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Please Give These Alms

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Adhivas of Lord Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance, evening class
Sri Ekachakra Dham, 24 February 2021, part 5
Translated from Bengali


Today, by a great fortune we have come here, getting this opportunity to hear and speak something about the Lord. You may have heard when we were singing the kirtans,

কবে শ্রীচৈতন্য মোরে করিবেন দয়া ।
কবে আমি পাইব বৈষ্ণব-পদছায়া ॥

kabe sri chaitanya more karibena daya
kabe ami paiba vaisnava-pada-chhaya

"When will Sri Chaitanya be merciful to me? When will I reach the shade of the Vaishnavs' feet?"

কবে আমি ছাড়িব এ বিষয়াভিমান ।
কবে বিষ্ণুজনে আমি করিব সম্মান ॥

kabe ami chhadiba e visayabhimana
kabe visnu-jane ami kariba sammana

"When will I give up this mundane ego? When will I honour the Lord's devotees?"

"When will I leave this material ego? When will I be able to give honour to the Lord's devotees?" I am praying to you all with folded palms: please do not speak. If you need something, you can leave and come back later. Do not make noise. I am asking you to give your mind, body, heart, everything at the holy feet of the Lord as alms for one-two hours. Please give as alms your mind to the Lord's holy feet. Listen to what we are discussing, and one day, sooner or later, you will get the benefit. One day you will understand the result. We will leave this body and go away one day, and nobody knows what will be our situation then. However, we have come to the holy abode of Nitai now by a great fortune. Do you think you can see this holy dham with these eyes? These eyes are covered by illusory environment. Our consciousness is covered by illusory environment, but Gurudev and Vaishnavs mercifully give us an opportunity to hear and speak about the Lord.

We listen to all sorts of bad talks the whole day, and if we do not like to hear kirtan, if we feel no taste, then you must think why it is so. If you eat something when you have fever, you will not like the taste. In the same way, if you are sick, as long as you have pancha-roga (avidya, asmita, raga, dvesa, abhinivesa; ignorance, false identification, misdirected love, aversion to anything that goes against one's enjoyment, being unable to give up unfavourable habits), when there is kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada, matsarya (lust, anger, greed, illusion, madness, envy), rupa, rasa, gandha, sabda, sparsa (desire for enjoyment through eyes, tongue, nose, ears, and skin), you will not like to hear all these holy talks. Actually, only intimate devotees of the Lord are qualified (have the right) to hear these talks...

So, you have got this opportunity today. I have been telling you about Sriman Nityananda Prabhu for two days already. Sriman Nityananda Prabhu performed His childhood pastimes at this place. He also performed His pastimes in Nabadwip, He also went to Puri with Mahaprabhu and performed His pastimes there too. In Nabadwip, He lived at the house of Srivas Pandit, you know it. He went to the house of Sri Gauri Das Pandit in Kalna. The Deities of Gaura Nitai are still there to this day. Everybody calls it "Mahaprabhu's house." Nityananda Prabhu went there with Mahaprabhu. There lived also the brother of Sri Gauri Das Pandit, Surya Das Sarkhel, who had two daughters, Jahnava Devi and Vasudha. Nityananda Prabhu took them as His two saktis...

It is impossible for fallen, lowly souls, such as myself, to utter anything about the glories of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, but if Gurudev bestows his mercy, then only can it be possible. I have heard something from Gurudev's holy mouth, I have read what Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami described, what Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur described, what Srila Lochan Das Thakur described, what Srila Narottam Das Thakur described. These are very beautiful things. Sri Advaita Prabhu also composed a poem in glorification of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sriman Mahaprabhu Himself also glorified Sri Nityananda Prabhu saying to the extent,

মদিরা যবনী যাদি নিত্যানন্দ ধরে ।
তথাপি ব্রহ্মার বন্দ্য কহিল তোমারে ॥

madira yavani yadi nityananda dhare
tathapi brahmara vandya kahila tomare

"Even if Nityananda Prabhu takes a drunk lady by Her hand, He is always worshippable even for Lord Brahma."

Mahaprabhu said, "Even if Nityananda Prabhu comes holding a drunk Muslim woman, Brahma will pay his obeisance to Him."

Sri Nityananda Prabhu is avadhut, He has no external consciousness. You know that Mahaprabhu lost His elder brother, and Sri Nityananda Prabhu performed His pastimes in such a way that Sri Sachi Mata affectionally saw Him as a little boy. Sri Nityananda Prabhu sometimes wore yellows clothes, sometimes blue, sometimes red; He sometimes wore a garland on His wrist, sometimes earrings in His ears; He sometimes wore garlands on His neck.

This Sri Nityananda Prabhu appeared in this land in the family of Sri Hadai Pandit and Sri Padmavati Devi and performed His childhood pastimes right in the nearby fields. He played at the Jahnu Kunda. The temple in the pond is not unmanifest, but Sri Nityananda Prabhu would play there. Later, He travelled to various holy places together with Sri Madhavendra Puri—He took darshan of Ksir-chora Gopinath, Saksi Gopal, and then received the darshan of Mahaprabhu. Later, Sri Nityananda Prabhu circumambulated Sri Nabadwip Dham with Sri Jiva Goswami Prabhu, you know about that. You can read about in the book Sri Nabadwip Dham Mahatmya-mukta-mala...


— : • : —





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'If you think that everything is for Guru, pratistha will not be able to disturb you.'


Ye anila prema-dhana
'Not finding the association of Sri Gauranga, who performed His Pastimes with all these associates, Narottam Das weeps.'
যে আনিল প্রেমধন

You may lose your friend if they fail in Krishna consciousness in that class, but you must
always increase your spiritual life, and you will get new friends in your spiritual life.