we are servitors of Gurudev and Guru
Gurudev gave us this position and Gurudev gave this teaching, then we cannot
deny Gurudev's mercy, but the problem is that we sometimes follow our mind
and pass our life following our own way...
Read the small book
Original Source—Gurudev
writes there about it very nicely.
You are Sons of Nectar
A discourse given to a large devotional gathering
in the prestigious Multicentre, Morelia, Mexico.
You are all my spiritual relatives, assembled here today for hearing
something from me about Krishna consciousness. I humbly pay my respects to
you all because you have given me this opportunity to speak about my Lord Sri
Krishna and His associates. I want to do good for you, good for myself, and
good for the world. I have some experience. I am an old man, and I stayed
many years with my Guru Maharaj, who was vastly learned in Vedic knowledge
and ultimately a siddha-mahapurus—a perfect, liberated soul. His affection,
mercy, well wishes, and desire have given me something. I feel it, and I
cannot deny it. I may be a very low-class person, but how can I deny the gift
of my Gurudev? I am a very tiny and insignificant jiva-soul, nothing
else; this is my identity. But if I give all of you the gift of my Lord
Krishna and my Guru Maharaj—the little ecstasy that I have got—if I give to
your holy ear the sound vibration that is coming down from the transcendental
world, you must be benefitted, and I shall also be benefitted. Krishna will
bless me, and my Guru Maharaj will be satisfied that I shall have done
something in this world.
Actually we are all spiritual entities, and because we are part and parcel of
our Lord, our home is eternally existing in the transcendental abode of the
Lord. You have heard of the Upanisads, Vedas, Vedanta, and the other
scriptures which were revealed in India in written form five thousand years
ago. Previously, this knowledge existed as sruti-mantram, spoken
words, and it was transmitted by rsis and munis to their disciples through
sruti-mantram. At that time there were no books. Vedavyas has very
mercifully given us the written form of sruti-mantram: the
Veda. He divided the Veda (sruti) into four parts: Rg, Sama,
Yajur, and Atharva. He also composed the corollary literatures
(smrti) like the Mahabharata, which is called the fifth Veda.
The gist of the Vedas can also be found in the hundreds of
Upanisads he wrote. The great rsis, Vedic research scholars, have also
presented the Vedic knowledge in the Puranas. Thus, through the great
rsis, this transcendental knowledge is being revealed in this mundane world,
and when necessary, from time to time, an incarnation of the Lord manifests
by whose divine mercy we get a connection with that transcendental
These Vedic literatures mainly try to give us transcendental knowledge, and
for our benefit they have proclaimed, "Srnvantu visve amrtasya putra:
you are all the sons of nectar, transcendental nectar; you are from the
nectarean ocean. Dive deep into that nectar!" We are all parts and parcels of
the Lord, therefore we are spiritual relatives.
We are one spiritual family, we need everybody. We are like one body—in a
body, I need a hand, I need some fingers, I need a head, I need two legs. In
a spiritual family also we need everybody.
Here in the mundane world we are seeing many differences. Some of us are born
in India, some in Russia, some in Mexico, Latin America, and so on. In this
world there are so many countries and so many completely different languages.
But the spirit that is living within everybody, without which the body is
useless, is coming from the same place. We call this place the spiritual
world or the transcendental world.
We want eternity, we want love, we want affection, we want mercy and ecstasy.
These are our hankerings, but this mundane world cannot successfully give any
of these things to us. But in the transcendental world everything is existing
eternally in a very beautiful and sweet way.
Everyone will pass away from this world one day, whether he is poor or rich,
rogue or scholar, animal or tree. When we have been born, it is sure we will
die. Death will not give any notice to us, "Today is your dying day", or
"Today is your birth day". Birth and death are actually beyond our control.
Maybe we can extend some time or reduce some time, but when we have been
born, we must die. This wave of birth and death is surrounding this world. It
is surrounding not only our present planet but the whole universe. Beyond the
orbit of this universe many universes also exist, and this wave of birth and
death is rolling through all of them. This knowledge has been given to us by
the Vedic research scholars, and now the scientists in this age are also
saying the same thing.
This world is always completely filled with quarrel. The wave of death and
birth is always flowing through this world, and there are so many problems.
You hear many things on the radio, the television, and in the newspapers,
therefore you know how much violence is going on all over. Everywhere this
bad situation will come to be, as it is written in the scriptures. It is the
Age of Kali. Kali means quarrel. We cannot avoid it. I may be a very good
man, but without cause I may be attacked by violence. Many things happen, and
many good men have been killed. So death and birth is beyond our control. I
may be protected by so many bodyguards, like John Kennedy, like Martin Luther
King Jr, like Indira Gandhi, like so many who were protected by many
bodyguards but could not avoid death.
We are also not secure or satisfied in this world. What do we want here? We
want love, affection, charm, beauty, and ecstasy. Ultimately, we want
eternity, but in this world it is not possible in any way to get it. Here,
what is the form of love, what is the form of beauty, of affection? All are
only a shadow or reflection of the transcendental world. As such, here we are
playing only within the shadow. All that we are getting is in the form of
shadow, and the substance is missing.
We are eating rice powder mixed with water and thinking we are drinking milk.
Actually, when we will get a proper taste of transcendental ecstasy and feel
its transcendental form, we will feel that transcendental knowledge is within
us, and that our Lord is within us. Then we will understand everything very
clearly and easily. That connection is necessary for us.
In which way may we get it? Our sincere searching tendency can give us that
connection. We must want to search. If it is possible, why will we not
proceed in that line? The research scholars of religion have made many
contributions and made that knowledge available. If you come forward
sincerely, you will get it. It is so easy to get if you have faith, chastity,
and a little good fortune. Without good fortune it is very difficult to get
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Lila: Breaking the Staff
As Mahaprabhu heads towards Jagannath Puri, more Pastimes unfold. Shortly
before entering the Jagannath temple, Nityananda Prabhu breaks the danda
of Mahaprabhu. Why did He do it and why did Mahaprabhu allow Him to do it?