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Leave Maya's Service His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
মহান্ত-স্বভাব এই তারিতে পামর ।
mahanta-svabhava ei tarite pamara "It is the general practice of all saintly people to deliver the fallen. Therefore they go to people's houses, although they have no personal business there." (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, 8.39) All the sadhus, gurus, Vaishnavs, all the Gaudiya Vaishnavs, go door to door, they come to beg for our own good—they come to help us, to rescue us from the material world; but we are such great materialists, we have so much attachment with with maya (illusory environment), with our family life that we cannot leave it. Your husband, wife, son, daughter, etc. take your blood—they will take your blood to the last drop—but you cannot understand it. And yet Gurudev comes to call you to serve Deities, but you cannot understand it because maya is very strong. Sometimes we give some flower, we offer incense to the photo of our Gurudev and we think that this is sufficient for our spiritual life. No! This is not sufficient. We must follow what Gurudev tells us. This is our best opportunity. You have come and joined Gurudev's family, then you can come and do some service there. This is our main opportunity, but we still worry about our material life. Maya Devi is so strong—you have so much material attachment. This is why you cannot join, you cannot come to service plane—you are not taking advantage of this greatest, highest service opportunity. Instead, we are always following the worst orders of Maya—we serve Maya, yet Maya is very cruel, she has no compassion on us. She takes us away from the service of the Lord uses us for her own service. You cannot understand it at this moment, but when you leave this body and get another body, then you will realise how much you are suffering. Next life you can get a dog, a cat, a snake, a frog, a fly or a mosquito's body. You may not want it, but if you do not utilise this human body in the proper way, you will end up in one of such lower species.
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