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His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham, late morning class
5 February 2020, part 8


Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj composed the Archan-kan book, and there he wrote a sloka called buddhi-suddhi. Buddhi-suddhi means when you are going to do archan, you recite mantras for the archan, you chant that the cloth is clean, the chamara is clean, the peacock fan is clean, the pancha-pradip is clean, etc. Everything is clean, and you think, "OK, it is clean," but you must also think, "Is my mind clean?" Do you ever think about it?

That is why Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj gave that sloka there. I am now priting the Archan-kan book, and that buddhi-suddhi sloka is there. We put tilaks on twelve parts of our body, that is OK, but you can read there that lastly it says, "Please, I am sitting at Your lotus feet, I am taking shelter at Your lotus feet—I clean my mind and then start the archan." That is called buddhi-suddhi. It means your mind becomes pure.

দিব্যশ্রীহরিমন্দিরাঢ্যতিলকং কণ্ঠং সুমালান্বিতং
বক্ষঃ শ্রীহরিনামবর্ণসুভগং শ্রীখণ্ডলিপ্তং পুনঃ ।
পূতং সূক্ষ্মনবাম্বরং বিমলতাং নিত্যং বহন্তীং তনুং
ধ্যায়েচ্ছ্রীগুরুপাদপদ্মনিকটে সেবোৎসুকাঞ্চাত্মনঃ ॥

divyam sri-hari-mandiradhya-tilakam kantham sumalanvitam
vaksah sri-hari-nama-varna-subhagam sri-khanda-liptam punah
putam suksma-navambaram vimalatam nityam vahantim tanum
dhyayech chhri-guru-pada-padma-nikate sevotsukas chatmanah

"Meditate that the Lord's Temple (your body) is decorated with shining tilak, your neck bears a beautiful tulasi-mala, your chest is adorned with the Names of Sri Hari and sandalwood paste, you are wearing fine, new, clean cloth, and in your pure, eternal form, you are at the lotus feet of Sri Guru, eager for service."

[A devotee notices some insects in the flowers placed at the feet of His Divine Grace and takes the flowers away.]

She saw an insect in the flower, that is OK, it is correct to remove it, but we have many insects in our mind also...



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Seize the Day
'Khatvanga Maharaj is fortunate, he knew his life was only forty-eight minutes more, but we do not know if our lifetime is even one or two minutes more. By the mercy of the Lord, by the mercy of the Guru, we got this human body, but what have we got it for?'


'His long, supple, golden form crushes the pride of golden lotus stems. His moon-like feet are worshipped by millions of Cupids. Eternally I offer my obeisance to them.'

You can easily understand if it is good association or bad association:
is your material desire coming more and more, or is service mood coming more and more?