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(5/7) Eternal Service Consciousness His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Service must be eternal, daily (nitya). Just as we eat, sleep and go to the bathroom to pass stool every day, we must similarly serve the Lord every day. It is necessary to think what is necessary for the Lord, you must think about the interest of the temple and Gurudev, then it will be service to Gurudev. If we do not give priority to Gurudev's interest, we will not be able to understand anything. What pleases Gurudev? What gives pleasure to Nityananda Prabhu and Gaura? We must always be alert and conscious of it. When you have a son or a daughter, you always watch and observe what makes the child happy. For example, children like mobile phones—parents give them a phone once and see that the child stays busy all day and never cries, so they start always giving a phone to the child. But it is also necessary to understand that mobile phones are harmful. I know one boy, he was transferred to the second grade this year. He has been glued to his mobile phone since early childhood; as the result, he cannot see—he has to wear glasses. He is seven years old only. He cannot even read or write without glasses. This is what happens to those who spend too much time with their mobile phones. It is necessary to be aware of this. So, just as you should think what is good for the child and what makes the child happy, in the same way you should think what makes the Lord happy. We must be always alert and conscious of what makes our Gurudev happy. We must never forget this. It is necessary to always think and be intent upon service. You have taken Gurudev to your house, fed him well—this is one-day service, but if we can serve eternally, then we will get supreme benefit. It is necessary to see who can please the Lord most and what pleases the Lord most. When Sachi Mata was cooking, she would cry, "If only my Nimai were here, He would take this thor (banana stem)!" When she finished cooking and offered bhoga to the Lord, Nimai came, ate everything and went away. When she saw it, she thought, "What has happened?" She tried to think who could have eaten it and even thought of blaming it on Vishnupriya Devi, "Daughter-in-law, have you eaten it?" But Nimai came there and ate it. So, it is necessary to give honour and respect to those who cook for the Lord with heart and soul. They cook for the Lord with all their heart. "How will I cook for the Lord?", "What can I make for the Lord?" They always think about this. You can see the ladies who serve at the temple here in Ekachakra, they serve so wonderfully. They are old, their hands pain, but they do not stop cooking for the Lord. They only serve selflessly to the Lord despite any austerity and pain. Malini Devi also cooked for and fed Nityananda Prabhu in this way. And Sachi Mata is still cooking like that—she is cooking every day for Mahaprabhu.
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