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(6) Power of Kirtan His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Think about yourself [your soul]! You only think about this body: How will I live? How will I eat nice things? How will I wear nice clothes? How can I live comfortably? You always think about these things, but you do not think about the Lord. If you see Him, you will not even think of seeing anything or anybody else. If you get Him, you will not need to get anything or anybody else. And you can come to this Lord very quickly. You come to Him very quickly! What does the Lord need? You can see people who worship Kali – what kind of deity do they worship? Your Mother Kali stands naked with a necklace of skulls on her neck, and Sivji Maharaj, her husband, is lying on the ground under her foot! It is impossible to stop her from killing everyone, that is why her husband throws himself before her. Do you like to this kind of form, or do you like to see Krishna's beautiful face when He is playing the flute? Judge for yourself. When Gurudev went for preaching in Kolkata, some householder asked him, 'Why are you all following Chaitanya Mahaprabhu? Why are you wearing tilaks and neckbeads? Why are you serving Chaitanya Mahaprabhu? Why are you not serving Mother Kali?' Gurudev did not say anything in reply and went away. When he later told about it to Srila Swami Maharaj, Srila Swami Maharaj told him about Kali very nicely. I wrote about it in Sri Nabadwip Dham Mahatmya-mukta-mala. I will not read it now here because if I do, you will become ashamed. He exposed Kali worshippers not sparing anyone. You worship and serve Kali or Durga out of fear, but it is not necessary to be scared of Krishna. He holds a flute with such a sweet face that all Vraja-gopis come to see Him. Whatever love and affection you see in this world is nothing. Love and affection are the wealth of the transcendental world. I also tell you again and again what Gurudev said: Through the medium of mobile phones and the internet, you can hear people talking in America. America is on the other side of the world (imagine a globe: India is on top, and South America is right on the other side of the earth, at the bottom of it). It is almost one o'clock in the afternoon now here, but it is twelve o'clock at night there. But despite this great distance, you can pick your mobile phone, call them, and they will immediately take your call. It is possible through the medium of sound. Krishna also has a mobile phone. Our mobile phone numbers have ten digits, but Krishna's number is nine digits. (There are nine kinds of devotional practices, so there are nine digits.) Krishna's mobile phone is His flute. When Krishna plays His flute, everybody can hear it, 'Hey, come here! Where is Kundalata? Where is Visakha? Where is Lalita?' When Krishna makes a call with His flute, everybody comes. He does not even have to call anybody's names – all Vraja-gopis come to His call. Gurudev says that you too have a mobile phone. What phone is it? It is the sound vibration: the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.
হরের্নাম হরের্নাম হরের্নামৈব কেবলম্ ।
harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam 'Chanting the Holy Name, chanting the Holy Name, chanting the Holy Name. There is no other way, no other way, no other way.' (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.7.76) If you chant the Holy Name earnestly, loudly, your kirtan will reach Goloka and the Lord – then the Lord will pull you out of here and bring you to Him! If we can attain this, we will not have to return from there to this world ever again, we will not have to suffer from birth, death, old age and disease. There is such a place. There, if you come to a mango tree and ask it, 'Hey mango tree! Give me a rose apple!' or if you can come to a banana tree and ask it, 'Hey banana tree! Give me a guava!', the tree will give it to you. There are wish-fulfilling trees in that land. There, you do not need to milk cows – you can simply come to a cow with a bucket, and the cow will give you as much milk as you want. Such is Goloka Vrindavan that is situated beyond the Viraja River.
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