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Watch Out for Dacoits His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Devotion can be stolen. You can be robbed at any time by some dacoits. Kanak, kamini, pratistha (money, women, position), rupa, rasa, gandha, sabda, sparsa (visual, gustatory, olfactory, auditory, tactile enjoyment), kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada (lust, anger, greed, illusion, madness), matsarya (envy). These are the thieves. They are dacoits, and these dacoits can rob you, can steal your money—your devotion. When there is a danger of dacoits, it is necessary to have some protection. It is necessary to install some door, some door protection, some collapsible gate, some iron gate, some lock. For devotion it is also necessary to have some protection. Devotion needs protection. That protection is sravan, kirtan, and seva (hearing about the Lord, chanting the Holy Name, and engaging in service). All three things are necessary. Your devotion can be protected through these three things, and Maya will not enter so easily then. Maya is always searching for a hole. Even if you close and block your door, a rat will always try to find a hole where it can enter. Maya is also always searching for a hole to enter. That is why it is necessary to always keep protection. Sadhu-sanga, sravan-kirtan are necessary. There are sixty-four bhaktyangas (devotional practices), among them nine are the main, among those nine five are the main, and from these five sravan and kirtan are the most important. "Niraparadhe Nama laile paya prema-dhana (নিরপরাধে নাম লৈলে পায় প্রেমধন): if you chant the Holy Name without offences, you will get the wealth of divine love of Krishna." (Cc, 3.4.71) Krishna Nam (the Holy Name of Krishna) must be niraparadh, chanted without offence—then by such offenceless chanting you can get prema-dhana (the wealth of divine love). You must be niraparadh. You must try to do sravan and kirtan, it is necessary to have desire. Prataparudra Maharaj is an example of this: he had some good sukriti and he had so much desire...
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