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Parikrama Adhivas: Forsake Your Happiness

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nabadwip Dham Parikrama Adhivas, evening
Sri Nrisingha Palli, 22 March 2021, part 1
Translated from Bengali


vande 'ham sri-guroh sri-yuta-pada-kamalam sri-gurun vaisnavams cha
sri-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana raghunath-anvitam tam sa-jivam
sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam krsna-chaitanya-devam
sri-radha-krsna-padan saha-gana-lalita sri-visakhanvitams cha

I offer my obeisance unto the lotus feet of my Guru, the predecessor Gurus, the Lord's devotees, Sri Rupa, Sri Sanatan, Sri Raghunath, Sri Jiva, Sri Rupa's followers, Sri Krishna Chaitanyadev, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Advaita Prabhu, Sri Chaitanyadev's associates, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, Sri Lalita Devi, Sri Visakha Devi, and all of Their associates.

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya
chaksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

'I offer my obeisance unto Sri Gurudev, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance, applying the kajal of divine knowledge on my eyes.'

gurvvabhista-supurakam guru-ganair asisa-sambhusitam
chintyachintya-samasta-veda-nipunam sri-rupa-panthanugam
govindabhidham ujjvalam vara-tanum bhakty anvitam-sundaram
vande visva-gurun cha divya-bhagavat-premno hi bija-pradam

I offer my obeisance unto he who perfectly fulfils his Gurudev's most cherished desires; who is fully adorned with the blessings of his Gurudev's associates; who is expert in all aspects of Vedic knowledge, both conceivable and inconceivable; who is the pre-eminent follower of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu's line; who is known as 'Govinda'—Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj; whose beautiful, effulgent, exalted form is infused with pure devotion; who is the Guru of the entire universe; and who is the giver of the seed of divine love for the Supreme Lord.

devam divya-tanum suchhanda-vadanam balarka-chelanchitam
sandrananda-puram sad-eka-varanam vairagya-vidyambudhim
sri-siddhanta-nidhim subhakti-lasitam sarasvatanam varam
vande tam subhadam mad-eka-saranam nyasisvaram sridharam

I offer my obeisance unto my lord, Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, whose speech is most pleasing; whose divine form is adorned with garments the colour of the newly-risen sun; who is an abode of intense, ecstatic devotion; who is the sadhus' sole choice; who is an ocean of renunciation and knowledge; who is a treasure-house of perfect conclusions; who is resplendent with pure devotion; who is the best of Srila Saraswati Thakur's followers; who is the giver of all good; who is the leading general of the tridandi-sannyasis; and who is my sole shelter.

vanchha-kalpatarubhyas cha
krpa-sindhubhya eva cha
patitanam pavanebhyo
vaisnavebhyo namo namah

Again and again I offer my obeisance unto the Supreme Lord's devotees, who are saviours of the fallen, oceans of mercy, and wish-fulfilling trees.

vrndayai tulasi-devyai priyayai kesavasya cha
krsna-bhakti-prade devi satyavatyai namo namah

Again and again I offer my obeisance unto Vrnda Devi, who is known as Tulasi Devi and Satyavati, who is most dear to Krishna, and who bestows devotion to Krishna upon us.

atha natva mantra-gurun gurun bhagavatarthadan
vyasan jagad-gurun natva tato jayam udirayet

Having offered obeisance to one's initiating Guru, to the Gurus who have taught one the meaning of the Bhagavat, and to all the authors of Vedic literature, who are the Gurus of the entire world, proclaim "Jay!"

jayah sa-parikara sri-sri-guru-gauranga-gandharva-govindasundar-padapadmanam jayastu!

All glory to the lotus feet of Sri Guru, Sri Gaurasundar, Sri Sri Gandharva-Govindasundar, and all of Their associates!

vande rupa-sanatanau raghu-yugau sri-jiva-gopalakau

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Six Goswamis, namely Sri Rupa Goswami, Sri Sanatan Goswami, Sri Raghunath Bhatta Goswami, Sri Raghunath Das Goswami, Sri Jiva Goswami, and Sri Gopala Bhatta Goswami.

sri-krsna-chaitanya prabhu nityananda
sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi gaura-bhakta-vrnda

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

Today, by the mercy of Sri Gurupadpadma, by the mercy of Lord Nrisinghadev, by the mercy of Nabadwip Dham, by the mercy of Nitai and Gaura, we are present here at Sri Godrumdwip, Nabadwip Dham. The name of this place is Nrisingha Palli or Deva Palli. Today is the adhivas day of Sri Nabadwip Dham Parikrama. Our Sri Nabadwip Dham Parikrama will start tomorrow. We will walk through the nine islands of Nabadwip (nava-dvip, 'nine islands')

গৌর আমার যে সব স্থানে
করল ভ্রমণ রঙ্গে ।
সে সব স্থান হেরিব আমি
প্রণয়ি-ভকত-সঙ্গে ॥

gaura amara ye-saba sthane
karala bhramana range
se-saba sthana heriba ami

"In the company of loving devotees, I behold all the places my Gaurasundar roamed during His ecstatic Pastimes."

You all know that Nabadwip Dham consists of nine islands. We always begin this parikrama from Antardwip (Mayapur), it is situated in the centre, surrounded by the other eight islands. We will start out tomorrow in the morning, at about half past five. Many of you live in householder homes and are not used to waking up early, but everybody must wake up one hour thirty-six minutes before the sunrise.

উদিল অরুণ পূরব-ভাগে
দ্বিজমণি গোরা অমনি জাগে ।
ভকত-সমূহ লইয়া সাথে
গেলা নগর ব্রাজে ॥

udila aruna purava-bhage
dvija-mani gora amani jage
bhakata-samuha la-iya sathe
gela nagara-vraje

The sun arises in the east, and the jewel of the brahmans, Sri Gorachand, awakes. Taking His devotees with Him, He goes out about the town.

'Aruna' time [the time when the horizon turns crimson with the first rays of the rising sun] means one hour thirty-six minutes before the sunrise time. The morning arati is at 4-4:45 a.m. every day. After the arati, we will start out with the parikrama. We will first go to pay obeisance to Lord Nrisinghadev, then we will get on the buses that will be waiting near the temple. We will go to the ghat by bus, it is a ten-fifteen minute ride. At the ghat, we will take a boat (the tickets have already been bought, everyone will be given tickets at the ghat or in the bus). I know it is a little difficult for you to go by bus because not everybody can get a seat, but you will have to stand for ten-fifteen minutes. Do not stray and roam anywhere, it is Nabadwip Dham Parikrama tomorrow. You have come to do this parikrama, to earn some sukriti, but instead of that you can commit offence to the holy abode (dham-aparadh). Try not to make any offences. You must do this dham-parikrama forsaking your own happiness. Do not think about your own happiness. The Lord always takes care of His devotees, He takes care that His devotees stay happy. We used to do the whole parikrama on foot, but now we left the main temple of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math and it would be very difficult for you to walk so far, so we have arranged buses to take us to the ghat. The buses will also pick up on the way back. In this way, you will not have to struggle so much.

So, our Nabadwip Dham Parikrama starts tomorrow. First, we will go to Antardwip, then Simantadwip, from there we will get on the buses and go to Rudradwip. Everybody must get off the bus and offer obeisances there, do not stay in the buses. Many think, "If I get off the bus, I do not know if I will get the seat again or not." I know it. I can understand what you all think. I can see everything, what you are doing or not doing. Have I not told you?

“গোরার আমি, গোরার আমি” মুখে বলিলে নাহি চলে ।

গোরার আচার, গোরার বিচার লইলে ফল ফলে ॥

"gorara ami, gorara ami" mukhe balile nahi chale
gorara achara, gorara vichara la-ile phala phale

Just saying, "I am Gora's! I am Gora's!" does not do. Only when you follow Gora's practices and Gora's conception will you get the proper result.

(Sri Sri Prema-vivarta, 8.6)

লোক দেখান গোরা ভজা তিলক মাত্র ধরি ।

গোপনেতে অত্যাচার গোরা ধরে চুরি ॥

loka dekhana gora bhaja tilaka matra dhari'
gopanete atyachara gora dhare churi

You show the world you serve Gora simply by wearing tilak but secretly you misbehave. Gora will catch you, you thief!

(Sri Sri Prema-vivarta, 8.7)

By the mercy of Sri Gurupadpadma, the Lord has given me the power to understand everything, who does what—how much everyone practises, how much service everyone does. I can understand everything. You do not need to show anything in front me. I can see who shows false renunciation, they worship Gaura only to impress others. Externally, somebody may show they are a 'tyagi' (renunciate), but inside they are actually a 'bhogi' (enjoyer). "Vaisnavi pratistha tate kara nistha (বৈষ্ণবী প্রতিষ্ঠা তাতে কর নিষ্ঠা). Firmly establish yourself as a servant of the Lord."

So, I am praying to you all—please, take part in Nabadwip Dham Parikrama properly. Everybody must wear Tulasi beads on their necks. You can buy the neck beads for ten rupees at the bookstore...


— : • : —





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The Power of Surrender
If Krishna protects you,
no one can destroy you. Krishna says, 'If you think for Me, I will think for you.' You think that your children and other people will look after you, but no, it is not so.


'He is the eternal shelter of the souls surrendered unto Sri Gaura and the Guru of the world. He is dedicated to the service of his Guru, Srila Gaura Kisor, and completely devoted to Srila Bhakti Vinod. Eternally I offer my obeisance to my master's feet.'

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