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The Only Truth

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
24 September 2019, Kolkata, part 1


Sri Prahlad Maharaj told,

নাথ যোনিসহস্রেষু যেষু যেষু ব্রজাম্যহম্ ।
তেষু তেস্বচ্যুতা ভক্তিরচ্যুতাস্তু সদা ত্বয়ি ॥
যা প্রাতিরবিবেকানাং বিষয়েস্বনপায়িনী ।
ত্বামনুস্মরতঃ সা মে হৃদয়ান্মাপসর্পতু ॥

natha yoni-sahasresu yesu yesu vrajamy aham
tesu tesv achyuta bhaktir achyutastu sada tvayi
ya pritir avivekanam visayesv anapayini
tvam anusmaratah sa me hrdayan napasarpatu

"O master, in all the thousands of births through which I must wander in this world, please let me have unfailing devotion to You, the infallible Supreme Lord. Just as unintelligent persons have unflinching affection for the objects of sense gratification, may I always remember You, so that that same attachment, applied to You, never leaves my heart."

(Visnu Purana, 1.20.18-19)

He says, "I may get thousands of thousands, millions of millions of births, I do not mind it—my Lord, You can send me to any kind of birth, You can give me any kind of body, I do not have any objection, but I am only praying to You that whichever birth I get (be it a bird's body, a beast's body, a dog's body or a cat's body) I will be happy as long as I can have some devotion to You. I will be happy to get any kind of birth, but I wish that I may be able to pray to You, to have some devotion to You." This is Prahlad Maharaj's prayer to Lord Nrisinghadev... He also said,

মন্যে তদেতদখিলং নিগমস্য সত্যং
স্বাআর্পণং স্বসুহৃদঃ পরমস্য পুংসঃ ॥

manye tad etad akhilam nigamasya satyam
svatmarpanam sva-suhrdah paramasya pumsah

"I consider the four material goals of life (dharma, artha, kama, moksa) to be temporary (perishable). On the other hand, I firmly consider surrender to the Supreme Lord Vishnu to be the truth."

(Srimad Bhagavatam, 7.6.26)

Sri Prahlad Maharaj says, "Surrender to Vishnu, surrender to the Lord is the only truth, and everything else in this world is false, everything is perishable—everything else will pass and finish."

Krishna, in turn, says,

সাধবো হৃদয়ং মহ্যং সাধূনাং হৃদয়ন্ত্বহম্ ।
মদন্যত্তে ন জানন্তি নাহং তেভ্যো মনাগপি ॥

sadhavo hrdayam mahyam sadhunam hrdayam tv aham
mad-anyat te na jananti naham tebhyo manag api

"The pure devotee is always within the core of My heart, and I am always in the heart of the pure devotee. My devotees do not know anything else but Me, and I do not know anyone else but them."

(Srimad Bhagavatam, 9.4.68)

"How shall I leave those who have surrendered everything to Me—who have left their house, wife, sons, relatives, property, their very body, things and all their previous life, and only surrendered to Me? How shall I leave them? How shall I reject them? I cannot. I will always protect those who have surrendered to Me, who have left everything for Me. I cannot leave such kind of surrendered souls, I always stay with them."



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Birth and Death: No Fear
'Who can stop the one who has got mercy of Krishna? I did not personally serve my mother, but Krishna served her. Gurudev told me, 'If you serve Vaishnavs, Krishna will come and serve you,' and I believe it 200%. If you want relief from birth, death, disease, and old age problems, you must practise Krishna consciousness properly.'


Ei-bara karuna kara
'O worshippable Vaisnava, be merciful to me this time. O saviour of the fallen, without you there is no one.'
এইবার করুণা কর

What order Gurudev gives, we have to follow that.