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Crazy Inside Out

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
27 April 2013


I have told it many times before. Sometimes you think, "I want this," "I want that," "I want some money." It can be any of the three things—it can be kanak (wealth), it can be kamini (women), it can be pratistha (name and fame, self-establishment). If you always think about kanak, kamini, or pratistha ("I want kanak, I want kanak, I want kanak") and you do not get it, you will become crazy. Kamini is also like that—you are always thinking about kamini, kamini, kamini, and when you do not get it, you become crazy. Sometimes people also become crazy because of pratistha—you want pratistha, establishment, and when you do not get it you become crazy. There was once an Indian girl who became crazy, and Gurudev asked me once, "Do you know why that girl became crazy?" He told me why, and that was the reason—she wanted something very much and because she could not get it she became crazy. But I am surprised—nobody becomes crazy because they want Krishna! Only Mahaprabhu and Srimati Radharani became crazy because of Krishna...

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu gave some teachings in this world and Jagadananda Pandit told about it in his Prema-vivarta. I spoke about it in the morning, and I want to say something now too.

vairagi vaisnava prana-vrtti angikari'
asanchaya stri-sambhasana-sunya, bhaje hari [20]

"Renounced devotees serve the Lord, accept the necessities for life, do not accumulate wealth, and do not converse with women.

Sometimes we say, "He is a grihastha, I am a brahmachari," or, "He is a grihastha, I am a sannyasi," and sometimes I hear people say, "He is wearing white, and I am wearing saffron, so I am senior to him!" I hear people say this sometimes, but here Chaitanya Mahaprabhu says, "Vaisnavera kutinati nai," it means that if somebody says something like that, they are not a Vaishnav.

grhi ha-uka tyagi ha-uka bhakte bheda nai
bheda kaile kumbhipaka narakete yai [22]

"There is no difference between devotees—be they householders or renunciants. If someone makes distinctions between them, they go to the hell of boiling oil.

Whether it is a renounced person or a householder person, there is no difference between them. If you say there is some kind of difference (bhed), then you have to go to hell.

mula katha, kutinati vyavahara yara
vaisnava-kulete sei mahakulangara [23]

"The main point is that those who behave deceitfully are a great disgrace to the society of Vaisnavas.

sarala bhavete gathi' nija vyavahara
jivane marane krsna-bhakti jani sara [24]

"Everyone should behave in a sincere manner and know devotion to Krishna to be all-in-all, in life and death.

It is good to always deal with devotees simply, simple dealings are good.

kutinati kapatata sathya kutilata
na chhadiya hari bhaje, tara dina gela vrtha [25]

"Those who serve the Lord but do not give up deceit, duplicity, dishonesty, and insincerity pass their days in vain.

sei saba bhagavata kadartha kariya
indriya charana bule prakrti bhulaiya [26]

"They distort the meaning of Srimad Bhagavatam and roam about enjoying the senses and seducing women.

grhastha-vaisnava sada sva-dharme arjibe
atithyadi seva yatha-sadhya acharibe [14]

"Householder devotees should always earn their living according to their social duty, and they should serve guests and others to the best of their ability.

vaidha-patni sahavase nahe bhakti hani
sarsapa sutaila vyavahare nahi dosa mani [15]

"Living with a lawful wife is not harmful to devotion, and I do not consider using mustard oil to be a fault.

"Sarsapa sutaila" means mustard oil. I have seen many times brahmacharis use coconut oil [for body, head, etc.], but Gurudev said that coconut oil is very dangerous. Here also it is written what Mahaprabhu's advice is.

Devotee: Does it mean that mustard oil is OK, and the other oils are not?

It means that, in general, it is not necessary to use oil, but mustard oil can be considered as OK, there is no fault in using it.

dadhi dugdha smarta-upacharita amisa
yukta-vairagira haya grahane niramisa [16]

"Milk and yoghurt prepared according to smarta regulations are non-vegetarian, but they become vegetarian when they are accepted by proper renunciants.

grhastha-vaisnava sada namaparadha rakhi' dure
anukulya laya, pratikulya tyaga kare [17]

"Householder devotees always avoid offences to the Name, accept the favourable, and reject the unfavourable.

aikantika namasraya tahara mahima
grhastha vaisnavera nahi mahatmyera sima [18]

"Sincerely taking shelter of the Name is a householder's glory. The glories of householder devotees have no end.

para-himsa tyaga, para-upakare rata
sarva-bhute daya grhira ei-matra vrata [19]

"The householder's only duty is to avoid envy, help others, and be compassionate to all beings.

vairagi vaisnava prana-vrtti angikari'
asanchaya stri-sambhasana-sunya, bhaje hari [20]

"Renounced devotees serve the Lord, accept the necessities for life, do not accumulate wealth, and do not converse with women.

Renounced people always take what is necessary to maintain their life, they do not store and accumulate more than necessary, they do not mix with women; they serve the Lord.

grhi ha-uka tyagi ha-uka bhakte bheda nai
bheda kaile kumbhipaka narakete yai [22]

"There is no difference between devotees—be they householders or renunciants. If someone makes distinctions between them, they go to the hell of boiling oil.

mula katha, kutinati vyavahara yara
vaisnava-kulete sei mahakulangara [23]

"The main point is that those who behave deceitfully are a great disgrace to the society of Vaisnavas."

Somebody says, "He is a householder, I am a brahmachari," or "He is a householder, and I am a sannyasi," but to make such distinction is an offence. It is written here that it is very bad to do this. Bheda kaile kumbhipaka narakete yai, and vaisnava-kulete sei maha-kulangara. Those who see or say there is a difference between householders, brahmacharis and sannyasis, will go to hell and they are maha-kulangar, great (maha) bastards (kulangar).


[His Divine Grace was reading from Sri Sri Prema-vivarta, chapter 17.]


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Stay On Board
The key how not to find yourself thrown off the board: take in the Captain's instructions and stay on board without discriminating against the members of the family.


Gaya Gora madhur svare
'Your life is ending, but you have not served Hrsikes. Bhakti Vinod advises: once relish His Name's nectar.'
গায় গোরা মধুর স্বরে

When you do service, happiness and satisfaction always come, no tiredness comes; but when you go to serve maya, that time tiredness comes.