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Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Bhagavan Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
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Clear Vision

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Caracas, Venezuela
25 September 2009


তদ্­বিদ্ধি প্রণিপাতেন পরিপ্রশ্নেন সেবয়া ।
উপদেক্ষ্যন্তি তে জ্ঞানং জ্ঞানিনস্তত্ত্বদর্শিনঃ ॥

tad viddhi pranipatena, pariprasnena sevaya
upadeksyanti te jnanam, jnaninas tattva-darsinah

You will be able to attain knowledge by satisfying the divine master with submission, relevant inquiry, and sincere service. The enlightened souls who are learned in scriptural knowledge and endowed with direct realisation of the Supreme Absolute Truth will impart divine knowledge to you.

Srimad Bhagavad-gita, 4.34

This is seva-vrtti, seva-pravrtti, service temper. Tad viddhi pranipatena, full surrender; pariprasna, honest enquiry (sad jijnasa).

When Sanatan Goswami asked Mahaprabhu, "Prabhu, what is our duty?" and Sivananda also asked Mahaprabhu, "Prabhu, we are householder people, what is our duty?" Mahaprabhu answered, "Jive daya, Name ruchi, Vaishnava sevan (জীবে দয়া, নামে রুচি, বৈষ্ণব সেবান)." He said there were three duties. The grihastha (householder) people must serve the devotee, chant the Holy Name and give some mercy to those who do not know about Krishna Nam (give some jive daya, some mercy, to them). You chant the Holy Name yourself and make others devotees, tell everybody, "Please chant Hare Krishna." You will get mercy of the Lord through that. This is Mahaprabhu's conception.

পৃথিবীতে আছে যত নগরাদি গ্রাম
সর্ব্বত্র প্রচার হইবে মোর নাম

prithivite achhe yata nagaradi grama
sarvatra prachara haibe mora nama

"Krishna consciousness will spread everywhere, all over the world."

Almost all devotees have gone to Mayapur, but before there was only Chaitanya Math there, and up to the bank of the Ganges there were no other temple. One day, Prabhupad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur was with two devotees on both his sides. Suddenly he noticed that the devotees were holding their noses, so he asked them, "What has happened? Why are you closing your nose?" (It was raining very much at that time.) The devotees said, "Prabhupad, the smell is too bad. All local people pass stool here and the smell is very bad..." Prabhupad was surprised, "Why are you getting bad smell? Are you not getting the incense smell? I see temples on both sides..." Prabhupad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur had this kind of vision.

These are always very good stories.


— ‹ ÷ › —




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A Lesson on Surrender
'Aren't you ashamed?! You have already given this body to Me, then how can you want to spoil My property? This is not your property!'—pastimes of great Vaishnavas are not just stories, we have learn from them.


Jaya 'guru-maharaja'
'You are the mine of the siddhanta revealed by Sri Gauranga and Srila Saraswati Thakur. You discovered the divine meaning of the gayatri mantra.'
জয় ‘গুরু-মহারাজ’

We cannot do anything ourselves, that is why we always give people to Gurudev.