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Accepting Guru's Order

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nabadwip Dham
28 November 2010


Gurudev gave some explanation about uttam, madhyam and adham devotees. If you tell somebody something and then they do it, that is called madhyam. If you tell somebody something and they do not do it, it is adham, the lowest, fallen. And uttam means some indication only is enough. For example, Gurudev says, "OK, if you can do it, that will be good"—he does not order anyone to do it, but if you immediately do that job, then you are uttam, the highest class devotee.

Question: Even if Gurudev says it indirectly?

Yes, he can say indirectly, "If someone does it, it will be good," he does not order directly. Ye jana Krsna bhaje se jana chatur (যে জন কৃষ্ণ ভজে সে জন চতুর)—those who serve Krishna are very intelligent. Gurudev is very clever, he knows that if there are five-ten devotees or sometimes twenty-fifty devotees sitting in front of him and he gives an order to one of them to do something, the others will get upset, "Oh, Gurudev is not giving me an order..." So, Gurudev says, "If somebody does it, it will be good." I have seen Gurudev say this many times, and immediately one of the devotees would do that job.

One time I remember when I was in London (many, maybe eight-nine, years ago, I cannot remember now), when Gurudev was speaking to the devotees in the morning, he said, "I heard the vegetable collection is good here... If someone goes there and collects, that is good." I thought to myself, "OK, I will do it," but I did not tell him I was going. Later that day, when Gurudev went to take rest after breakfast and everybody was sleeping, I told a devotee who drove a van that I was going for the collection. So, that devotee, a few others and myself went for collection. At that time, 200-300 devotees came to the temple every day, and what we collected during that one day (not even one full day, only a few hours) was enough for three-four days after that. We brought three trucks full of subji. They did not have place to keep it (the Green Street temple is small) and chastised me, "Why did you go there? You have brought so many vegetables, where will we keep it now?!"... [His Divine Grace laughs.]


— · ~ · —




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