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His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
2 October 2013


A million people like to say, "Oh, it is a material world, I want to leave all this material world at once," but Prabhupad Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur says that it is very difficult to leave the material world because you have had a relation with it since millions of millions of years ago—how will you leave it all at once? It is Krishna-sambandha vijnan ("science in relation to Krishna")—you can take help of science, but it must have a relation with Krishna, then you can proceed on. If you try to leave everything at once, you will not be able to do it, and Prabhupad told one story in this regard, I have told it to you before.

There was once a sadhu in Haridwar who saw something floating in the Ganges, and, thinking it was a blanket, he jumped into the Ganges to take it, but actually it was not a blanket—it was a bear! The bear also felt something in the water and caught it. Then, another sadhu shouted to the sadhu in the water, "Hey! Come with blanket! Come out!" The sadhu shouted back, "The blanket does not let me go! It is holding me!" That bear caught the sadhu...

Do you understand? We want to leave the material world, but the material world is always inside you, it is there to your bone. It is not easy to leave material things, material ego, you must understand the situation you are in.

Srila Prabhupad always writes,

hari sevaya yaha anukula
visaya baliya tyage haya bhula

"It is wrong to reject something favourable to the service of the Lord, saying, 'It is visaya, material.'"

'asakti-rahita,' 'sambandha-sahita,'
visaya-samuha sakali 'madhava'

When you become free from material attachment and establish relationship with the Lord, you will see that everything around you is Lord Madhav Himself.

(Prabhupad Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur)

"Hari sevaya yaha anukul": you must accept what is favourable to devotion and reject what is unfavourable. "Asakti rahita": you must have no attachment with the material things and understand that all material things are for the service to Krishna—you must have no attachment and must understand that all visaya is for the Lord, for Madhava, Krishna. It is necessary to establish such relation.


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