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Cannot Practise or Do Not Want to Practise?

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Kolkata-Worldwide, 18 April 2021, part 4


Question: We hear that it is important to be tolerant, it is important to be humble, but in our material life we cannot manage if we are always humble; the material world is very different, so if we are always in a humble mood, we cannot maintain our life properly...

It is necessary to practise it. You are not humble, but you have to be humble. We are trying, trying, trying, trying, and trying to be humble. We are trying to be honest. Tolerance is also necessary. You can all see my own example—you can see how much I am tolerating and learn something from my example. Sometimes, when I cannot tolerate it, I start biting my own arms. I know I cannot slap anyone, so I do not bite anybody—I bit my own arms.

Actually, sometimes we do so many wrong things, so many nonsense things, so many offences thinking that our Guru does not know about it, that he cannot see or understand it. We think Gurudev is like any other material person, but this is an offence against the Holy Name—to consider your Guru a mere mortal (gurute martya-buddhi). We think our Guru has an ordinary human body, so when he is not near, he cannot see what we are doing—he is living now in India, and I am living far away in South America or America. This is nonsense. Gurudev can see everything. Why does he not say anything then? Because everything runs its own course—when you make offences again and again, eventually the burden of offences will become so great that you will sink under its weight on your own. When this burden is too much, you will sink yourself. Wait and see. First offences are towards devotees, then offences go to Vaishnavs, then to Gurudev, and finally to the Lord. You can remember Ramachandra Puri—he made offence to Vaishnavs, then to his Gurudev, and finally his offences went to Mahaprabhu, and after that he disappeared from Puri. This is how it happens. Only wait and see.


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