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(4/4) Advaita Acharya's Mystic Personality His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Sri Advaita Acharya Prabhu is a particle of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Mahavisnu, the primeval all-cognisant Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore, he belongs to Visnu-tattva, being non-different from the Lord. Lord Visnu is the embodiment of goodness, He is the origin of all creation, and He Himself has no creator. Nobody is His creator or father. Although He is essentially the father of all living souls, to nourish the parental devotional mellows and increase transcendental parental love of His devotees, He Himself appears in the form of a son of His devotees. Advaita Acharya Prabhu became visible to the eyes of the souls of this world at the house of Kuver Misra, who resided in a village called Navagrama near Srihatta — he arose from the ocean of Kuvera Misra's spouse Nabha Devi's womb on a very auspicious day of sukla-saptami (the seventh day of the waxing moon) in the month of Magh (January−February). It is said that one time, an associate of the great Vaishnav Mahadev named Guhyakesvar Kuvera, engaged in the worship of Lord Siva. Mahadev was pleased with his worship and told him to pray for a boon. Kuver then prayed to Mahadev for the following boon: 'Please, Sir, become my son.' This Guhyakesvar Kuvera is Kuver Misra, the esteemed father of Advaita Prabhu, an incarnation of Sada-Siva. Because he is non-different from the Lord, his name is 'Advaita' (non-dual), and because he incarnates as a devotee and gives devotional guidance, his name is Acharya (teacher). One time, Sachi Mata called him 'Dvaita', meaning that he speaks in two different ways: 'He tells to everyone, "May your son be well, may your family live in peace and happiness," but then he encourages my son to become a sannyasi!' I had two sons, Vishvarup and Nimai. Vishvarup has taken sannyas and left, and now Nimai also wants to leave!' One time, looking for some scripture, Vishvarup Prabhu (the elder brother of Nimai) came to the house of Srivas Pandit. At that time, Muslim people burnt Hindu scriptures, so it was not easy to find scriptures. Srivas Pandit did not have that book, so Vishvarup was upset. Then, Malini Devi came to the room. Seeing Vishvarup, she showed much affection to him. Srivas Pandit told her sadly, 'Vishvarup came to ask me for help, but I could not help him.' Then, Malini Devi said suddenly, 'How will you help him? You are always busy! What to speak of helping others, you cannot even take care of your own family! So, how will you be able to help others? You are not a family man!' Hearing his wife speak in this way, Srivas Pandit said to Vishvarup, 'Have you heard it, Vishvarup? Do you see what a headache it is to have a family! Now you see what it is like to live a family life!' After that, Vishvarup decided that he would not get married. Actually, at that time his parents had already arranged his marriage, but Vishvarup remembered Srivas Pandit's words and ran away from home the same night. He became a sannyasi. This is how Vishvarup left and that is why Sachi Mata called Advaita 'dvaita' (two-faced). She only thought it in her mind, she did not tell it to Advaita, but even by thinking this she made an offence. After that, Mahaprabhu told her, 'You have made an offence at the holy feet of a Vaishnav. You will never get Krishna's mercy unless you ask him for forgiveness.' Mahaprabhu told His own mother to ask Advaita Acharya for forgiveness. So, because he is non-different from the Lord, his name is 'Advaita' (non-dual), and because he incarnates as a devotee and gives devotional guidance, his name is Acharya (teacher). Acharya Prabhu showed the pastimes of a householder devotee. Accepting Madhavendra Puripad, the king among the highest paramahamsa devotees, who showed the pastimes of the fourth order of life (sannyas), as his guru, he taught the necessity of accepting a mahabhagavata pure Vaishnav Guru. Sri Advaita Acharya Prabhu is the main trunk of the wish-fulfilling tree of devotion. He has two other names, Mangal ('spiritual benefit') and Kamalaksa ('lotus-eyes'). After his parents departed to the Ganges (left their bodies), he went to Sri Vrindavan [that place is known as Advaita-vat, near the temple of Banki Bihari, we visit it during the Vrindavan parikrama] becoming immersed in the worship of Lord Krishna. Later, he returned to Santipur, and his manifestation (his glory) became known in Nabadwip. With a great joy, the residents of Santipur provided everything he needed, constructed his house, etc. and with his consent arranged his marriage to Sri and Sita, two daughters of a great brahman Nrisimha Bhaduri, who were endowed with all good qualities. In this way, they made a great effort to keep Sri Advaita Prabhu in Santipur. Yogamaya and her embodiment who appeared as Sita and Sri became Sri Advaita Prabhu's pious spouses. At that time, almost all places were swayed by the people who lacked devotion to Lord Krishna and were overt materialists; seeing them engaged in their fruitless, ostentatious display of knowledge, Sri Advaita Acharya felt much pain inside. There were only one-two people (Srivas Pandit and a few others) in Nadia who were exclusive pious devotees and spent their time discussing Srimad Bhagavatam and other devotional scriptures properly. When Acharya Prabhu got to know about them, he immediately came to meet with the devotees. He started to enjoy a great happiness relishing the nectar of devotion to Krishna at the holy house of Srivas Pandit, who lived close by. However, Sri Advaita Acharya Prabhu did not feel satisfied that such an unparalleled and invaluable source was kept hidden in this way. Feeling the misery of the souls who were averse to the Lord, his very being shed tears. The suitable time had come for the Lord to make His auspicious advent and establish the religion of the current age. So, feeling immediately a great longing for the Lord's coming, Sri Advaita began to incessantly offer Ganges water and Tulasi at the holy lotus feet of the Lord, calling Him with deep cries that pierced the entire universe. At a very auspicious moment, Sri Gauranga, who is non-different from Sri Vrajendranandan (the son of the King of Vraja), appeared on the lap of Sri Sachi Mata in the house of Sri Jagannath Misra in Sri Mayapur, Nabadwip. At that time, Sri Advaita was in Santipur, and our Namacharya Thakur Haridas was also there. They both spent the entire brightly-lit Phalguni Purnima (full moon) night of the Lord's appearance dancing and chanting jubilantly with upraised arms in the association of faithful devotees. Burning with enthusiasm, the Great Acharya kicked all obstacles and disasters on their heads and started to preach genuine spiritual religion (bhagavata-dharma). Axing the root of all long-nourished foolishness and infatuation with competition, he declared everywhere the glory of the truth through his daily practice (achar) and preaching (prachar). Before that, Sri Acharya Prabhu submitted with a great affection a pitri-sraddha offering to Sri Thakur Haridas, who had appeared in this world in a Muslim family, considering him the best among millions of brahmans; in this way, Sri Acharya Prabhu had preached about the impartiality and piety of the preacher and teacher of devotion. During a short time, Sri Advaita Prabhu was assisted by the elder brother of Gaurasundar, Sri Vishvarupa, who was inclined to leave his house. Sri Advaita Prabhu taught the pure, authorised by great souls commentaries and conceptions of Srimad Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and other devotional scriptures — in this way, he turned many atheists, fallen and ignorant people into excellent devotees. The sounds of Harinam-sankirtan echoed in all four directions. Just as all rivers of a country flow from a thousand directions to unite at the confluence in the ocean, in the same way, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Haridas and other close associates came to converge at the holy lotus feet of Sri Gauranga. Seeing that his staunch determination was fulfilled, there was no limit to Acharya's joy. He too took advantage of the auspicious time and kept himself at the Lord's lotus feet. Together with Gadadhar, Sri Gaura Hari would personally appear at Sri Advaita Acharya Prabhu's house and accept his worship; and He also promised to always grant him His darshan. Acharya Thakur Prabhu devised various tricks to make Sri Gaurasundar known to devotees and common people. One day, Sri Advaita ran away from Nabadwip and hid in Santipur. Revealing the mood of the Supreme Lord in the house of Srivas Pandit, Gaura Hari sent Srivas Pandit's cousin, Ramai, to go and immediately bring Sri Advaita back from Santipur. Ramai went to Santipur together with his wife, but Sri Advaita sent them back saying, 'I will not go with you.' Meanwhile, he hid himself in the house of Nandan Acharya, deciding to himself, 'If Prabhu comes for me and places His lotus feet on my head today, then I will know that He is my Prananath (the master of my very being)'; and the Lord did actually come. Very soon his heart's desire was fulfilled. Anyhow, there is much more written here in Sri Nabadwip Dham Mahatmya-mukta-mala, and we do not have time to read it all. You can get this book and read it slowly. If you do not understand anything, you can ask questions. Everything is written here beautifully. Let us chant a few kirtans now.
Jay Sri Gadadhar Pandit ki jay [His Divine Grace chants 'Kabe habe bala se dina amara' and 'Hari Haraye Nama Krsna' and concludes the class.]
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