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Cry and Call, "Doyal Nitai!"

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
7 February 2017, Sri Ekachakra Dham
Translated from Bengali


জীবে দয়া, নামে রুচি, বৈষ্ণব সেবা ।
ইহা বহি সনাতন নাহি আর ধর্ম্ম ॥

jive daya name ruchi vaisnava seva
iha bahi sanatana nahi ara dharma

"Be merciful to the souls, chant the Holy Name, and serve the Vaishnavs. Sanatan, besides this, there is no other religion."

Mahaprabhu told Sanatan Goswami, "You must be merciful to the jiva souls—bring the souls averse to Krishna to this path. You must have taste for the Holy Name and you must serve the Vaishnavs." When Mahaprabhu left Nabadwip, He said to Nityananda Prabhu, "I am going to Puri on the order of My Mother, but who will look after Gaura mandal? Preach about Krishna, preach about service to Krishna in this Gauda mandal!" But Nityananda Prabhu instead started preaching about Mahaprabhu,

ভজ গৌরাঙ্গ, কহ গৌরাঙ্গ, লহ গৌরাঙ্গের নাম রে
যে জন গৌরাঙ্গ ভজে, সেই আমার প্রাণ রে

bhaja gauranga, kaha gauranga, laha gaurangera nama re
ye jana gauranga bhaje, sei amara prana re

"Worship Gauranga! Say Gauranga! Take Gauranga's Name! Those who worship Gauranga are My heart and soul!"

সংসারের পার হৈয়া ভক্তির সাগরে ।
যে ডুবিবে সে ভজুক নিতাই চান্দেরে ॥

samsarera para haiya bhaktira sagare
ye dubibe se bhajuka nitai chandere

"To cross over material existence and dive into the ocean of devotion, you must worship Nitaichand."

(Chaitanya-bhagavat, 1.17.152)

If you want to cross over this material world and dive into the ocean of devotion, you must worship Nityananda. Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami wrote,

জগাই মাধাই হৈতে মুঞি সে পাপিষ্ঠ ।
পুরীশের কীট হৈতে মুঞি সে লঘিষ্ঠ ॥
মোর নাম শুনে যেই তার পুণ্য ক্ষয়
মোর নাম লয় যেই তার পাপ হয়

jagai madhai haite muni se papistha
purisera kita haite muni se laghistha
mora nama sune yei punya ksaya
mora nama laya yei tar papa haya

"I am more sinful than Jagai and Madhai and lower than the worms in the stool. If anyone hears my name, they lose all auspiciousness; if anyone takes my name, they become sinful."

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Adi-lila, 5.205-206)

"Who will give mercy to such a low fallen soul as myself except Nityananda? Except Nityananda, there is no one in this world who can give mercy to me." Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami wrote this. We must worship this Nityananda Prabhu, we must cry and call, "Doyal Nitai!" If you chant the Holy Name, there is some offence, but if you chant the Name of Nitaichad, there is no offence. Nitaichad says, "Amara kiniya bhaja Gaura Hari! You can buy Me—worship Gauranga and I will be sold to you!"

If we worship Gauranga,

“গোরার আমি, গোরার আমি” মুখে বলিলে নাহি চলে ।

গোরার আচার, গোরার বিচার লইলে ফল ফলে ॥
লোক দেখান গোরা ভজা তিলক মাত্র ধরি ।

গোপনেতে অত্যাচার গোরা ধরে চুরি ॥

"gorara ami, gorara ami" mukhe balile nahi chale
gorara achara, gorara vichara la-ile phala phale
loka dekhana gora bhaja tilaka matra dhari'
gopanete atyachara gora dhare churi

Just saying, "I am Gora's! I am Gora's!" does not do. Only when you follow Gora's practices and Gora's conception will you get the proper result. You show the world you serve Gora simply by wearing tilak but secretly you misbehave. Gora will catch you, you thief!

(Sri Sri Prema-vivarta, 8.6-7)

You must accept Gaura's practice and teaching. There was a brahman called Gunarnava Misra who did not like Nityananda Prabhu and for this reason did not want to give honour to Ramdas Minaketan, a devotee of Nityananda Prabhu. Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami said that he did not accept such half-hen logic—if you give honour to one person and do not give honour to another person, it is pasanda (being faithless). Later that night, Nityananda Prabhu appeared to Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami in a dream and called him to Vrindavan, "Listen, listen, Krishna Das! Do not stay in Jhamatpur, come to Vrindavan!" The next day Krishna Das Goswami left for Vrindavan where he later composed Chaitanya-charitamrita.

When we sing Nityananda Prabhu's kirtan, we sing, "Asatyere satya kari mani—I accept untruth as truth." We think, "This is my house, this is my room, my child, my family," and so on, we live in this material world, but we must always think, "When will this material net be removed? When will I be able to leave material attachment?" Thinking about this, remembering this, we must engage in sincere service of the Lord (Hari bhajan), sincerely. Only saying, "Jay Nitai!" will not do—you must not only say it, you must accept His teaching and practice properly.

We need to get the mercy of Nitaichand,

আশ্রয় লইয়া ভজে তারে কৃষ্ণ নাহি ত্যজে,
আর সব মরে অকারণে

asraya laiya bhaje tare krsna nahi tyaje
ara saba mare akarane

"Krishna never leaves those who have taken shelter in Him. All others simply die in vain."

(By Srila Narottam Das Thakur, Prarthana, 17)

Nityananda Prabhu left this Virachandrapur, Sri Ekachakra Dham, when He was twelve years old. A sannyasi came to His parents' house and asked for alms from them. What did he want as a donation? He wanted Nitaichad. Padmavati said to her husband that she had no choice, she had to give Nityananda to that sannyasi... Later, when Nityananda Prabhu came to Nabadwip, He first came to Nandan Acharya Bhavan (we always go there when we go on the Nabadwip Dham parikrama). Mahaprabhu could understand that Nityananda Prabhu had come to Nabadwip and sent some devotees to find Him. The devotees looked everywhere but could not find Him. Then, Mahaprabhu Himself went to look for Nityananda and immediately found Him—when He saw Nityananda Prabhu at Nandan Acharya Bhavan, both fell unconscious. Another time, when Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu were in Kalna, They came to the house of Gauri Das Pandit. Gauri Das Pandit said to Them, "Prabhu, You have come here by Your desire, but it is my desire that You may not leave." Then he saw that there were Gaura Nitai in his house and Gaura Nitai in front of him—Mahaprabhu asked him, "Choose who will stay." Gauri Das Pandit thought, "Who is original? Those who are inside or those who are outside the house? OK, let those who are inside the house stay." And They stayed there.

In this way, we must get mercy of Nitaichader

আর কবে নিতাইচাঁদ করুণা করিবে ।
সংসার-বাসনা মোর কবে তুচ্ছ হ'বে ॥

ara kabe nitaichand karuna karibe
samsara-vasana mora kabe tuchha ha'be

"When will Nitaichand give mercy to me? When will all my material desires become insignificant?"

('Prarthana' by Srila Narottam Das Thakur)

These glories of Nityananda Dham who can understand? Those who have got the mercy can understand it. Those who have truly got Nityananda Prabhu's mercy, who have got mercy of the Guru, they can understand Nityananda Prabhu, they can know Nityananda Prabhu, otherwise not.

ঈশ্বরের কৃপা-লেশ হয় ত' যাহারে ।
সেই ত' ঈশ্বর-তত্ত্ব জানিবারে পারে ॥

isvarera krpa-lesa haya ta' yahare
sei ta' isvara-tattva janibare pare

"Only those who receive even a trace of the Lord's mercy, can understand the Lord."

(Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, 6.83)

When Mahaprabhu was going to Puri, Nityananda Prabhu broke His danda, and Mahaprabhu got angry—He ran to Jagannath mandir and fell there unconscious in front of Jagannath. Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya, who was the manager of the Jagannath temple, told the pandas (servitors of the temple), "Whoever He is, bring Him to my house." When Acharya Gopinath, Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya's brother-in-law, saw Mahaprabhu, he told Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya,

"You do not know, but this is Jagannath Misra's son and grandson of Nilambar Chakravarti. He is not an ordinary man—He is Svayam Bhagavan, the Lord Himself."

Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya did not agree, "I do not think so. Why do you think so?"

"You do not think so because you do not have mercy of the Lord. I have His mercy, that is why I know He is the Lord."

It is those who have mercy of the Guru, that can know the Guru, that can understand who the Guru is. Without his mercy you cannot understand him. Without the mercy of the Guru you cannot understand anything, you cannot see the Guru—without his mercy, the Guru will look like an ordinary conditioned soul. That is why we want to get the mercy of the Guru...

By the strong desire and mercy of Gurudev, by the wish of Prabhupad, by the supreme mercy of Srila Guru Maharaj, a branch of Chaitanya Saraswat Math has manifest here, and now you can come here, we can take shelter of this place, but we must come here and serve here properly, with determination and attachment...


— : ○ : —




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The Ultimate Obstruction
'Always avoid Nama aparadh, Vaishnav aparadh. Always. Hari Nam is conscious, He is nondifferent from Krishna, and Nam always considers whether one is an offender.'


Sri-krsna-chaitanya prabhu jive daya kari'
'Humility, self-submission, embracing the Lord's guardianship, maintaining the faith that ‘Krsna will certainly protect me'...'
শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য প্রভু
জীবে দয়া করি'

We must understand what is favourable to devotion and what is unfavourable, and accept what is favourable and reject what is unfavourable.