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How to Increase Surrender His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Are there any questions from anybody. Any pregunta? Question: What nice preparations can we offer Nrisinghadev on Nrisingha-chaturdasi? You can make any preparation, but it is fasting from morning until evening [until sunset] on Wednesday, and in the evening you should take ekadasi prasad. If you have Deities, then you can offer everything, other people can take it, but we must fast from morning to evening. Before sunset, you must read about the glories of Prahlad Maharaj and Lord Nrisinghadev, you can read about the appearance of Sri Nrisinghadev from Srimad Bhagavatam or any other book you have. I will also try to give a class on this day, you can listen to it. Question: How can we increase our surrender to Guru and Krishna? You can see the example of proper surrender in Bali Maharaj. You can read about Bali Maharaj, read about the kind of surrender (sarangati) he had, you can also read Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu's Upadesamrita. Read it, and read it properly. How to surrender properly? Saranagati comes when you follow 100% what Gurudev told—you should try to follow 200%, then if your attempt will perhaps turn out less, it will be 100%. Always try to listen to what your Guru says, always think how to fulfil Gurudev's desire. Guru is the centre of a disciple's heart.
দৈন্য, আত্মনিবেদন, গোপ্তৃত্বে বরণ ।
dainya, atma-nivedana, goptrtve varana "Humility, self-submission, embracing the Lord's guardianship, maintaining the faith that 'Krishna will certainly protect me', engaging only in activities that are favourable to devotion, rejecting everything unfavourable to devotion." (Saranagati, 1) These are the six types of sarangati. (1) Be humble. (2) Give everything to Gurudev. (3) You must keep strongest faith that Krishna takes care of us, (4) that Krishna protects us. (5) Do what is favourable to devotion, and in the meantime, (6) you must reject what is unfavourable to devotion. Sometimes, you do everything properly, but at the same time you also do what is improper—you must give it up, reject such things. That is the main thing. This is how you can easily increase your surrender. The meaning of surrender is this:
দৈন্য, আত্মনিবেদন, গোপ্তৃত্বে বরণ ।
dainya, atma-nivedana, goptrtve varana "Humility, self-submission, embracing the Lord's guardianship, maintaining the faith that 'Krishna will certainly protect me', engaging only in activities that are favourable to devotion, rejecting everything unfavourable to devotion." (Saranagati, 1) Accept what is favourable to devotion and reject or avoid what is unfavourable to devotion.
নিদ্রালস্য-হত সুকার্য্যে বিরত
nidralasya hata sukarye virata "I am subdued by laziness and sleep, averse to performing good deeds, and eager to perform sinful deeds." (Saranagati, 1) Do not indulge in too much sleeping, laziness. Sometimes, we are sitting in quarantine for one month, we become very lazy, etc. but this is not right—do not waste your time. Try to read books. Read, read, and read, then your brain will open up, your brain will be sharp. Read continuously—read the same books more, and more, and more, then you will get pure taste through that. Not like, you read a book one time, and that is it, finished. No. Read again and again, again and again. Read, read, and read. That is the main thing. Then your surrender will increase. When Bali Maharaj understood that what his Guru was saying was wrong, he rejected his guru to surrender to the Lord. His Guru even cursed him to go to hell, but Bali Maharaj did not care about it. Vraja gopis also did not care—Narad Goswami told them, "You are giving your footdust to Krishna! You will go to hell!" but Vraja gopis did not care, they did not listen to that. "No problem. If I go to hell for Krishna, that is OK for me." It is necessary to have this kind of determination, this kind of intention—"If I go to hell for my Gurudev's service, it is OK. No problem, I will accept it." These are the main things. If you follow all this, then you will get proper surrender—your service mood will increase, and your surrender will increase. This is what is necessary for that.
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