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Spiritual Diet

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Translated into English from Bengali
15 February 2020, part 2


We eat so many things just to get some trifle pleasure of the tongue, but whatever we eat here in this world—dal, rice, vegetables, etc.—it is all food for the body. You can see it for yourself. Check your weight the day before ekadasi and the day after fasting on ekadasi—you will se that your weight went down. So, if you do not eat dal, rice and take only anukalpa (non-grain) for one day, the weight of the body decreases by one kilogramme. So, whose food is rice, dal, vegetables, etc.? This is the body's food, it is not our food. Our food is hearing about Krishna consciousness, hearing about spiritual topics.

These spiritual topics do not enter everyone's ears. If you show enthusiasm, eagerness, if you step forward to get the service of the Lord, then you can hear it. Unless we make this step forward ourselves, unless we become our own friends—if we become our own enemies, if we do not make any effort—then Hari-katha will not enter our ears.

Whether you hear Hari-katha or not, whether you chant the Holy Name or not, this is your own matter. Somebody can do it or not do it, it is their matter. Most people do not hear, do not chant. If even one person comes to this line and chants the Holy Name, this person gets benefit.

Anyhow, one day we will all close our eyes and leave this material world leaving all money, cars, houses, wealth, etc.

কয় বার এলি কয় বার গেলি
তবু তত্ত্ব না শিখিলি ।
নিজের মাথা নিজে খাইলি
এ দোষ দিবি কারে ভাই ?

kaya bara eli kaya bara geli
tabu tattva na sikhili
nijer matha nije khaili
e-dosa dibe kare bhai?

"Coming and going, coming and going, and never learnt anything. You have been eating your own brain, who will you blame now, brother?"

It is our own fault that we have never tried to come towards the Lord.

One time, Mother Yasoda tried to bind Krishna. She tried a thousand times, she brought rope from so many cows to tie Krishna, and as a result of her effort, Krishna allowed her to bind Him. You want to bind Krishna, but where is He? I have told you before—Krishna stays in the hearts of His devotees. Devotees' hearts are cool, and the hearts of non-devotees are never cool or peaceful. Non-devotees always want something—they want money, wealth, cars, houses, etc. The Lord says that this a baby's behaviour.

Babies do not understand anything. For example, you can sit here quiet, but they cannot—they do not understand it. We too are like babies in front of the Lord. If you leave a baby in the middle of the road, it will start eating soil. Then the baby's mother will come and take the soil out of his mouth—and the child will start crying. If I tell you, "Listen, you do not need money! You do not need a car!" you will be unhappy, "What is this Maharaj saying?" I tell you that you do not need anything, the Lord will give you everything you need, but you will still cry just like that baby when his mother took soil out of his mouth. If you give some sweets to the baby, the baby will smile and laugh thinking, "Oh, mother was right. She took out the soil and gave me this sweet, I like it much more." In the same way, if you follow what the guru and Vaishnavs tell you, if you follow the scriptures, you will never be unhappy.

The Lord says that people here are all babies—they want money, houses, etc. Like babies, they eat soil, they eat cow dung, they eat dirt, etc. but when they grow up they become intelligent. For example, cows eat grass—if you give them chhana-rasa and say this is prasadam, will they eat it? They will not. Will a pig eat it? No. But if you give it some stool, it will eat it happily—even if you try to explain to the pig that this food is good, will it understand it? It will not, because stool is its favourite food.

We have got this human birth and we need this, we need that, and we think we cannot do without it, but if you take only what is necessary to maintain life, that is sufficient. It is not necessary to want more than that. If you want much, then the more you want, the more restless and unhappy you will be. It only increases the problems.



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