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(2) Deep Renunciation

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Basirhat, morning, 29 January 2020, part 2
Translated from Bengali


You can give up everything—you can give up money, you can give up women, but it is not possible to give up pratistha, name and fame. Pratistha is pig's stool! It is very bad. Materialists can come to the Lord's lotus feet, but at this time their minds go, "Knock-knock. I have given this to the Lord, but what have I got in return?" They have such thoughts in their minds. "I have given my land for the service to Gurudev and the Lord, but what have I got in return for that?"

It is a festival tomorrow—Sri Vasanta Panchami, the appearance day of Sri Vishnupriya Devi. You all know that Vishnupriya Devi was Mahaprabhu's potency (sakti). If Vishnupriya Devi had not sacrificed her life, we would not have got Mahaprabhu. She gave Mahaprabhu for us all, fallen souls. After that, she stayed in her home in a very renounced way and practised Krishna consciousness. She did not go anywhere—she stayed at home and chanted the Holy Name. She would chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, and with each chanted mantra she would keep aside a grain of rice. Evere day, she would offer whatever rice she had accumulated in this way to Mahaprabhu and take prasad. Her father's name was Sanatan Misra.

She knew that Mahaprabhu would leave and take sannyas. She sacrificed so much in her life, "I do not care if I suffer in my life s long as the people of this world are happy and benefitted. This is what He came to this world for—He is Lord Krishna Himself. Who am I to stop Him?" Thinking in this way, she gave up her life and soul. Destroying all thoughts of her own interest, she gave Mahaprabhu for the service of the Lord, for preaching the Holy Name to the people of this world. This is her biggest contribution.

Tomorrow is also the appearance day of Sri Pundarik Vidyanidhi. His external behaviour looked like that of a materialist. He wore a nice, expensive dhoti, tucked at the belt in a fancy manner; he would take paan, and so on. This was his outer appearance and behaviour, but internally, he was fixed. Mahaprabhu would call him, "Father," and from that, we can understand that he is an incarnation of Raja Vrisabhanu. He was Raja Vrisabhanu in Dvapar-yuga, and in Kali-yuga, he appears in Chattagram, Bangladesh, as Pundarik Vidyanidhi. He initiated Sri Gadadhar Pandit Goswami. Even thought he looked as a materialist (visayi) externally, he was renounced internally. We are observing his appearance day tomorrow.



— : • : —





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Size: 27.4 Mb
Length: 57 min
Language: Bengali




1) Serve with Love
2) Deep Renunciation
3) Perverted Taste
4) Life of Awakened Consciousness
5) Genuine Spiritual Life
6) Service Through Self-Abnegation?
7) Service Is Not a Play
8) Brahmans' Position
9) Hari-Katha or Self-Deception?
10) "I Have Come to Help You"
11) Do Not Be Duped
12) Penniless Life




Raghav's Bags
'In Mahaprabhu's times, Damayanti, the sister of Raghav Pandit, would make so much food for Mahaprabhu during the whole year, and at the Ratha Yatra time, on the Gundicha marjan day, they would bring bags full of food for Mahaprabhu.'

A sadhu's character is tolerance; a sadhu's character is to excuse, to forgive the person.
If a sadhu cannot forgive an offence, he is not a sadhu, not a Vaishnav.