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(2/3) Leave World of Stool and Urine

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Basirhat, evening, 29 January 2020, part 2
Translated from Bengali


We must live in strict adherence to our Guru and Vaishnavs, keeping our heads at their lotus feet. We are proud of our knowledge and wealth, but all this is burden that we carry on our heads. How can you feel peaceful and cool-headed? When you carry a fifty-kilogramme sack of rice on your head, even if you are given a nice A/C room to stay in, you will not feel happy and peaceful for as long as you carry this load on your head. What is this burden that we all carry around? It is called ego, pride. Somebody is proud of their wealth; somebody is proud of their knowledge; somebody is proud of their relatives or followers; somebody is proud of their beauty; somebody is proud of their good qualities. How can ego and pride be removed? You must remember Srila Raghunath Das Goswami (it is his appearance day tomorrow) who left everything like stool and urine.

It may be unpleasant to hear it, but the sloka is there in Srimad Bhagavatam. When you hold stool or urine for a long time, you cannot wait to leave it—for example, when you travel by a local train, there are no bathrooms, but once the train stops, you run to a bathroom and pass stool and urine as soon as possible, wherever you can. Just like that Srila Raghunath Das Goswami left all material things like stool and urine. And there is nothing bad about that. This material world and everything in it is compared to stool and urine. When you pass stool and urine, you do not even want to look back at it, but you have been carrying it in your stomach for so long. You are repulsed and feel like taking a shower when you just see some stool (what to speak of stepping onto it)...

So, when Srila Raghunath Das Goswami gave everything up, he went to Mahaprabhu. Mahaprabhu instructed him,

মর্কট-বৈরাগ্য না কর লোক দেখাঞা ।
যথাযোগ্য বিষয় ভুঞ্জ' অনাসক্ত হঞা ॥

markata-vairagya na kara loka dekhana
yatha-yogya visaya bhunja' anasakta hana

"Do not show false renunciation to impress people. Use whatever material things you require, but without attachment."

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.16.238)

"Markata-vairagya" means monkey renunciation. Monkeys live in a forest, naked, but they have desires. When they see people wearing spectacles, they steal them; when they see people eating some fruit, they snatch it from their hands. So, one can dress as a sadhu, but there can be desires inside the person. That is why it is said that we must become sadhus, not just dress as sadhus. It is necessary to always remember this. "Do not show false renunciation to impress people."

Your parents will keep pulling you back again and again—there is a reason for it. Srila Raghunath Das Goswami's parents also pulled him back because his father was a big zamindar, and he was the only son—who will look after their land and wealth? That is why they forcefully brought Raghunath Das Goswami back home whenever he tried to run away. Your parents do it for their own benefit, but you do not have to show them anything—you feel a pull towards the Lord in your heart, and you do not have to show anything to them; keep it in your heart. This is what Mahaprabhu told Srila Raghunath Das Goswami. After that, Srila Raghunath Das Goswami came to Panihati and met with Sri Nityananda Prabhu. Nityananda Prabhu was very pleased with his service because although he was the son of a rich landowner, he had come and served all Vaishnavs. After that, Srila Raghunath Das Goswami was able to take part in Mahaprabhu's service.

We must always think about these things. It is necessary to have a strong desire. It is necessary to try and try. Desire is the most important part. For example, because you have made much effort and gathered many people, I have come here today. We must have eagerness, and we must keep trying. We must always watch out that the service to the Lord is not hampered. When will these words enter our ears? When we feel in our hearts, "I must serve the Lord," then these words will enter our ears; otherwise, we can even sit here, but what is being discussed here (the teachings of Sri Rupa-Raghunath) will not enter our ears. There are so many mosquitos also present at this meeting... The teachings of Sri Rupa-Raghunath will enter only the ears of those who are eager to serve and who want to go forward.

You cannot understand how merciful the Lord is. Even when somebody comes to kill Him, He bestows His mercy on them. Putana came to kill Krishna when He was just a baby (to kill a baby is worse than committing an ordinary murder), but Krishna bestowed His mercy on her. So, how much mercy we can get if we try to serve Krishna! Putana came dressed as a gopi, but even though it was a fake dress, Krishna became attracted to her, feeling moved to see her in a gopi's clothes, and gave her the right to take His mother's place—He gave her the right to feed Him her breastmilk. When Krishna started sucking her breastmilk, He continued sucking it and did not let her go. Putana cried, "Leave me! Let me go!" but Krishna thought, "If I get hold of somebody, I do not let them go so easily. I do not give My mercy to anyone so easily, but if I do, I do not leave them." This is loving search for the lost servant. You should read this book (we have it both in English and Bengali). The Lord is searching for us. We are the Lord's lost children who have left the Lord and come here, but we must again return to Him...



— : • : —





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Size: 6.5 Mb
Length: 14 min
Language: Bengali




1) Have Proper Motive
2) Leave World of Stool and Urine
3) Serve with Love




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