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Birth and Death (3):
Games of Maya

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nabadwip Dham, India
14 March 2016


When Gurudev joined the temple he was seventeen years old, and he came from a very poor family. Gurudev's mother came here and tried to remove him from the temple, but by the mercy of Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj he became our Guru.

It is games of Maya: Maya is always testing you how much you love me, whether you love me or you love your parents. It is Maya's test.

How was it possible that you got this body? It is not only because of your parents. You have got this body from me, and if I wish you can also get a snake's body or a pig's body next life. So, now I am testing you how much love and affection you have for me. Krishna always tests us...

Srimad Bhagavatam says,

গুরুর্ন স স্যাৎ স্বজনো ন স স্যাৎ, পিতা ন স স্যাজ্জননী ন সা স্যাৎ ।
দৈবং ন তৎ স্যান্ন পতিশ্চ স স্যান্ন, মোচয়েদ্ যঃ সমুপেতমৃত্যুম্ ॥

gurur na sa syat svajano na sa syat
pita na sa syaj janani na sa syat
daivam na tat syan na patis cha sa syan
na mochayed yah samupeta-mrtyam

"One who cannot save other souls from the world of impending death—that is, one who cannot teach the path of devotion—he cannot be a teacher, although he may be called 'guru'; he cannot be a relative—he is not worthy of the designation; he cannot be a father—he is not qualified to beget a son; she cannot be a mother—she should not bear a child; he cannot be a god—the demigods who cannot deliver others from material bondage are not entitled to accept worship from human society; and he cannot be a husband—his hand is not fit to accept in marriage."

Srimad Bhagavatam, 5.5.18

If I lose my parents, it is not a problem—if I lose my father I will get another father, if I lose my mother I will get another mother next birth, but if I lose my Guru, if I lose Krishna, I will not get them again. You must decide what is important for you, it is up to you, but my feeling is like this.


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◄ Part Two: 'As He Wishes' Continuation: 'No Fear' ►


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