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(5/9) Faith vs Acceptance

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham, morning class
Sri Nityananda-Trayodasi, 7 February 2020, part 5
Translated from Bengali


জ্ঞান কাণ্ড কর্ম্ম কাণ্ড, কেবল বিষের ভাণ্ড,
অমৃত বলিয়া যেবা খায় ।
নানা যোনি সদা ফিরে, কদর্য্য ভক্ষণ করে,
তার জন্ম অধঃপাতে যায় ॥

karma-kanda, jnana-knada, kevala visera bhanda,
amrta baliya yeba khaya
nana yoni sada phire, kadarya bhaksana kare,
tara janma adhah-pate yaya

"Selfish life and knowledge-seeking are simply cups of poison. Those who drink it considering it nectar always keep returning to various species and eating abominable things. Their births degrade to a downfall."

(Srila Narottam Das Thakur)

There is no point in such human births.

It is said that we must give up the tendency for and the association of knowledge seeking and debates. It can be seen in this world that those who are proud of their scholarly knowledge can develop faith in the Supreme Lord, but when they debate about the basics of grammar, it can be detected whether they have accepted the Lord. When our material desires stop completely, then the teachings and pastimes of Sri Rupa-Raghunath will enter our ears—not before that.

We sometimes wish to behave like Nityananda Prabhu—we tend to imitate—but we are advised to behave and practise according to our right. "Those who transgress their right suffer from misery and sins in their lives. Lord Siva can take and digest poison, but if you take poison, what will happen? You will die. All Puranas stand as evidence of that." This is written in Sri Chaitanya-bhagavata ("adhikari bai kare tahara achara..."). It is necessary to know your right. You cannot practise spiritual life transgressing your right. Somebody has the right to offer worship to the Deities, somebody has the right to cook, somebody has the right to wash the dishes—you must practise according to your right or qualification.

[A devotee requests the audience to stop talking and to listen to His Divine Grace.] Prabhu, let it, not everyone has the fortune to hear Hari-katha... And how many will understand Nityananda Prabhu?...

One time, when Nityananda Prabhu was travelling with Mahaprabhu for many days, They arrived at the house of Gauri Das Pandit by boat (you know that Gauri Das Pandit's house was in Kalna; the oar that They used is still kept in Kalna—if you go there, you can see it). Also, you can see Mahaprabhu's wooden shoes (paduka, পাদুকা, or kharam, খড়ম) at the house of Vishnupriya Devi, where she worshipped Mahaprabhu in her later life: Mahaprabhu did not wear them much, but He touched them with His feet and maybe wore them a few times. So, when Nitai and Gaura came to Gauri Das Pandit's house, They took prasad and then said, "We are going now," but Gauri Das Pandit did not want to let Them go. He said, "You came here by Your wish, but it is my wish that You may not leave." Mahaprabhu tried to reason with him, "How is it possible? We have to go to different places for preaching!" but Gauri Das Pandit did not agree. Then, Mahaprabhu told him, "Look behind!" and when Gauri Das Pandit turned, he saw that Nitai and Gauranga had turned into Deities. You can still see those Deities in Kalna.

Gauri Das Pandit's brother, Suryadas Sarakhel, had two daughters, who became Nityananda Prabhu's potencies (sakti). Their names were Jahnava and Vasudha. If you go to Vrindavan, you can see Jahnava Devi's bhajan-kutir and samadhi mandir on the bank of Radha Kunda, near Srila Raghunath Das Goswami's bhajan-kutir. During her last years, she gave all responsibility to her son, Virachandra Prabhu, and went to Vrindavan, where she stayed and worshipped the Lord. There are Deities of Jahnava and Vasudha near Bakarai's Deity, we will see them today during the parikrama of Sri Ekachakra Dham...



— : • : —





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Size: 30.6 Mb
Length: 64 min
Language: Bengali




1) Value Your Time
2) Gaudiya Vaishnavs' Service
3) Perverted and Transcendental Charm
4) Our Greatest and Only Friends
5) Faith vs Acceptance
6) Pull of Maya
7) Wrong Preoccupation
8) World of Uncertainty
9) Inglorious Life




Surrendered Soul's Etiquette
Rejecting the unfavourable: who not to associate with, who not to see, where not to live, what work not to do, what books not to read, what classes not to listen to, which places not to go to, and whom not to love.

If we live following what Gurudev said and tell others about it, we can easily continue our spiritual life, and that will be our true success.