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Enter the Land of Faith His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
[His Divine Grace chuckles.] How much people talk. When the Lord takes your mouth away, what will happen then? People talk so much. They asked, "How are you?", "How are you keeping?", but when you die one day, nobody will ask you any more. It is all material talks, about this material world... I am a virakta-sannyasi: when I hear such talks, I become annoyed (virakta). Mahaprabhu was a virakta-sannyasi (a strict sannyasi who gets annoyed at anything that is related to the material world), and I am a virakta-sannyasi too: I do not like all such talks. "Do not talk village talks, do not hear village news. Do not eat fancy food, do not wear fancy clothes. Worship Radha-Krishna in your heart."
গ্রাম্যকথা না শুনিবে, গ্রাম্যবার্ত্তা না কহিবে ।
gramya-katha na sunibe, gramya-varta na kahibe "Do not listen to the mundane talks, do not listen to the mundane news. Do not eat fancy food, do not wear fancy clothes. Do not expect honour to yourself, but offer all respect to others. Always chant the Holy Name of Krsna, and in your mind serve Radha-Krsna." (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Antya-lila, 6.236-237) Criticising others, discussing others, talking about material news... All this is not good:
পরম করুণ পহুঁ দুই জন
parama karuna pahu dui jana Nitai and Gaurachandra are the two most merciful Lords. They are the best, the crest-jewels, of all Avatars and the only source of joy. "Visaya-katha parihari, mukhe bolo gaura hari: Give up taking nonsense, give up material talks, and only say 'Gaura Hari!'" Leave material talks. Srimad Bhagavad-gita says (15.6), "Yad gatva na nivartante, tad dhama paramam mama. If you enter that place, you will not have to ever come back from there. You will be very pleased to be there." Once you enter there, you will not have to come back, but the main thing is how do you enter there? Guru Maharaj about the people of this world: we dilute rice powder in water and drink it, thinking it is milk. Do you think you can get the benefit of milk in this way? "Srnvantu visve amrtasya putra. You are all sons of nectar!" Those who are not satisfied with this world become renounced and try to attain liberation. We have many things in this world, but there is no happiness, is there? We try to practise sadhu-sanga, and when, in this good association, we develop a proper mood, we will have to enter the land of faith: when you practise, you must have faith. Just as when students study, they must have faith; if they have no faith in their teacher, they will not be able to learn anything. It is necessary to have faith, "What my teacher is saying is correct." If you doubt, "Is it true or not?" you will not be able to learn like this. Therefore, faith is the main thing for us.
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