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Devotees' Core Principle His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Jay Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami
Maharaj ki jay I am very happy to see you all, it is very nice to meet you all again after one week. I can see all the devotees are there—you are all here in front of me. Today is also an ekadasi day. "Madhava-tithi bhakti-janani yatane palana kari. I carefully observe the holy days related to Madhava—they are the mother of devotion." Ekadasi is Krishna's tithi (Madhava-tithi). Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur says that this tithi is the mother of devotion (bhakti-janani). We observe it with much care (yatane palana kari). All Gaudiya Vaishnavs follow ekadasi tithi, and it is good for you also to follow it because even Sriman Mahaprabhu Himself told His mother to follow it. One day, He came to His mother and begged her for one thing—He said, "Mother, I want one thing from you—I am begging one thing from you. Will you give it to me?" His mother replied, "Yes, I will give, I will give, I will give." Then, Mahaprabhu said, "From today, you must not take rice on ekadasi day." His mother listened to His advice and also started to observe ekadasi. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu tells us to follow this day. If we want to follow Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, we must follow His instruction, His siksastaka. We must see what Mahaprabhu says in His siksa-astak (eight-fold instruction, or teaching) and we must follow that teaching. Otherwise,
“গোরার আমি, গোরার আমি” মুখে বলিলে নাহি চলে ।
"gorara ami, gorara ami" mukhe balile nahi chale Just saying, "I am Gora's! I am Gora's!" does not do. Only when you follow Gora's practices and Gora's conception will you get the proper result. (Sri Sri Prema-vivarta, 8.6) If you want the result, you have to follow Gora's instruction—you have to follow Gora's achar and vichar (what Mahaprabhu shows us in His own behaviour and what Mahaprabhu also teaches us; lit. His 'practice' and His 'judgement'). We must follow His instruction.
লোক দেখান গোরা ভজা তিলক মাত্র ধরি ।
loka dekhana gora bhaja tilaka matra dhari' You show the world you serve Gora simply by wearing tilak but secretly you misbehave. Gora will catch you, you thief! (Sri Sri Prema-vivarta, 8.6-7) Sometimes we show false renunciation to impress people (loka dekhana), but Gora knows what you are doing—the Lord knows what you are doing. False renunciation is very bad. Mahaprabhu also told Srila Raghunath Das Goswami,
মর্কট-বৈরাগ্য না কর লোক দেখাঞা ।
markata-vairagya na kara loka dekhana "Do not show your false renunciation to people. Serve accepting material things, but without attachment." (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, 16.238) "Do not show your false renunciation, do not show monkey renunciation" (markat vairagya—'markat' means 'monkey'). Monkeys live naked eating only fruit, but monkeys have so many material desires—they always forcefully take your spectacles, take your food, etc. False renunciation is also like that.
মর্কট-বৈরাগ্য না কর লোক দেখাঞা ।
markata-vairagya na kara loka dekhana "Do not show your false renunciation to people. Serve accepting material things, but without attachment." (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, 16.238) When something is necessary for your spiritual life, it is not visaya. We sometimes need some money (artha), etc. Some things are necessary. I have also told it many times that if you want to show false renunciation thinking, "Oh, I do not want material things, I do not want any temple or anything else—I will stay one place, I will go to Rishikesh and sit in a cave, and I will do some yoga, I will do my bhajan there." You will do that, but when you leave everything, you will still have to take your belly, your stomach with you. You cannot leave your stomach. When you are hungry, you will need food and you will have to search for food. So, our vairagya is not phlagu-vairagya (false renunciation), our vairagya is yukta-vairagya—we have a car, we have a building, we have everything, and we use everything for service of the Lord, for the service of the devotees. It is necessary to have such consciousness—"We will use everything for the devotees and for the service of the Lord." When we make buildings, when we make temples, we do it for preaching. This example was shown to us by Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, and all our Guru-varga.
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