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(1) Search Out the Source

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Nrisingha Palli, 2 November 2020, part 1
Translated from Bengali


We always say with our mouths that we want mercy, but do we have place to keep this mercy? If we have bad inclinations and desires – lust, anger, greed, madness, illusion, envy – within us, then we will not be able to get any mercy. Gurudev went to people all over the world to tell them about Mahaprabhu's message and teachings, to tell them about Mahaprabhu and Gurudev, to distribute his wealth to them. We are all living on a battlefield – we are fighting against illusory environment. I may be an ordinary man, but Gurudev has given me some wealth, I cannot deny. By the mercy of the Supreme Lord, by the mercy of Gurudev, I have got some property, and it is only this wealth that I want to give you all. If you can accept it, you will not have to keep on changing your bodies and places.

In the common, material world also, if somebody is renting a place, it means they always have to change their house. They stay in one place today, tomorrow something changes and they have to rent another place. We are all foreigners in this world. When you keep changing places, one day you will think, 'It would be nice to have my own place.' You stay in one place, some problem comes, you go to another place, stay there for a few days, you do not like it there, go to a third place – eventually, you will say, 'If I could buy some land and make even a thatched house, it would be better than living like this.' Our situation is just like that. We call somebody Pakistani, somebody Bangladeshi, somebody Mexican, somebody Colombian, somebody Malaysian, somebody Venezuelan, somebody Indian – we were all born in different countries and got different bodies. But our relationship (sambandha) is spiritual: we are souls and we are related to the Lord. Until and unless we develop, or revive, this relationship in our hearts, we must keep looking for the source, which we have come from and which we must search out. We must search for that place.

We must understand what we have got a human body for. There is a very beautiful article written by Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. There was a festival at the temple, and all the brahmacharis, sannyasis, householders and general devotees had come from various temples. Srila Prabhupad was sitting and chanting on his beads when a man came to him and asked, 'Uncle, when will they be giving food to beggars here?' Srila Prabhupad wrote, 'I understood something then. O mind, what kind of beggar are you? You are only begging to satisfy your urges of eating, sleeping, fearing and breeding with all kinds of good and bad things found in this world, but what is the need to come to the temple then if that is what you want? There is so much food on the street – cats, dogs, goats and cows all find food. What is the need to come to a temple to get food? At a temple, you will find only maha-prasad and Bhagavat-prasad. So, dear mind, what kind of beggar are you? You are not a beggar for the Holy Name? You are only begging for food (bhojan), but not for spiritual life (bhajan). Become hungry for spiritual life.' We must always think, 'How can I practise spiritual life? How can I serve my guru?' This must be our focus and mood; otherwise, we will not get anywhere. That is why great sages, Sukadev Goswami and Vyasadev Goswami, composed Srimad Bhagavatam for us.


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Size: 16.1 Mb
Length: 40 min
Language: Bengali




1) Search Out the Source
2) Unique Gift to the World
3) March On
4) Intense Service Life
5) Patience, Faith and Affection




Games of Maya Devi
'Maya always searches for a chance to attack you, and if she gets an opportunity, you can be easily converted by the illusory environment.'

Actually, the main question is how much of your life can you give to your Guru?