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(5) Calling Out for Mercy

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Preaching programme, morning class
Translated into English from Bengali
15 February 2020, part 5


[His Divine Grace chants 'Gurudev, krpa binda diya' and 'Sri Krsna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more'.]

শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য প্রভু দয়া কর মোরে
তোমা বিনা কে দয়ালু জগৎ মাঝরে

sri krsna chaitanya prabhu daya kara more
toma bina ke dayalu jagata majhare

"O Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu! Be merciful to me. Who other than You can be merciful in this world?"

(Srila Narottam Das Thakur)

"O Lord, please be merciful to me." One of the Names of Mahaprabhu is Sri Krishna Chaitanya: He is Krishna who gives consciousness (chaitanya) to others, and He is Chaitanya who gives Krishna to others. Is there anyone as merciful as You are in this world? You advent in this world to rescue fallen souls, but there is no one as fallen as I am in this world—You are the rescuer of the fallen, but You will find anyone as fallen and lowly as me in this world.

পতিত-পাবন-হেতু তব অবতার ।
মো-সম পতিত পরাবহু না পািইবে আর ॥

patita-pavana-hetu tava avatara
mo sama patita prabhu na paibe ara

"Because You are the saviour of the fallen, You have appeared in this world. My Lord, You will not find another soul as fallen as I am."

হা হা প্রভু নিত্যানন্দ প্রেমানন্দ সুখী ।
কৃপাবলোকন কর আমি বড় দুঃখী ॥

ha ha prabhu nityananda premananda sukhi
krpavalokana kara ami bada duhkhi

"O Nityananda! You are overjoyed with divine love. Give me Your merciful glance. I am very sad."

দয়া কর সীতাপতি অদ্বৈত গোসাঞি ।
তব কৃপা-বলে পাই চৈতন্য-নিতাই ॥

daya kara sita-pati advaita gosani
tava krpa-bale pai chaitanya-nitai

"O Advaita Gosai, the spouse (the power) of Sita Thakurani! Be merciful to me. By Your mercy, I can reach Sri Chaitanya-Nitai."

(Srila Narottam Das Thakur)

When Sri Advaita Prabhu saw that this world had become devoid of the Holy Name and people were worshipping ghosts and witches—they would live in a haphazard, nonsense way. Then, Advaita Prabhu began to call the Lord with Ganges water and Tulasi leaves. He worshipped the Lord offering Him Ganges water and Tulasi leaves.

শয়নে আছিনু মুঞি ক্ষীরোদ-সাগরে ।
জাগাই’ আনিল মোরে নাড়ার হুঙ্কারে ॥

sayane achhinu muni ksiroda-sagare
jagai' anila more nadara hunkare

"I was lying in the ocean of milk, and My Nada's loud cries woke Me and brought Me here."

(Sri Chaitanya-bhagavata, Antya-khanda, 9.288, 294-298)

He very loudly chanted the Holy Name, calling the Lord to come. Later, Mahaprabhu said, "My sleep was broken and My seat began to move by the calls of My Nara [Caller], and I came from Goloka to Bhuloka [Earth]." "O Advaita Gosai, the spouse (the power) of Sita Thakurani! Be merciful to me. By Your mercy, I can reach Sri Chaitanya-Nitai."

গৌর প্রেমময় তনু পণ্ডিত গদাধর ।
শ্রীনিবাস হরিদাস দয়ার সাগর ॥

gaura-premamaya-tanu pandit gadadhara
srinivasa haridasa dayara sagara

O Gadadhar Pandit, embodiment of love for Sri Gaura! O oceans of mercy, Srivas Pandit and Hari Das Thakur!

হা হা স্বরূপ সনাতন রূপ রঘুনাথ ।
ভটযুগ শ্রীজীব হা প্রভু লোকনাথ ॥

ha ha svarupa sanatana rupa raghunatha
bhatta-yuga sri jiva ha prabhu lokanatha

O Svarup Damodar, Sanatan, Rupa, Raghunath Das, Raghunath Bhatta, Gopal Bhatta, and Sri Jiva! O Lokanath Prabhu!

দয়া কর শ্রীআচার্য্য প্রভু শ্রীনিবাস ।
রামচন্দ্র-সঙ্গ মাগে নরোত্তম দাস ॥

daya kara sri-acharya prabhu srinivasa
ramachandra-sanga mage narottama dasa

O Srinivas Acharya Prabhu! Be merciful! Narottam Das prays for the association of Ramachandra Kaviraj.

দয়া কর প্রভুপাদ শ্রীগৌরপ্রকাশ ।
তব জন কৃপা মাগে এই অধম দাস ॥

(daya kara prabhupada sri-gaura-prakasa)
(tava jana krpa mage ei adhama dasa)

O Srila Prabhupad, manifestation of Sri Gaura! Be merciful. This fallen servant prays for the mercy of your associates.



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Size: 27.4 Mb
Length: 60 min
Language: Bengali




1) Our Golden Chance
2) Detach Yourself from Mental World
3) Awaking from Lethargic Sleep
4) Become Aloof to Material World
5) Calling Out for Mercy
6) Cultivate Your Heart
7) Imperilling Imprudence
8) Take Shelter




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