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His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
9 September 2011


Question: How can we get more energy to do service?

Read Gurudev's books, always think about your Guru.

Sometimes your mind tells you something, but you should not follow your mind. If something bad comes to your mind, say to yourself, "Oh, it is not good. Why will I do that? It will damage my life." Some bad things may come to your mind—our eyes want to see bad things, our ears want to hear bad things, our mouth wants to say bad things—but it is necessary to have some intelligence (buddhi), to understand, "It is not good. Why should I do that? I will not do it. I will chant, I will read a book at this time instead. Why should I think about bad things?"

"Asadhu-sange Krsna-Nama nahi haya: the Name of Krishna never appears in bad association." (Pv, 7.1) If you meet a nondevotee—a person who does not chant, who always says bad things about the Guru, about sadhus and Vaishnavs, do not listen to them. Remember three things: কুবলিব না, kubaliba na, we will not say bad things; কুশুনিব না, kusuniba na, we will not hear bad things; কুদেখিব না, kudekhiba na, we will not see bad things.

Do not look for fault in others, always think, "I have no qualification. I am guilty." Gurudev told me that if you think about others' fault, that fault will come to you.

Gurudev gave me this position to serve you all, and I am always with you, I am always thinking about you—even if somebody does not know me, or somebody thinks bad about me, I think good about them too. I may not know some of you personally, or I may not have visited some countries, but devotees have seen my face, and I am praying to Gurudev, praying Krishna, "Please give them some mercy, blessings." Even if somebody thinks bad about me, I pray to Gurudev, "Gurudev, they are all your sons. Please give them some good mind, give them a fresh mind and a fresh intelligence so that they may not leave you."

Everybody is not the same—even five fingers on my hand are not the same. Everybody does not have the same, equal qualification, but we must use everybody for the service to the Lord. I praying to Gurudev that he may use everybody for his and Krishna's service. Everybody has different qualifications, but I always pray to God for them, I always want good for everybody. Even if somebody thinks bad about me, I want good for them too.




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Passed or Failed?
'When you join the temple who will give you a certificate? You must make your certificate yourself. You can easily understand yourself whether you pass or fail, 'Is the taste for Hari-katha, Krishna-katha coming to me or do I think more about other things?''


Jaya 'guru-maharaja'
'O manifestation of the principle of inconceivable difference and nondifference (union in separation)! This humble servant chants your glories and worships you with joy.'
জয় ‘গুরু-মহারাজ’

You can easily understand if it is good association or bad association:
is your material desire coming more and more, or is service mood coming more and more?