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Eternal Oblivion His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Where is hell and where is heaven? We sleep under a mosquito net or plug in All-Out at night, but so many cows live like that and get bitten by so many mosquitos. Snakes roam the streets—they catch and eat frogs. One living entity is dependent on other living entities. You know, in Nagaland, people there swirl dogs until the dogs vomit, and then they eat that vomit. We too were such people before... So, we have now got this human birth, but have we got it only to do four things—eating, sleeping, mating and defending? Everyone does this—cows, goats, sheep, cats, pigs, dogs. Everyone eats, everyone sleeps, everyone fears, and everyone is busy procuring children. Nobody prohibits you to do this, you can have a family, but do not become an animal. Animals do not lack anything—they eat and sleep like us, only we are more civilised, so we wear some clothes. In some countries, people do not wear any clothes. [Somebody makes noise.] Do not disturb, you are making an offence. The Lord does not like those who disturb Hari-katha. The Lord Himself says that He is present where His Hari-katha is being spoken. So, if you disturb Hari-katha, the Lord will not look at you with pleased eyes. The Lord says that He is pleased when He is being spoken about. You may hear or not hear it, but if you disturb Hari-katha, it is not good at all. Therefore, the main thing is that you have got this human birth, but what do you do with this human birth? We only sleep, eat, enjoy, and fear, but when we were in our mothers' wombs, we promised and now we have forgotten the Lord!
ভজিব বলিয়া এসে সংসার-ভিতরে ।
bhajibo boliya ese samsara-bhitare "You came into this world saying, 'O Lord, I will serve You', but, having forgotten this promise, you have remained in ignorance." ('Jiva Jago Jiva Jago' by Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur)
কৃষ্ণ ভুলি' সেই জীব অনাদি-বহির্ম্মুখ ।
krsna bhuli' sei jiva anadi-bahirmukha "Having forgotten Krishna, the soul wanders throughout the universe. Being thus covered by illusion, the soul goes through all kinds of material suffering." (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, 20.117)
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