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Do Not Overstep His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
If you want to accept something from anybody, you must also give them something (whatever you can give) in return. Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur says also,
শুদ্ধ কৃষ্ণভক্ত তাঁর স্বাভাবিক দোষ ।
suddha krsna-bhakta tanra svabhavika dosa Those who are pure devotees sometimes have some little fault, but you must not see such devotees' fault—do not become angry about the fault of those who have pure devotion. You may sometimes see some little fault, but you must not search for faults in such devotees.
গঙ্গাজল ব্রহ্মতা হইতে নহে চ্যুত ।
ganga-jala brahmata haite nahe chyuta Sometimes, if you scoop some Ganges water, you will also get some mud in the scooped water—there is always mud mixed in the water, but you must not think that the Ganges is impure. Ganges water is always pure. In the same way, if you see some fault in any great Vaishnav, you must overlook that.
অন্যজল গঙ্গালাভ হেয় কভু নয় ।
anya-jala ganga-labha haye kabhu naya
সাদুদোষ-দ্রষ্টা যেই কৃষ্ণ-আজ্ঞা ত্যজি’ ।
sadhu-dosa-drasta yei krsna-ajna tyaji' Just as you cannot compare Ganges water with any other water, in the same way you cannot compare a devotee to a non-devotee—the difference is vast. If a devotee has some fault, Krishna will remove it. Srila Saraswati Thakur also says that Mathura is the higher than Vaikuntha, Vrindavan is higher than Mathura, Govardhan is higher than Vrindavan, and Radha Kunda is higher than even Govardhan. Among all worshippable places Radha Kunda is the highest place, but not everybody has the right to stay in Radha Kunda. Because it is an extremely high place, you must be always careful about staying in Radha Kunda—you may stay there and go to hell also. Jay Srila Guru Maharaj ki jay.
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