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Sri Nityananda Prabhu's Glory (1)

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham, 23 February 2021, part 9
Translated from Bengali


A low and fallen soul such as myself is not capable of glorifying Sri Nityananda Prabhu; however, if Gurudev and Nityananda Prabhu give their mercy and say something through my mouth, then only can it be possible.

মূকং করোতি বাচালং পঙ্গুং লঙ্ঘয়তে গিরিম্ ।
যৎকৃপা তমহং বন্দে শ্রীগুরুং দীনতারণম্ ॥

mukam karoti vachalam pangum langhayate girim
yat krpa tam aham vande sri-gurum dina-taranam

"The dumb can speak, the lame can climb a hill—all it takes is mercy from Gurudev."

(Bhavartha Dipika)

First of all, I am offering my full obeisance at the holy lotus feet of Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, begging him for his causeless mercy, after that I am offering my obeisance to all Guru-varga, to all my God-brothers and sisters, to all the listeners, to all the motherly lady devotees, to all devotees, and I am praying to you all for your mercy to this low soul.

I have told something something about the glory of Nityananda Prabhu at the beginning of the class, I told you how He bestowed His mercy on Srila Raghunath Das Goswami, Sri Sivananda Sen.

জয় রূপ সনাতন ভট্ট রঘুনাথ ।
শ্রীজীব গোপালভট্ট দাস রঘুনাথ ॥

jaya rupa sanatana bhatta raghunatha
sri-jiva gopala-bhatta dasa raghunatha

"All glory to Sri Rupa, Sanatan, Raghunath Bhatta, Sri Jiva, Gopal Bhatta, and Raghunath Das!"

Srila Raghunath Das Goswami is one of the famous six goswamis. He spent his last years at Radha Kunda, his bhajan kutir and samadhi are there. Many of you have been there and have got a chance to take the darshan of that place. Radha Kunda is situated at Govardhan. He lives on the bank of Radha Kunda. Long before that, he lived here in Bengal.

There were two brothers, Hiranya and Govardhan. Srila Raghunath Das Goswami was Govardhan's son, and he was the only son in the family. When Mahaprabhu took sannyas and stayed at the house of Sri Advaita Acharya for ten-twelve days, He bestowed His mercy on Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Prabhu, who was just five years old at that time. Since that time, Sri Das Goswami Prabhu became indifferent towards this material world, he had no attachment to the material world. Leaving everything, he went to Mahaprabhu, but Mahaprabhu sent him back again and again, and his parents also would come to bring him back. In the end, his parents kept eleven bodyguards to make sure that he would not run away. Somebody always stayed with Srila Raghunath Das Goswami. Mahaprabhu Himself also told him, "Do not become crazy, go back to your home! Do not show monkey renunciation to impress others. Live comfortably, but without attachment."

মর্কট-বৈরাগ্য না কর লোক দেখাঞা ।
যথাযোগ্য বিষয় ভুঞ্জ' অনাসক্ত হঞা ॥

markata-vairagya na kara loka dekhana
yatha-yogya visaya bhunja' anasakta hana

"Do not show your false renunciation to people. Serve accepting material things, but without attachment."

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, 16.238)

Mahaprabhu told Srila Raghunath Das Goswami, "Practise Krishna consciousness and be detached." That is why, genuine sadhus have no attachment. You see all these great temples, buildings, guesthouses—so many things have been made—but I have no attachment. I have made it, and I will go. I do not even go to the buildings. We have built another floor above the nat mandir—once the construction finished, I checked it and after that I never go there. I am not attached to these things, I do not even think about all this. I told devotees to clean it and maintain it. It is good to clean. You must keep yourself in cleanness. Mahaprabhu Himself cleaned Gundicha Temple and took out all the dust. He swept and wiped the temple with His own hand. Why did Mahaprabhu bestow His mercy on the King Prataparudra in Puri Dham? King Prataparudra did the smallest service—he swept the street knowing that Vaishnavs and Mahaprabhu would go down that street....


— : • : —





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