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"Gurudev Is My Everything" His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
I did and am still trying to do what Gurudev wanted. Gurudev is my everything. I have never seen the Lord, I do not know anything, but Gurudev affectionately guides me. Sometimes he would tell me, "Get out!"—he rejected me; but I think that this too was mercy, and I always came back ten minutes later. Gurudev examined and tested me so much... One time, Gurudev went to Bamunpara and took me with him. It was not any festival or anything, he just wanted to go there and he told me, "I will take you to Bamunpara." That time, Gurudev showed me something related to Gauranga Mahaprabhu's pastimes—he showed me some places and told me about some pastimes of Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Radha-Krishna. He told me some very highest things. Another time also, he went with me to Puri—he told me something about Mahaprabhu's conception in Gambhira, he told me that time, "Tapta kanchana Gaurangi became Gauranga (Srimati Radharani, whose complexion is like that of molten gold, became Gauranga, the Golden Lord)." Actually, he trained me in everything—before, I did not know anything about construction, I did not know anything about field cultivation, etc., but by his mercy I learned so many things from him. When Gurudev existed in front of us, I could not understand many things properly, but when he went away some distance from me, then slowly, slowly I can understand what he needs, I can understand his advice, his order, etc. Slowly, slowly I am realising it now. Without a proper guru, Krishna consciousness life is nothing. Without proper guidance of a proper guru, it is very difficult to live Krishna conscious life. Gurudev is not an ordinary person—he is a guru of paramour love, a guru of paramour love of Krishna also; he is non-different from Srimati Radharani. If we realise this, then we can easily understand our Gurudev... I have always only tried to fulfil his desire, and I am still trying to do it. Once, Yudhisthir Maharaj wanted to make an asvamedha yajna for Krishna's happiness, so that Krishna's name and fame may spread everywhere. I also preach about my Gurudev's perfections, about his tolerance, about his chastity to his own guru, Param Gurudev Srila Sridhar Maharaj. Gurudev taught me how one can make their Guru happy through service, and it can be some simple things also—you can bring your Guru happiness through simple things, it is not necessary to become a big guru, to take a big position, it is not necessary to make many buildings and constructions. He taught me that you can please your Guru through small service... When Gurudev sat alone, he would always think about Krishna, about Srimati Radharani, about his Guru, Guru-varga. He always preached to be humble, tolerant and give honour to others—he never preached for his own pratistha, he always tried to established Param Gurudev's position, he always showed us how much eternal power Srila Sridhar Maharaj had got from Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur... This day comes every year, what can I do? It will come every year... I remember that year I made the calendar, but somehow it happened that the date '27 March 2010' was missing from it. When I saw it, I was surprised because I had proof read it thoroughly, checked everything, etc., and I could not understand how that date could be missing. 27 March 2010 was the day when Gurudev passed away from here... He has left us forever bodily, but I feel he always helps me, he always encourages me, always gives enthusiasm to me. From time to time, I dream about him—he gives me enthusiasm, speaks some lecture, talks with me. Just a few days ago also I spoke to Gurudev—I dreamed that he was in Thailand and I came there directly from Singapore; he called me when he was alone and I talked to him. I always remember him, remember what he told me... Now everybody gives a flower to Gurudev's photo and thinks that this is sufficient. As external worship, it is sufficient, and I also gave some flowers to his picture today. But service must come from your heart. Serve to Gurudev from your heart. This is what is necessary. Externally, you can give some flowers, you can do so many things, but what is necessary? Is it necessary to give some flowers to Gurudev or is it necessary to follow Gurudev's instruction? We must not misinterpret what Gurudev told (take the meaning of his words to another way). Many devotees all over the world are doing this, that is why they become misguided by some of our friends. This is what is happening in the world. Still, I consider they are my friends. If I say or do something wrong, they can chastise me, I do not have any problem with that—they can tell me off, they can scold me, no problem. That is my position. At present, I cannot beat anyone with my stick, I cannot kill anybody, I cannot beat anybody—if they are dancing on my head, it is OK, no problem, I will take their foot dust on my head. I have learned from Gurudev to have tolerance, patience—Gurudev has given me the power to tolerate everything. This day is very painful for me, it is very hard for me to digest this day. This fighting actually started in Gurudev's time—Gurudev saw some of it and he could realise it also. Gurudev told them not to fight, not to destroy the mission, but you see what they are doing—they want to destroy our mission, they want to divide our mission. Moreover, they are mixing with those whom Srila Sridhar Maharaj rejected! Those people left in Gurudev's time, some thirty or twenty-five years ago, and now all these groups are coming together and saying, "We are disciples of Sridhar Maharaj!" What did Srila Sridhar Maharaj say? Srila Sridhar Maharaj said, "I reject and drag out those who do not follow my instruction—who do not follow Srila Govinda Maharaj." Gurudev also told in his will and when he spoke in the hospital also, "This is my wish, this is my desire, and those who do not follow it, must go out of Chaitanya Saraswat Math. If they want to be gurus, they can be gurus, but out of Chaitanya Saraswat Math. They cannot use Chaitanya Saraswat Math's name." This is what Gurudev told. You all know it. So, they can be gurus, but out of Chaitanya Saraswat Math—they have no relation with Chaitanya Saraswat Math. Anyhow, Gurudev can see everything, he can see what is going on. I think that the time is very near—they and devotees all over the world can realise easily what is Srila Sridhar Maharaj's conception, what is Gurudev's conception, and they can understand whether they are following it or not. Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Krishna-anusilana Sangha, or our Mission must be only for practising Krishna consciousness to please our Guru, to please the Lord, to please Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. You must do everything for their pleasure, for their happiness. You need to have a boundary wall for protection, and you can make it, but this boundary wall is not your main point—the main focus is to practise properly. Your main focus must be always to please your Guru properly. Name and fame is for your guru—you must not preach for your name and fame, you must preach to please your guru. This is the main thing. Also, I am praying to all the devotees all over the world—you must follow the government rules. I think almost all countries are in lockdown now. You must follow the lockdown rules because this dangerous virus is now all over the world. I have not got any news so far that any of our devotees are affected by it, so everybody is OK, we are also OK here, but we should be more careful. Always be careful. The government here has declared today that they are going to search some places and test everybody in the areas where coronavirus is spreading—if your test comes back negative, you will be quarantined for ten days, and if your test comes back positive, then it will be even stricter, then treatment is necessary. So, we must be careful. If you have to go to the market, wear a mask, keep social distance, and when you come back home, clean your hands. Always keep your hands clean—use hand sanitiser from time to time, wear a mask, wear gloves. It is necessary to do this. We must take proper care. This is my request to everybody all over the world. If you have to go out, go and come back quickly to your house and clean your hands. Take proper care of yourself. This virus can attack quickly and it spreads very quickly. Wherever we are, we pray to the Lord, we pray to our Gurudev: I am your fallen soul, please give me some strength so that I can tolerate everything, give me much patience, give me power to tolerate everything, so that I can serve your devotees, so that I can protect your mission. I am praying to all the devotees: I am not anybody's guru, you are all my gurus—please keep me under your lotus feet.
Jay Srila Guru Maharaj ki jay. [His Divine Grace then sings 'Gurudev krpa bindu diya', 'Emona durmati', 'Ye anila prema dhana', 'Sri rupa manjari pada', and 'Hari haraye' concluding thus his speech.]
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