Our Disciplic Succession:
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
Religions and Practices
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Speaking to devotees in Caracas, Venezuela
31 August 2019, part 2
Do you have any questions? You can ask. I like you all, and you are all in my
heart. Whatever condition you are in, whatever problem you have, I am always
with you all. This is my promise.
Question: I was brought up in Christian religion and now that I am
following Vaishnavism, do I have to follow only Vaishnavism or both
Christianity and Vaishnavism?
No, no. We are not followers of Christianity, Vaishnavism, or anything other
ism. We are jiva souls and we follow that which is the duty of the
jiva soul. We preach only this. You chant the Holy Name because you
are a jiva soul, and all jiva souls want to chant the Holy
Name, but they have no power—trees, dogs, cats, they cannot chant, they can
only stand silent or shout. People all over the world also shout or talk so
much nonsense, but what is the duty of those who are fortunate? Their duty is
to chant the Holy Name, and that is not Vaishnavism, Hinduism, Christianity,
Buddhism, or any other ism.
Devotee: I wanted to ask if you could give your blessings to
May Krishna always bless you. Actually, if you get service, that is mercy.
Gurudev said those who have no service, have no mercy, and those who no mercy
have no service...
Any other questions?
Question: I would like to come to India.
Good, everybody is always welcome. We need people here, but I know your
family financial condition is very bad, that is why I am very afraid to tell
you or Purujit Prabhu also to send people here. I know the plane fare costs
too much money and it is also very difficult to get out of the country also,
but if anybody is able to come, you are always welcome.
Question: I went to the temple in Colombia recently and I want now
to leave the country and live there.
Do you live alone? What are you going to do there?
Devotee: Yes, I live alone. I want to work there, help the devotees
and send something to Parama Karuna.
OK, but you must always keep connection with the Caracas temple. Anywhere you
stay, you must always remember Gurudev, Guru Maharaj and Parama Karuna Nitai
Gaurachandra. Always keep connection with the temple, do not forget this
connection, that is the main thing. If you go to some place for service and
stay there, it is not a problem, but if you stay somewhere alone for your own
enjoyment, your own interest, that is not good.
Question: I have heard that there is no difference between
sannyasis, brahmacharis, grihasthas, but some devotees explain that there is
It is generally thought that grihasthas serve 50% and the
brahmacharis who serve without any selfish interest serve 100%. If you
read my book (Guidance 3), you can see there a chapter called
'Householders and Renuciates', then you can understand it. I am going to read
only one-two words from it. I wrote there also about hell, renunciation,
Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur wrote in the seventh chapter of his
1) In Kali-yuga, one should be a grihastha Vaishnav. One must not be
afraid to fall down—it is possible to have a complete and flourishing
devotion. There are many transcendental gurus among the grihastha
2) Some of the grihastha devotees are qualified to become
griha-tyagi Vaishnavs (devotees who give up their home). Their number
in this world is very little and it is very difficult to get their
3) Vrajanath asks old Babaji Mahasay in the seventeenth chapter of
Jaiva-dharma, "If we call one a Vaishnav, does it mean that it is a
'griha-tyagi' (renounced) Vaishnav?" Babaji Mahasay replied, "A
Vaishnav is a pure devotee of Krishna, be it a grihastha or a
griha-tyagi, a brahman or a chandal (meat-eater), a rich
man or a poor man. The extent to which one has devotion to Krishna is the
extent to which they are a devotee of Krishna."
4) Old Babaji Mahasay said again in the twenty-second chapter of
Jaiva-dharma that as long as one does not get the qualification or
right to renounce their home (to become a griha-tyagi), one must serve
Krishna as a grihastha. The pastimes Mahaprabhu performed during His
first twenty-four years are an example for the grihastha Vaishnavs,
and the pastimes He performed during His last twenty-four years are an
example for the griha-tyagi Vaishnavs. So we do not think that one
cannot attain the highest love for Krishna while being a grihastha:
most of the recepients of Mahaprabhu's mercy are grihasthas, and the
griha-tyagi Vaishnavs pray for the feet dust of such
Hearing all these instructions of Om Visnupad Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, many
materialist householders were ready to get signed up as eternal slaves in the
religion's ledger. If one can achieve the acme of perfection while carrying
on enjoying, what intelligent person will want then to give up this kind of
practice where you can have your bread buttered on both sides?
Followers of concocted religions resulting from the national sentimentalism
as well as covetous materialists mix together enjoyment, renunciation and
spiritual practise; this doctrine of prakrita-sahajiyas presented
under disguise of spiritual search has been going on in this world since time
immemorial. In fact, such views are distorted reflections of the teachings of
the great souls in the mirror of sense gratification. To save us from this
danger, our spiritual masters explain the distinction between two terms,
'griha-vrata' and 'grihastha'. Real grihasthas
(housholders) are not devoted to their homes—they are devoted to Krishna.
Real sannyasis are those who do not renounce Krishna and kasna
(servant of Krishna)—they live as members of Krishna's family, or they are
attached to the house of the Lord and His devotees. There is no difference
between the essence of Vaishnava grihasthas and Vaishnava
Those who are attached to their homes are already fallen souls and at every
moment face the slippery waterfall of spiritual failure, so there is no fear
of falling down.
You can read this book later, it is coming out in Spanish language soon—the
printing has already finished and now they are doing the binding. Get this
book and read it every day.
Jay Srila Guru Maharaj ki jay.
I am always with you. Always remember Gurudev and Guru Maharaj, they will
protect you all. I am thanking you all, muchos gracias.
Jay Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami
Maharaj ki jay
Visva-varenya Srila Guru Maharaj ki jay
Jay Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
ki jay
Jay saparikara Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharva Govinda Sundarjiu ki jay
Jay Om Vishnupad Bhagavan Sri Srila Prabhupad ki jay
Rupanuga guru-varga ki jay
Namacharya Haridas Thakur ki jay
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math ki jay
Parama Karuna Nitai Gaurachandra Prabhu ki jay
All the Caracas devotees ki jay
All the South American devotees ki jay
All the worldwide devotees ki jay
Harinam sankirtan ki jay
Jay Sripad Purujit Prabhu ki jay
Harinam sankirtan ki jay
All the worldwide devotees ki jay
Samagata sannyasi-vrinda, brahmachari-vrinda ki jay
Samagata Sri Gaura-bhakta-vrinda ki jay
Nitai Gaura premanande Hari bol
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Enters Sri Puri Dham
'Atharnala is the place through which Mahaprabhu first entered Puri after He
took sannyas. Engrossed in the thoughts about Lord Jagannath, Mahaprabhu
began to run from there. He was actually walking, but walking so fast that
the devotees had to run to follow Him.'
Ki jani ki bale |
'O Lord! You are merciful. This is my sole hope. There is no one who needs Your mercy more than I. Certainly You will dispel all my fear.'
কি জানি কি বলে |