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Life's Necessity His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Practise properly. It is not necessary to read so many books. You have the Kirtan Guide, and every day sing four-five, ten kirtans and read the meaning of the kirtans. Sing Vaishnav vandana, Guru vandana, Nityananda vandana, "Amara jivana sada pape rata." Gurudev would often sing "Emana durmati", "Ki jani ki bale", "Jaya Radha Madhava", "Bhajahu re mana Sri Nanda Nandana". Sing the songs and read the translation to understand their meaning. Bhakti Vinod Thakur writes,
ki jani ki bale tomare dhamete "I do not know by what force I have taken shelter within Your abode..."
amara jivana sada pape rata "My life is always engrossed in sin, there is not a trace of piety within it."
emana durmati samsara bhitare "O Lord! I am very wicked-minded and have fallen into this material world."
kabe habe bala se dina amara "Please tell me, when will that day be mine when my offences will be dispelled and taste for the pure Name will be infused within my heart by the power of mercy?" If you only sing these songs and understand their meaning, that is sufficient. There is the translation of those songs in the English Kirtan Guide book, and also in other countries if you do not have it translated, you can translate the songs and and their meaning and publish the book. Translating and publishing books is service: You should not only take prasad yourself—you should engage others also in taking prasad. Do you understand what I mean? You do service, and you should also engage others in service—you are chanting, and you should give others a chance to chant. This is service. You are chanting Hare Krishna, and you should tell others, "Please, I am begging you, say, 'Hare Krishna' once! Please, one time, say, 'Hare Krishna.'" Sometimes when I am walking somewhere outside, people say, "Hare Krishna!" (even Muslim people sometimes say, "Hare Krishna!"), and I am very happy to hear that, I think, "Oh, Krishna is protecting them!" When Haridas Thakur was asked, "How will the yavans be rescued in this Kali-yuga?" he said, "নামাভাসে মুক্তি পাইবে, Namabhase mukti paibe: they will be rescued through Namabhas." So, when somebody says, "Hare Krishna!", then Krishna will protect them and they will not get a cat's body, or a dog's body—they will be released from this material world. This is the result of the Holy Name. Chant the Holy Name constantly—when you walk, when you cook, run, and so on—only chant, that is good for you. When somebody chants, listens to lectures, reads Gurudev's lectures, I am very happy to see that, it gives me pleasure. I do not want to think about anything except my Guru, I am thinking, "Krishna is giving me a chance, so I must always think about my temple and my devotees." I want to always think about it—it is my life's necessity.
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