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(1/4) My Worst Misfortune

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Evening programme, Tarakeshwar
21 November 2020, part 1
Translated from Bengali


[His Divine Grace recites Sri Jaya Dhvani, Sri Vandana and chants evening kirtans along with the special kirtans chanted during the Damodar Month. During the second Siksastakam kirtan, His Divine Grace pauses to make the following comment.]

তুহুঁ দয়া-সাগর তারয়িতে প্রাণী ।
নাম অনেক তুয়া শিখাওলি আনি ॥১॥

tunhu daya-sagara tarayite prani
nama aneka tuya sikhaoli ani' [1]

'You are an ocean of mercy. To deliver the souls, You have brought Your many Names to this world and taught everyone to chant Them.'

সকল শকতি দেই নামে তোহারা ।
গ্রহণে রাখলি নাহি কাল-বিচারা ॥২॥

sakala sakati dei' name tohara
grahane rakhali nahi kala-vichara [2]

'You have put all Your power in Your Names, and You have not made any rules regarding the time for chanting Them.'

(Gitavali, Sri Siksastakam Giti, 2, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

'Sakala sakati dei' name tohara. You have vested all Your power into Your Names. Grahane rakhali nahi kala-vichara. You kept no rules as to when Your Name can be chanted.' The Lord Himself says, 'I have kept all My power within My Holy Name, and you can chant My Name at any time.' You can chant the Holy Name at any and every time – when you are on a bus, when you are driving, when you are eating, lying down, sitting.

হেলা-ভবদাব-নির্ব্বাপণ-বৃত্তি ।
কৃষ্ণকীর্ত্তন জয় ক্লেশনিবৃত্তি ॥

krsna-kirtana jaya klesa-nivrtti

'All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the extinguisher of the fire of material existence that ends all suffering!'

(Gitavali, Sri Siksastakam Giti, 1, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

If you chant the Holy Name, your suffering, pain or misery will subside. Chanting of the Holy Name drives away all unhappiness.

Each line in these songs have a deep meaning...

[His Divine Grace continues the kirtan.]

শ্রীনামচিন্তামণি তোহারি সমানা ।
বিশ্বে বিলাওলি করুণা-নিদানা ॥৩॥

sri-nama-chintamani tohari samana
visve bilaoli karuna-nidana [3]

'Your Names are wish-fulfilling jewels, equal to You, and You have distributed Them throughout the world, O ocean of mercy!'

(Gitavali, Sri Siksastakam Giti, 2, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

There is no difference between the Lord's Name and the Lord. 'Tohari samana' means 'equal to You'. The Lord's Name, form, qualities, pastimes, associates and attributes are absolutely non-different from the Lord. 'Visve bilaoli karuna-nidana' means the flood of the Holy Names is spread all over the world. By Mahaprabhu's mercy, His devotees distribute this Holy Name. Mahaprabhu said:

পৃথিবীতে আছে যত নগরাদি গ্রাম
সর্ব্বত্র প্রচার হইবে মোর নাম

prithivite achhe yata nagaradi grama
sarvatra prachara haibe mora nama

'My Name will spread to every village and town on this earth.'

There is not a village left in this world where nobody knows about Mahaprabhu. The whole universe is chanting this Holy Name.

তুয়া দয়া ঐছন পরম উদারা ।
অতিশয় মন্দ, নাথ ! ভাগ হামারা ॥৪॥

tuya daya aichhana parama udara
atisaya manda natha! bhaga hamara [4]

'Such is Your extremely liberal mercy. I, however, O Lord, am extremely unfortunate.'

নাহি জনমল নামে অনুরাগ মোর ।
ভকতিবিনোদ-চিত্ত দুঃখে বিভোর ॥৫॥

nahi janamala name anuraga mora
bhakti-vinoda-chitta duhkhe vibhora [5]

'I have no attachment to Your Names. The heart of Bhakti Vinod is overwhelmed with sorrow.'

(Gitavali, Sri Siksastakam Giti, 2, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

'O Lord, You are so magnanimous! But my (hamara) fortune (bhaga) is very (atisaya) bad (manda)! I have no taste for this Holy Name! I do not feel happy to chant the Holy Name, I do not like chanting it.' Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur says this, but this is actually our position. We are very unfortunate because we do not like chanting the Holy Name. Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur says, 'I am very sad that I am not attached to chanting the Holy Name...'


— : • : —





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Size: 59.8 Mb
Length: 119 min
Language: Bengali




1) My Worst Misfortune
2) Live for Service
3) Remembering Gadadhar Pandit
4) Advaita Acharya's Mystic Personality




Daily Arati Songs
'It may not be palatable every day, but it is necessary and very important to realise why we sing these songs every day—through that we can cross over the illusion.'

When a devotee surrenders, they cannot spoil anything—they cannot use their mind,
intelligence, ego, eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, ears for any other purpose.
They have to use everything for the service to the Lord, their Guru.