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(3/9) Perverted and Transcendental Charm

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham, morning class
Sri Nityananda-Trayodasi, 7 February 2020, part 3
Translated from Bengali


While I was doing proofreading yesterday, I saw one very beautiful thing. When Guru Maharaj (Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj) was very young (his name was Gaurendu Brahmachari at the time), he stayed with Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj at Sitakanta Banerjee Lane at the house of the Founder Acharya of ISKCON Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj. One day, Guru Maharaj went for preaching with Srila Swami Maharaj, and he met some man on the street. The man asked him, "Why do you worship Krishna? Why not worship Kali?" Guru Maharaj was a young brahmachari and did not say anything in reply, but when he came home and told Srila Swami Maharaj about that question, Srila Swami Maharaj said, "Gaurendu, why did not you reply anything? Why did you not tell him: what will you get by worshipping Kali? What does your Mother Kali do? Have you seen the garland of heads on the neck of Mother Kali? And they are demons' heads—none of them has Vaishnav tilaks, there are only demons' marks on them. What does your Mother Kali do? You call her 'Mother', but this mother of yours runs all around naked with a sword in her hand, and even though you call her Mother, you run to her to enjoy, and when you come close to her, she cuts your head off and feeds it to jackals, dogs and ghosts! This is Mother Kali who you worship! But if you worship our Krishna, you will get nectar, fruits, wonderful scents, camphor. If you worship Kali, you will get ghosts and witches!" This is the answer Srila Swami Maharaj gave, I read it yesterday. So, which do you want? Do you want to drink blood and eat flesh of the bodies burnt at the cremation ghat? Or do you want to eat fragrant prasad and have the Lord's love and affection? Which do you want?

If you go to Tarapith [a large famous town near Ekachakra], you will see there saffron-clad people who smoke ganja and eat from skulls instead of plates! I saw it with my own eyes. One time, during the parikrama here in Ekachakra, our karatals were stolen (the karatals had the name 'SCSMath' engraved on them), and when I went to Tarapith, some lady came up to me and offered me to buy a pair of karatals. When I looked at the karatals, I saw they were our Math's kartals. I had to buy them from her and got them back in this way. I went to see Ma Tara only once in my life—I often go to Tarapith, but not to the temple there. And we tell others also, "What will you get by going there to see Ma Tara and staying in a hotel? All kinds of wrongdoings and atrocious things happen there. You will find only all dirty things there, but there is a very beautiful place right next to it, a place with a charming atmosphere and continuous Krishna-kirtan and Nitai-kirtan, where Nitayananda Prabhu's worship is going on eternally."

This is a very beautiful place of worship, and we have a very beautiful big building. When I sometimes sit on the veranda of the guesthouse, I can feel a very sweet breeze coming from the south during the month of Phalgun. The environment is very beautiful and charming here. There are also many cows. When we see them, we think of Vrindavan cows and how Krishna grazes them. Even when you go by car in the village, you ca see only a cows' lane. There are so many cows in this village. We are reminded of Krishna's flute in this place. Wherever there is charm and beauty, there is Krishna. Balaram is non-different from Nitai (Balarama haila Nitai: Balaram becomes Nitai in the Age of Kali), and wherever Balaram stays, there is Krishna—He cannot but be there. In the same way, wherever there is Nitai, there must be Gaurahari.

অধ্যাপিহ লীলা করে নিত্যানন্দ-রায় ।
কোন কোন ভাগ্যবান জীব দেখিবারে পায় ॥

adyapiha lila kare nityananda-raya
kona kona bhagyavane jiva dekhibare paya

"Nityananda Ray continues performing His Pastimes, and those who are fortunate can see it."

Not everyone has this kind of fortune to see it though.

অন্ধীভূত চক্ষু যার বিষয ধূলিতে ।
কিরূপে সে পরতত্ত্ব পাইবে দেখিতে ॥

andhibhuta chaksu yara visaya dhulite
ki rupe se para-tattva paibe dekhite

"Our eyes have become blind by the dust of visaya, the material world—how can we see the transcendental world?"

Our eyes are blind with the dust of material life, so how can we see the pastimes of Nityananda Prabhu? If Maya Devi mercifully removes her illusory net, we will be able to behold, to get the darshan of, the transcendental abode.



— : • : —





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Size: 30.6 Mb
Length: 64 min
Language: Bengali




1) Value Your Time
2) Gaudiya Vaishnavs' Service
3) Perverted and Transcendental Charm
4) Our Greatest and Only Friends
5) Faith vs Acceptance
6) Pull of Maya
7) Wrong Preoccupation
8) World of Uncertainty
9) Inglorious Life




Spiritual Reinforcement
'If somebody tells you something, will you believe that or will you believe what your Guru says? You must ask yourself this question. A strong faith means a strong foundation—if you do not have a strong foundation, there will be no devotion.'

If you do today what your mind wants to do, tomorrow it will be something else, next day again something else—that is why the mind must be controlled.