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(2/8) Greatest Benefactors His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
It is said in Srimad Bhagavatam:
তব কথামৃতং তপ্তজীবনং
tava kathamrtam tapta-jivanam 'My Dear, bestowing the greatest fortune that is attained after so many births, exalted souls come to this world and live here by singing and spreading Your nectarean glories that are life and soul for those suffering in this material world being devoid of Your divine love; that are the gist of all poets' songs; that are the destroyer of all sins; that benefit anyone who hears them; and that possess universal attraction.' (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.14.13) Who is 'bhurida' (greatest donor, greatest benefactor)? One day, after having danced and chanted in Sri Jagannath Puri, Mahaprabhu lay down to rest in the Vallabha garden (near the Jagannath Temple). At this time, He was approached by King Prataparudra. Mahaprabhu had refused to give His darshan to Him before. He said, 'He is a materialist. He is a king who has a lot of money, so I do not want to speak to him!' But King Prataparudra was desperate, he thought, 'If I do not get the darshan of Mahaprabhu, then I will become a yogi right as I am – wearing bangles on my hands and earrings in my ears – and go away to a forest. I do not need any kingdom if I cannot get Mahaprabhu's mercy.' Then, Nityananda Prabhu devised a plan and told him, 'Prataparudra, you have done much service. I have told Prabhu about you many times, but He still does not agree to see you. Here is what you should do. On the day of Ratha-yatra, after you sweep the chariot with your golden broom, go and change your royal attire for a dhoti and put on tilaks and Tulasi neckbeads. When Mahaprabhu goes to rest after dancing and chanting in front of the chariots, you will go to massage His feet and recite this sloka:
তব কথামৃতং তপ্তজীবনং
tava kathamrtam tapta-jivanam 'My Dear, bestowing the greatest fortune that is attained after so many births, exalted souls come to this world and live here by singing and spreading Your nectarean glories that are life and soul for those suffering in this material world being devoid of Your divine love; that are the gist of all poets' songs; that are the destroyer of all sins; that benefit anyone who hears them; and that possess universal attraction.' (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.14.13) When Mahaprabhu heard this sloka, He embraced Prataparudra, whom He had refused to touch, whose face He had not wanted to see, and cried, 'Bhurida! Bhurida!'! [Clamour] You can buy the books later. Please sit down, listen to Hari-katha. We have come taking so much trouble to tell you one-two things, but if you speak and do not listen, then we have come here for nothing. I have not come here to waste the host's rice. I told them before, 'If you can give some prasad to the people and if people come to hear Hari-katha, then I will come. Otherwise, it is no use me coming.' My time is priceless, I have no time to waste – as long as I am alive, I want to speak about the Lord. If I cannot speak about the Lord, or if you do not listen to Hari-katha, then I would not even think of coming. I did not come here to take anybody's worship. 'You must worship me', 'You must wash my feet,' 'You must do guru-puja' – no! You do not have to do anything. Guru-seva means to live following what Gurudev says. When Gurudev says something, you must listen and follow it. If you follow what your mind says, if you live as you please, this is not Krishna consciousness. Service to jivas can bring benefit to your own soul. That is why Srila Prabhupad said that it is one thing to dress as a sadhu, and it is another thing to actually become one. In this world, there are much more people who just dress as sadhus, but it is very difficult to become a sadhu.
'আমি ত' বৈষ্ণব', এ বুদ্ধি হইলে
"ami ta' vaisnava," e buddhi haile, 'If I think, "I am a Vaishnav," then I will never stop expecting honour from others (I will never become void of the desire for honour).' (Kalyan-kalpataru, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur) You think that we do not allow you to touch our feet because of the coronavirus, but it is not so. You make garlands with your pure hand, you cook for the Lord with your pure hand – why will you touch the feet of such a lowly soul as myself with that pure hand? That is why I do not allow anyone to touch my feet. You must remember this. Vaishnavs do not allow to touch their feet because they are very humble.
তৃণাধিক হীন দীন অকিঞ্চন ছার ।
trnadhika hina, dina, akinchana chhara 'Give up ego and consider yourself lower than a blade of grass, poor, destitute and vile.'
বৃক্ষসম ক্ষমাগুণ করবি সাধন ।
vrksa-sama ksama-guna karabi sadhana 'Practise tolerance like that of a tree, stop ill-treating others and nurture everyone.'
জীবন-নির্ব্বাহে আনে উদ্বেগ না দিবে ।
jivana-nirvahe ane udvega na dibe 'Live without causing anxiety to others; do good unto others forsaking your own happiness.' (Gitavali, Sri Siksastakam Giti, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur) We must give up our own happiness for the happiness of others. You know that Sukadev Goswami came to the assembly naked and sat amidst everyone to speak to Pariksit Maharaj. He had spent twelve years in his mother's womb. He refused, saying, 'I will not come out because if I do, Maya will attack me.' Then, all the sages and scholars told Vyasadev, the father of Sukadev, 'Vyasadev, you have the power to stop Maya for five minutes.' Maya Devi plays in this world, making all people, good and bad, think, 'My money,' 'My house', 'My car', 'My wife', 'My family', 'My, my, my' – people become engrossed in this world of 'me' and 'mine', forgetting everything under the influence of material bondage. When Vyasadev stopped Maya's work for five minutes, Sukadev came out of his mother's womb and ran to the jungle. He started roaming the Himalayas and eventually came to the assembly of Pariksit Maharaj. It is a long story. In the end, he spoke Bhagavatam to Pariksit Maharaj. This is how Bhagavatam appeared in this world. Suta Goswami was present at that assembly, and because he had a special gift of memory (he could remember everything he had heard), he remembered what Sukadev Goswami had said and repeated it later. This is when Bhagavatam was recorded for the first time. Sadhus speak about those precious truths of Bhagavatam.
সতাং প্রসঙ্গান্মম বীর্য্যসংবিদো
satam prasangan mama virya-samvido "In devotees' association, the talks about the Lord are like nectar to one's heart and ears, they are endowed with special power. By constantly hearing about the Lord, very quickly the soul becomes liberated and established on the spiritual path—first comes faith, then attachment, and finally love awakens." (Quoted in Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Adi-lila, 1.59) So, 'bhurida' (greatest benefactors) are those who distribute this 'virya-samvido' (wondrous potent narratives about the Lord) to this world. But if you have no fortune, you will not be able to get it. Unless you have such fortune, you cannot serve the Lord, you cannot serve Vaishnavs, you cannot hear Hari-katha, you cannot take shelter at the holy lotus feet of a bona fide guru. It takes spiritual merit of thousands and thousands of births.
ব্রহ্মাণ্ড ভ্রমিতে কোন ভাগ্যবান্ জীব ।
brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva "Having travelled throughout the universe, some fortunate souls receive the seed of the devotional creeper by the mercy of Sri Guru, who is non-different from Krishna. Becoming gardeners, they plant that seed and nurture it with the water of hearing and chanting." (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.19.151–152) Gurudev will plant this seed in your heart, and the creeper of devotion (the Holy Name) will sprout from your tongue. It does not matter where it is, when it is – there are no rules or regulations when you should chant the Holy Name.
কি শয়নে, কি ভোজনে, কিবা জাগরণে ।
ki sayane, ki bhojane, kiba jagarane 'Whether you are sleeping, eating or waking up, incessantly think about Krishna and chant the Name of Krishna with your mouth.' (Sri Chaitanya-bhagavat, 2.28.28) Remember this. I will speak more a little later. Now we will chant some kirtan. I have said many things, and you may feel a little taxed. Sometimes, unless you give a high-dose injection of antibiotic, the patient does not respond. All right? We will chant first Guru-vandana, then Pancha-tattva-vandana, Vaishnav-vandana, Nityananda-vandana, Mahaprabhu-vandana, and then Radha-Krishna-vandana. 'Nitaiyer karuna habe Vraje Radha-Krsna pabe (নিতাইয়ের করুণা হবে ব্রজে রাধাকৃষ্ণ পাবে): when Nitai bestows His mercy, you will reach Radha-Krsna in Vraja.' First, it is necessary to get the mercy of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, who is non-different from Sri Gurudev.
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