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(5) Run behind Krishna

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Preaching in Basirhat, noon programme,
13 December 2020, part 5


সাধুসঙ্গে কৃষ্ণসেবা, না পূজিব দেবী-দেবা,
এই ভক্তি পরম কারণ ॥

sadhu-sange krsna-seva, na pujiba devi-deva
ei bhakti parama karana

'Serve Lord Krishna in the association of sadhus and do not worship any gods or goddesses. Such devotion is the highest process.'

(Sri Sri Prema-bhakti-chandrika, Srila Narottam Das Thakur)

I have been coming to this village for almost twenty years now, and I have taken many of you to Gurudev. You are very fortunate. But many of you are slacking your spiritual life. You used to chant 100,000 Holy Names or 25,000 Holy Names, you used to make Nama-yajna, you used to chant Krishna-kirtan, and so – you used to do many things, but now you are thinking, 'I have been doing all this for a long time, but I am not getting any result!' The problem is that you are always busy wanting to achieve something. You want to get something, but you lose patience. You do not have enough patience. And you have very little tolerance. Mahaprabhu said:

তৃণাদপি সুনীচেন তরোরিব সহিষ্ণুনা ।
অমানিনা মানদেন কীর্ত্তনীয়ঃ সদা হরিঃ ॥

trnad api sunichena taror api sahisnuna
amanina manadena kirtaniyah sada harih

'One who is humbler than a blade of grass, more forbearing than a tree, who gives due honour to others without desiring it for himself, is qualified to always chant the Holy Name of Krishna.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 3.6.239)

We must be humbler than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, we must give honour to others. What does 'kirtaniyah sada harih' mean? In Christianity, people go to the church once a week and pray to Jesus to remove all the sins they have committed during the week. They come to the church once a week and think about the Lord (meditate on the Lord) for half an hour. But Vaishnavs chant Sri Krishna's Name and glories every moment, twenty four hours a day, all day and night. That is why we must surrender to Vaishnavs, sadhus. I tell you all the time. You must have chastity. If you do not have chastity, you will not get anything.

Many of you keep Deities on an altar. You keep here Deities of Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra, that is all right, but many keep Siva, Kali, Durga, Laksmi, Ganesh; they think, 'If I do not worship Laksmi, I will not have money, how will I live then?' But the Lord will take what is necessary from Laksmi and give it to you. Is that not so? When Laksmi gives money to somebody, she gives it on the order of the Lord. If you need money for the service of the Lord, the Lord will provide you with everything. I know that some people say, 'Oh, Maharaj goes house to house, chants kirtan and gives classes, and every year he buys new land and makes new buildings! Where does he get so much money?' You know, in Bangladesh, they like to sing, 'O mana guru bhaja re, o re sonara chanda (ও মন গুরু ভজ রে ওরে সোনার চাঁদ ): O my golden moon, O dear! Worship guru!' It is not sadhus' business to do such things. Sadhus run behind the Lord; they do not run behind money and wealth. Those who run behind money may or may not get it, but genuine devotees do not run behind money (kanak) and women (kamini) – rather, money and women run behind them. Devotees have the Lord. By seeing Him, you will not want to see anything else. He is so beautiful and so merciful that the whole world is mesmerised by it. If you see His beauty, can you ever think that anybody else is beautiful? Krishna's beauty is described as follows:

মধুরং মধুরং বপুরস্য বিভোর্মধুরং মধুরং বদনং মধুরম্ ।
মধুগন্ধি মৃদুস্মিতমেতদহো মধুরং মধুরং মধুরং মধুরম্ ॥

madhuram madhuram vapur asya vibhor
madhuram madhuram vadanam madhuram
madhu-gandhi mrdu-smitam etad aho
madhuram madhuram madhuram madhuram

'Krishna's body is nectarean, nectarean. His face is nectarean, nectarean, nectarean. His sweet smile emanating the fragrance of honey, is nectarean, nectarean, nectarean, nectarean.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, 21.136)

Everything about Krishna is so effulgent. If we can remember these things, if you can practise this line of Sri Rupanuga bhajan, you will not be hampered by anything in this world. People say, 'It is no use taking initiation from this guru because we will not be able to eat meat and fish, we will not be able to do anything – we will not be able to visit our parents and eat nicely with them. Our daughter will get married, and we will not be able to visit her house and eat with her in-laws nicely!' Because of our love for these petty things we lose great things! I am praying to you all: please leave all this and practise Krishna consciousness!


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Size: 22.2 Mb
Length: 43 min
Language: Bengali




1) Spiritual Sincerity and Chastity
2) Half-Hen Ill Logic
3) Purpose of Birth
4) Transform Your Life Inside and Outside
5) Run behind Krishna
6) Power of Kirtan
7) Become a Servant
8) Beg for Spiritual Life




'You can die at any time—are you going to do something after death? Next life? Do something now.'

You must understand what you should do and what you should not do.