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(4/5) Search for Reality the Beautiful

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Midnapore, 8 December 2020, evening, part 4
Translated from Bengali


It is important to have fortune. Not everything is used for the service of the Lord. There are flowers at all houses, but many flowers fall on the ground and dry – they are not used in the Lord's service. Such trees' and plants' lives pass in vain. If some tree grows at the house of a devotee, that devotee picks the tree's flowers when they blossom and offers it at the holy feet of Govinda. So, it is written here [In the Search of the Original Source] very nicely: what do we want? We want eternity, and we must search for it.

brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva
guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija

We must search for reality. When we go to the market, we always look for good things. We do not walk into the market and just buy whatever we see first. No. We walk around and look carefully; we try to find the best things. If we make an effort, we will find it. It is necessary to want to find something. In any field, you must have desire and you must make an effort.

In the eternal abode, there are wish-fulfilling trees. It can be a guava tree, but you can come to it and say, 'Give me a mango,' and it will give you a mango. And if you come to a mango tree and ask it for a pomelo, the mango tree will give you a pomelo. This is what a transcendental abode is like.

'The Lord has all power. Without power, creation is not possible, and without the Powerful, creation is also not possible. We can search in many ways, but finally we must go to the Powerful, otherwise success is not possible. And the rsis have searched in that way, to find that power and the Powerful. Through mundane knowledge it is not possible to get it. When they understood this, they tried to get it from the higher level, and they searched for the way in which it would be possible to get it.

daivi hy esa guna-mayi mama maya duratyaya
mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te

'"O My dear Arjuna, fortunately, if anyone will take shelter of Me, I will relieve him from the illusory environment. Otherwise, to get relief from this illusory environment is not so easy because maya is so powerful."

'We have come out from the marginal potency. Maya is ruling the shadow potency, but our home is existing in the transcendental potency. Unfortunately, we have jumped into maya, but it is not our real home. Our father, our mother, everything is transcendental. We are spirit, and we must live in our spiritual home, but unfortunately we have come into this situation. Which way will we go back to our country, our home? That is necessary to understand.

'In this material world we can see so many species of life. Travelling through 8,400,000 species, we have got a human birth. Believe it and search for Sri Krishna, Reality the Beautiful!

'The animals have brains; they have willing, feeling, and thinking, but not in an organised way. [For example, people wear clothes, but animals do not. They are not aware of it.] But in the human form, one who is not a madman has some organisational ability within his brain. Whoever feels, wills, and thinks is the spirit soul living within the body. When this spirit soul leaves the body, the body becomes useless, and within a few days it decomposes.

'Believe it and search for Sri Krishna, Reality the Beautiful! We want reality, and it is beautifully existing in our real home. There everything is transcendental, everything is beautiful, harmonious, lovely, and affectionate. Krishna said in Srimad Bhagavad-gita (15.6),

yad gatva na nivartante
tad dhama paramam mama

'"Once you go to that abode, it is not necessary to come back. You will not want to come back; you will be extremely satisfied." Those who are not satisfied in this material world are trying to get liberation through renunciation. We have many things, but we have no happiness. Maybe we have no family life, and even if we have family life there are so many difficulties. In this material world we cannot expect to find satisfaction or fulfilment; it is impossible. Then, we will try to search for the place where there is some possibility of eternity, where love, affection, ecstasy, and beauty are existing. If we try to understand this, we must go to the scriptures or the sadhu, who is the living scripture, whose experience, practising life, and knowledge will give some good nourishment to us.

'With the sadhu's association we will try to search, but when the searching spirit will come to us, we must be on faithful ground. Faith is the main basis.'

Adau sraddha: first comes faith (firm conviction). When I am born, I do not know who is my father – my mother tells me, 'This is your father,' and I believe her. So, when scriptures, Bhagavatam, Vaishnavs say something, we must believe it. If you build a five-storey house but do not have a good foundation, the whole building will collapse. It is necessary to have a good foundation. So, first it is necessary to have faith. The result of faith is association of saints. After that, you must practise; through practice, all your unwanted, bad elements will go away. By practising in good association (listening about the Lord), your heart will become cleansed. A clean heart means that service to the Lord will come to your heart. It is necessary to have a clean heart.

'In Christianity, the first condition is that you must be faithful to the teachings.' What do Christians do? They go to the church once a week and pray that all the sins they have committed during the week are removed. But sadhus do not chant the Holy Name only once a week – they chant the Holy Name and speak Hari-katha twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

'I read on the dollar bill, "In God We Trust". This is a very nice expression: to trust in God. You must first come into the faithful plane. You want eternity, you want a beautiful world, you want everything transcendental, but you will not give anything to God? Not anything for God? How will you get everything beautiful from such a hellish position? Where you are living now is a hellish situation, but God is so merciful, He is giving so much love to you. His loving search for the lost servant is our wealth, not the wealth of God. His Loving search for His lost servant is our property.'

The Lord is searching for us! 'My sons have left Me so long ago – when will they return to Me?' How will you return? If you do not practise Krishna consciousness and do not chant the Holy Name in this world, you will never be able to return there. That is why now that you have got association of saints, start chanting the Holy Name!

'I have not seen my own birth. My mother told me, "He is your father", so I believe, "Yes, he is my father", and I believe the government will give me my father's inheritance. Why? My mother said he is my father, and a father's property goes to his son. This is the rule, and we all believe it. Only when it comes to believing in God are we very unfortunate. Come to the faithful level and try from there. Srnvantu visve amrtasya putra: you are all the sons of nectar; you must search for Sri Krishna, Reality the Beautiful, and you will get everything.'


— : • : —





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Size: 19.7 Mb
Length: 42 min
Language: Bengali




1) Road to Home Is Paved with Hari-Kirtan
2) 'Wake Up!'
3) Appeal of Spiritual World
4) Search for Reality the Beautiful
5) Faith Is Not Idleness




Standing Invitation
'You can make an announcement and tell everyone that I want devotees to come and stay here, do some service. It is my humble prayer to everyone—any time you want to come, I always say to you, 'Please come.''

If you think you know everything, you will never know anything.