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Vaishnav Rites

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Vaishnav Seva Programme, Kolkata,
29 January 2021, part 1


vande 'ham sri-guroh sri-yuta-pada-kamalam sri-gurun vaisnavams cha
sri-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana raghunath-anvitam tam sa-jivam
sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam krsna-chaitanya-devam
sri-radha-krsna-padan saha-gana-lalita sri-visakhanvitams cha

I offer my obeisance unto the lotus feet of my Guru, the predecessor Gurus, the Lord's devotees, Sri Rupa, Sri Sanatan, Sri Raghunath, Sri Jiva, Sri Rupa's followers, Sri Krishna Chaitanyadev, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Advaita Prabhu, Sri Chaitanyadev's associates, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, Sri Lalita Devi, Sri Visakha Devi, and all of Their associates.

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya
chaksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

'I offer my obeisance unto Sri Gurudev, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance, applying the kajal of divine knowledge on my eyes.'

gurvvabhista-supurakam guru-ganair asisa-sambhusitam
chintyachintya-samasta-veda-nipunam sri-rupa-panthanugam
govindabhidham ujjvalam vara-tanum bhakty anvitam-sundaram
vande visva-gurun cha divya-bhagavat-premno hi bija-pradam

I offer my obeisance unto he who perfectly fulfils his Gurudev's most cherished desires; who is fully adorned with the blessings of his Gurudev's associates; who is expert in all aspects of Vedic knowledge, both conceivable and inconceivable; who is the pre-eminent follower of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu's line; who is known as 'Govinda'—Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj; whose beautiful, effulgent, exalted form is infused with pure devotion; who is the Guru of the entire universe; and who is the giver of the seed of divine love for the Supreme Lord.

devam divya-tanum suchhanda-vadanam balarka-chelanchitam
sandrananda-puram sad-eka-varanam vairagya-vidyambudhim
sri-siddhanta-nidhim subhakti-lasitam sarasvatanam varam
vande tam subhadam mad-eka-saranam nyasisvaram sridharam

I offer my obeisance unto my lord, Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, whose speech is most pleasing; whose divine form is adorned with garments the colour of the newly-risen sun; who is an abode of intense, ecstatic devotion; who is the sadhus' sole choice; who is an ocean of renunciation and knowledge; who is a treasure-house of perfect conclusions; who is resplendent with pure devotion; who is the best of Srila Saraswati Thakur's followers; who is the giver of all good; who is the leading general of the tridandi-sannyasis; and who is my sole shelter.

vanchha-kalpatarubhyas cha krpa-sindhubhya eva cha
patitanam pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo namo namah

Again and again I offer my obeisance unto the Supreme Lord's devotees, who are saviours of the fallen, oceans of mercy, and wish-fulfilling trees.

vrndayai tulasi-devyai priyayai kesavasya cha
krsna-bhakti-prade devi satyavatyai namo namah

Again and again I offer my obeisance unto Vrnda Devi, who is known as Tulasi Devi and Satyavati, who is most dear to Krishna, and who bestows devotion to Krishna upon us.

atha natva mantra-gurun gurun bhagavatarthadan
vyasan jagad-gurun natva tato jayam udirayet

Having offered obeisance to one's initiating Guru, to the Gurus who have taught one the meaning of the Bhagavat, and to all the authors of Vedic literature, who are the Gurus of the entire world, proclaim "Jay!"

jayah sa-parikara sri-sri-guru-gauranga-gandharva-govindasundar-padapadmanam jayastu!

All glory to the lotus feet of Sri Guru, Sri Gaurasundar, Sri Sri Gandharva-Govindasundar, and all of Their associates!

vande rupa-sanatanau raghu-yugau sri-jiva-gopalakau

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Six Goswamis, namely Sri Rupa Goswami, Sri Sanatan Goswami, Sri Raghunath Bhatta Goswami, Sri Raghunath Das Goswami, Sri Jiva Goswami, and Sri Gopala Bhatta Goswami.

sri-krsna-chaitanya prabhu nityananda
sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi gaura-bhakta-vrnda

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

Today, by the mercy of Vaishnavs and by the mercy of Gurudev, we are present here at this function in honour of the departure of Sripad Manoranjan Das Adhikari Prabhu's mother. You all Vaishnavs are present here today on this occasion. I see that many familiar devotees, my dear family, have come today. Supreme Lord Sri Krishna said, "I do not know anyone except My devotees, and devotees do not know anyone except Me."

We come to the association of Vaishnavs as a result of a very great fortune:

বৈষ্ণবের গুণ-গান করিলে জীবের ত্রাণ
শুনিয়াছি সাধুগুরুমুখে

vaisnavera guna-gana karile jivera trana
suniyachhi sadhu-guru-mukhe

"Singing the glories of the Vaishnavs rescues and protects the jiva soul. I heard this from the mouth of sadhus and my Guru."

('Jayare jayare jaya paramahamsa mahasaya')

Because Sripad Manoranjan Prabhu has come to this line, his mother's departure rites (paralaukik kriya, পরলৌকিক ক্রিয়া) are observed according to the Vaishnav tradition. There is one beautiful letter written by Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Once, one of this disciples's father died, and on this occasion, he wrote a letter to Srila Prabhupad, saying, "My father has died. What will be now? What should I do?" Srila Prabhupad replied:

"When I received your letter, I had understood everything. I knew your father had passed away. One of the sons who is initiated should give maha-prasad as pindu after ten days (on the eleventh day), and they must serve pure devotee brahmans, brahmans, and Vaishnavs with prasadam. When somebody chants the Holy Name, the scriptures do not say that they should think of their parents as being possessed by ghosts or perform common funeral rites. [His Divine Grace—Hoping the dead person goes to heaven, people perform various rites: they apply fire to the mouth of the dead during the cremation because they are afraid a ghost can possess the body, etc.] Smartavadis arrange all the rites according to their own qualification. [His Divine Grace—Everybody lives and follows rules according to their qualification and right.] Particularly, if one performs the sraddha rites for their mother or father according to the smarta rules, then the father, the mother, as well as the person who does this sraddha for them, will have to again be born in the womb of a mother. [His Divine Grace—Do you understand this? This is why we do not make all this. Gurudev said that even if you cannot make a fire sacrifice, you must give prasad to Vaishnav brahmans. This is what we do. We make a fire sacrifice ('hom yajna'), etc.] The devotees of the Lord do not accept the rules and teachings of the smarta brahmans. Your eternal well-wisher, Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati."

I have printed a book that can be followed to make sraddha ceremonies, and this letter is written there. Anyhow, this had to be said, and I have told you. Many create a lot of problem out of this—they say that this is necessary, that is necessary, etc. Do you know why they do this? I wrote this small book, but there are many big, big books: those who do sraddha ceremonies for money take 10-20,000 or 25,000 rupees for the ceremony and ask you to buy so many things—clothes, pillows, etc. We do not do all this. What will those who cannot afford it do? Brahmans say, "If you chant the Holy Name, then the fire sacrifice will be pure." It must be done, but they do not do it. However, when we come, we do parikrama, chant kirtan, Harinama maha-mantra. This is the rule. Not all fire sacrifices are pure, but if you chant the Holy Name, then the sacrifice will be pure, but it is necessary to chant the Holy Name; otherwise, if you only chant "Om Svaha" it will not work.

Have you not heard about the yajna-patnis? When Krishna was herding the cows, the brahmans were doing a big fire sacrifice with fruit, etc., but these brahmans who were doing the sacrifice, chased Krishna away, "Hey, where are You going, a cowherd boy! So what You are hungry? We have not finished the fire sacrifice, and You think we must give you something to eat?" He for whom they are doing this sacrifice—Lord Narayan Himself—came there, asking, "Please give Me some fruit, give Me some prasad," but they chased Him away and could not recognise Him.

Anyway, I will chant some kirtans now, after that I will start the class...


— : • : —





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Heartfelt and Fervent
'Even two trees can get Your lotus feet, can get mercy from You, Prabhu! But I am even lower than that, I have no devotion, but You can rescue me..'


Ei-bara karuna kara
'Govinda always resides in your heart, and He says, 'My devotees are My heart.''
এইবার করুণা কর

If you want to see your Guru, your Guru's form, you can see him by his mercy,
and you must understand that chastity is necessary—chastity is above all.