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(1/3) Have Proper Motive

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Basirhat, evening, 29 January 2020, part 1
Translated from Bengali


We have spent today's day in a very good way because we have got an opportunity to listen and speak about the Lord; we have got an opportunity to be in holy association. It is possible only by great fortune. This kind of opportunity does not come all the time. Therefore, we have assembled here today for good association:

বৈষ্ণব সঙ্গেতে মন আনন্দিত অনুক্ষণ
সদা হয় কৃষ্ণ পরসঙ্গ ।

vaisnava sangete mana anandita anuksana
sada haya krsna para-sanga

"Mind always rejoices in the association of Vaishnavs—in their association, one always gets the transcendental association of Krishna."

(Srila Narottam Das Thakur)

So, as we are able to be in the association of devotees today, it is a very good day for us.

Many people worshipped Saraswati Devi today. I told you about Saraswati Devi yesterday. There is Suddha Saraswati (Saraswati representing pure knowledge) and Vidya Saraswati (Saraswati representing mundane knowledge). In this world, people always worship Vidya Saraswati, and when devotees worship Saraswati, they worship Suddha Saraswati. There are two kinds of knowledge (vidya): para-vidya (pure transcendental knowledge )and apara-vidya (mundane knowledge). You should know that the result of knowledge should be attachment and attraction to the holy lotus feet of Krishna. The people of our country cannot understand this. People from various walks of life worship Saraswati to obtain some knowledge and attain some reward. People praise knowledge and make big speeches, but they cannot actually understand what knowledge is. It is possible to understand it only as a result of great fortune.

I told you yesterday also: among millions of karmis, there is one wise person; among millions of wise people, there is one liberated soul; and among millions of such liberated souls, there is only one devotee of Krishna. It is written in Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita. I was also reading today that it is very rare to meet an exclusive devotee of Krishna. There is only one devotee of Krishna to every thousand of Vaishnavs. There are Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur's words. It is rare to find a devotee of Krishna, but we think that if we wear tilaks and neck beads, that means we have become devotees of Krishna.

Why should we practise Krishna consciousness? There are three reasons. The first reason is karma-misra bhakti and jnana-misra bhakti (devotion mixed with material pursuits and knowledge-seeking)—it means that people worship Krishna hoping to receive something in return. The second reason why people worship Krishna is out of fear. They think that if they do not worship God, some danger will befall them. The third kind of people worship Krishna out of duty. They think that they have been born as humans, and the goal of human life is to worship Krishna, so they worship Krishna. But genuine Gaudiya Vaishnavs of Rupanuga Sampradaya do not worship Krishna for any of these three reasons. They worship Krishna only for one reason—out of love and affection. When you have a child, you take much care to raise the child. Why do you do this? Out of duty or out of love? Do you raise your children because you love them or because you want them to feed and dress you when you get old and because you are afraid to end up in some trouble? The service to the Lord is also like that—it must be done out of love. It is necessary to love the Lord. Do you understand what I am saying? It is necessary to hear about this and to have the proper motive.



— : • : —





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Size: 6.5 Mb
Length: 14 min
Language: Bengali




1) Have Proper Motive
2) Leave World of Stool and Urine
3) Serve with Love




Perfect Resolve
'Enjoyment will never go away from you, but what will go away? Krishna consciousness—the most important thing. You will never get this opportunity again. That is why it is necessary to understand what this life is for, what Krishna consciousness is, and that is why good association is so necessary.'

We do not know what is good for us, we do not know what is beneficial
for us—only the Guru, Vaishnavs can say it.